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年终总结英文范文大全 第1篇


What was the most significant storyline of ?

Mark Whitehead: Amid the Japanese tsunami and its commercial aftershocks, the New Zealand earthquake, squabbles with the Transportation Security Administration over deadlines to meet their heightened security requirements and the ongoing saga of surcharges, the dominant storyline for us in 2011 was falling tonnages on major routes — particularly those out of Hong Kong.

But we are not convinced that this swath of negative coverage is really justified — we feel there have been too many comparisons to , leading to the impression that 2011 has turned out to be much worse than it should. In Hactl’s own case, we could fall farther and yet still beat our previous peak of , which would be no small achievement.

2010 was a post-recession bounce fueled by global restocking, so it was always going to be hard to beat. But many in the air cargo industry thought 2010 was a sign of even better things to come and budgeted for incremental growth in 2011. They now have a major problem.

Ram Menen: The market slowdown is, obviously, the topic that has dominated the industry. But what is most remarkable about 2011 is the number and diversity of factors that contributed to the slowdown. Natural disasters, such as the tsunami in Japan and the Thai floods, were major events that not only impacted exports and imports in those countries directly, but also hit global supply chains. Production lines in factories were halted due to the sudden shortage of vital components.

Economic instability has also been a significant issue, with the various crises across Europe and the politicalization of the deficit ceiling in the . all rocking consumer confidence. We also can’t forget the sustained high cost of fuel, which is an ongoing challenge for the air cargo industry. On the plus side, it was good to see the Boeing 747-8F enter service, while the Arab Spring heralds a new beginning for many businesses in the region and will stimulate international trade.

What lessons have you learned in 2011 that will help you have a successful ?

Menen: You can never trust forecasts. Old rules don’t apply, and the new rules haven’t been written. The industry is becoming less predictable every year, with more and more challenges arising. Of course, the price of oil is always something we have to contend with, but, worryingly, natural disasters seem to be happening at a more frequent rate, while increasingly more national economies are struggling. We are continually learning, and every challenge helps us become better prepared to manage whatever new challenges 2012 brings.

Whitehead: As a relative newcomer to this industry (I became Hactl’s managing director in September 2010), but a long-term observer of others while working at a senior level, I have quickly learned how sensitive air cargo is to the health of the global economy and how reactive it is to consumer demand.

Air cargo is a business that can boom in response to the release of a single, new piece of consumer technology (, the iPhone 4, the latest Playstation or the Kindle) or crash because fears of defaults in one small economy have threatened to upset the currency of 16 others. I now realize that the major strength of air cargo — its ability to respond to sudden changes in consumer demand — is also its major weakness.

I’m developing the view that any prediction in air cargo is pointless if it’s based only on a recent or short-lived trend (like the one displayed in 2010), rather than the extrapolation of a long-term picture that has been proven right by history. You could say that this risks missing the next major opportunity, but I don’t think so. It avoids the equally serious risk of assuming lots of additional overhead that could quickly become a millstone if predictions fall short.

年终总结英文范文大全 第2篇







年终总结英文范文大全 第3篇

learning summary

a month had gone, but i felt that my gains were very little.

in this month, i read some documents whose topics were labor relations, i found that a lot of were very similar, and some of them were so difficult that i could not understand them. at present, the labor relations in our country is not very harmonious, especially when the contract law had changed.  i think the main problems the about labor relations are as follows: firstly, it is that the quality and legal awareness of the bosses and staffs were not very high, because of these a lot of disputes had happened. secondly, the laws in our country were not overall, as a result, the numbers of the contradictions were increased. thirdly, the government did not respect for the law enforcement, in some provinces, the government did not given the enterprises who had did some wrong things in order to their rapid economic development. i will spend a lot of time on them next month.

in this month, i got up at 6:40am and read english about an hour every morning. besides this,       i spent more than an hour on listening to the new concept english .my english is very poor, i hope that i can improve my oral and listening english according to these.

at last, i think that i have not found a correct way to carry out my study, i must change this situation timely.

年终总结英文范文大全 第4篇



名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类:

1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。

2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。

3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。

4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。








This is a desk .


There is an orange on the table .


an orange 一个橘子

an new orange (×) → a new orange (○)


a desk

a old desk (×) → an old desk (○)



a加在以辅音开头的名词前,如a book,a pen。

an加在以元音开头的名词前,如an egg,an apple。

有时a,an后面紧接的不是单数名词,而是a (an) +形容词+单数名词的形式。这时判断用a还是an来表示“一个”的概念时,要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词。















③某些外来词变复数时词尾加s,eg. piano—pianos





——wives,leaf leaves,half——halves,knife—knives,thief——thieves(res读音为[vz]

(注意:roof的复数为roofs; scarf的复数为scarfs/scarves)


——men,woman——women,policeman——policemen,Englishman——Englishmen,Frenchman——Frenchmen, foot——feet, tooth——teeth, child——children,mouse—mice,Ox—Oxen(公牛)

请区别:German(德国人)—Germans (3)child—children


li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin


a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


This is a fish.

These are fish.


There is much fish on the plate.




a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。

b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。

“The Arabian Nights” is a very interesting story-book.




apple tree,five apple trees,a girl friend,two girl friends,a twin sister


men teachers,three women doctors


room Of students,two boxes Of pencils


1) 修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of

2) 饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of?

3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of



(2)表不定数量时,一般用much,(a)little,a lot of/lots of,some,any等词修饰。

eg,much money,a little bread

(3)常用a piece of,a cup of等来表示不可数名词的量。如要表达“两片面包”这样的意义,bread仍为不可数名词,不加s,而piece则可加s。即:twopiecesof bread

a piece of news 一条新闻

a piece of paper 一张纸

a piece of work 一项工作


a cup of tea 一杯茶

a glass of water 一杯水

a bottle of orange 一瓶橘汁

a piece of paper 一张纸

a slice of bread 一片面包


two cups of tea


four pieces of paper


three glasses of water



bag Of rice,two glasses Of milk,four bottles Of water

5.不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数。如:Some bread__________over there.(be)


eg: fruit水果——fruits表示不同种类的水果;food食物——foods各种食品;fish鱼——fishes鱼的种类;drink饮料、酒——a drink一杯/一份饮料、一杯酒; cloth布——,a cloth桌布、抹布; sand沙——sands沙滩; tea茶——a tea一杯茶;chicken鸡肉——a chicken小鸡;orange橘汁——an orange橘子; glass玻璃——a glass玻璃杯,glasses眼镜; paper纸——a paper试卷、论文;wood木头——a wood小森林;room空间、余地——a room房间


(1) 有生命的名词所有格以及表示时间、距离、城镇、国家等的名词所有格。

Beijing's street 北京的街道

today's newspaper 今天的报纸

ten minutes' walk 十分钟的路程


’s watch;Women’s Day




and Mike’s room汤姆和迈克的房间(表示汤姆和迈克共有一间房)


’s and Jenny’s bikes玛丽和詹妮的自行车(表示玛丽和詹妮各自的'自行车)


John s bike is better than Mike's .


5.在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店。


map Of China,the beginning Of this game,the door Of the room



boy’s name=the name Of the boy(男孩的名字)

the dog’s legs=the legs of the dog(狗的腿)

China’s population=the population Of China(中国的人口)

China’s capital=the capital of China(中国的首都)


fiend of my mother’s我妈妈的一个朋友

a picture of Tom’s汤姆的一张图片


1)Help yourself to _________.

A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken

答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数)

2)________ it is today!

A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather

C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather

答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.)

3) Which is the way to the __________?

A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory

答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.)

4) This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.

A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying

答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当 “人”讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等)



顾名思义,名词指的是表示事物名称的词,分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词包括人名、地名、时间名、报刊名、单位团地名等专有的名称,第一个字母大写,例如Lily,China,Sunday,The Times,Class One等。普通名词分为可数和不可数名词。可数名词表示一个的时候用单数形式,即原形,如a box. 表示一个以上用复数形式,如two boxes. 不可数名词一般没有复数形式,表示数量时要借助于a piece of,a glass of,a cup of等短语,如two pieces of paper.

另外,名词中还涉及到名词所有格问题。名词所有格表示名词之间的所有关系。有两种表示形式:一种是's所有格,常表示有生命的事物,如Ann's book; 另一种是of所有格,常表示无生命的事物,如the door of the room.。


1. 可数名词复数的规则变化:一般情况下在词尾加 s.如map-maps以字母s,x,ch,sh等结尾的名词加es,如bus-buses,watch-watches以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加es.例词:country-countries以 f/fe一般变 f/fe为v 加es,例词:leaf-leaves,thief-thieves以 o结尾的名词加s或es.对于初中阶段,以 o结尾的表示有生命的名词加es,如 tomato-tomatoes;以 o结尾的表示无生命的名词加s ,如zoo-zoos.

2. 可数名词复数的不规则变化:常见的不规则变化名词有man-men,woman-women,child-children,ox-oxengoose-geese,tooth-teeth,foot-feet,penny-pence,mouse-miceChinese-Chinese等。

3. 以s结尾的名词复数,变所有格时在s后加“' ”,不以s 结尾的名词复数,在词尾加“'s”。







典型例题1:The doctor saved three _____ lives yesterday……

's B. children' C. child D. child's

解析:本题考查名词复数及所有格的用法。题中three决定了后面要用复数children,而children和lives 又构成所有关系“三个孩子的生命”,并且children不是以s结尾的名词复数,所以用child的复数所有格children's.答案:A

典型例题2:-Would you like some drinks,boys ?

-Yes ,__________,please.

oranges boxes of oranges C. some cakes boxes of orange




年终总结英文范文大全 第5篇





















年终总结英文范文大全 第6篇

A month had gone, but i felt that my gains were very little.

In this month, i read some documents whose topics were labor relations, i found that a lot of were very similar, and some of them were so difficult that i could not understand them. at present, the labor relations in our country is not very harmonious, especially when the contract law had changed.? i think the main problems the about labor relations are as follows: firstly, it is that the quality and legal awareness of the bosses and staffs were not very high, because of these a lot of disputes had happened. secondly, the laws in our country were not overall, as a result, the numbers of the contradictions were increased. thirdly, the government did not respect for the law enforcement, in some provinces, the government did not given the enterprises who had did some wrong things in order to their rapid economic development. i will spend a lot of time on them next month.

In this month, i got up at 6:40am and read english about an hour every morning. besides this,?????? i spent more than an hour on listening to the new concept english .my english is very poor, i hope that i can improve my oral and listening english according to these.

At last, i think that i have not found a correct way to carry out my study, i must change this situation timely.

年终总结英文范文大全 第7篇


I learned a lot from this simulated international conference on academic exchange , also we have some shortcomings.

At first, about the title of the graduate education reform , we choose the topic is the graduate tutor system reform.

Although the subject is good, the scope is too large, and two knotespeakers have on their own topic.

In addition, about the content of the international conference, without the whole meeting schedule, in other words, without a meeting outline, so made our conference process is not perfect.

At last but the least , about the simulation fidelity, if we pay more attention on the appearance, speech words,then the simulation can be called perfect.

年终总结英文范文大全 第8篇














年终总结英文范文大全 第9篇

Company achieved:

Shipped more than 7 million card to Customer

Revenue: million US dollars

100% On time delivery

Meet Quality target

Implementation 6 Sigma program

HQ auditor Review

In terms of productivity have excelled daily production rate to over six thousand per line per day.

Bring new customer to Company

Inventory turnover more then 100

Implementation of Peoplesoft system

Finance function mission is to provide high quality Finance service and support/control to satisfy Company’s business needs at low cost.

Finance department achieved

1, Build a strong team to provide Finance service to satisfy company rapidly expending...

2, Set up/Improvement the Finance operation process and be educated to follow process

3,Run SAP smoothly

4, Keep a good relationship with Key Customer Finance team

5, Collection A/R and release A/P accurately and timeliness/Loan Free

6, Build/Keep a good relationship with Tax bureau, SAFE...

7, Pass HQ review

Finance Manager

1, Have demonstrated balanced performance in Finance process set up/Improvement and Finance team management.

3, Spent extra efforts in providing backlog support to Finance team re-organization

4, Take the lead in XingWang program Finance/Tax/Foreign exchange process set up,

5, Take lead to established Housing fund and Tax process improvement ......

7, Provide the consulting advice for Dividend payment

Outstanding Performance

Finance Team reorganization and Process improvement

1, Process Improvement and Team work orient to provide good Finance service to satisfy Company rapidly increasing business

2, Help to reorganized Finance team

3, Educate Finance team of new China Accounting regulation and HQ process/ Guidelines/Audit program/ SACA Checklist measurement item


1, Continue to Get tax bureau approve use special policy in materials (parts purchased in China for Export products) input VAT treatment, saving VAT XXX M USD

2, Build a good relationship and keep a good communication channel with Tax authorities

3, Apply Royalty Tax withholding handling charge XXX RMB

4, Line attrition material VAT save XXX M USD

Build a Very good relationship with Customer

1, Set up regular meeting with Customer Finance team

2, Build a good relationship with Customer Management team and can find source to help/benifit Company

3, Experience share with Customer Finance team in expense control/cost reduction/cash management/people management...

4, Collect AR (xxxM USD) ahead of schedule from Customer to solve Cash shortage in Feb and Dec.

People soft Salary module Implementation

1, Balance the resource to support People soft project

2, Update Payroll process

3, Parrell run

4, Take lead to established Housing fund

Provide finance Report to HQ timely

1, Provide the Financial report to HQ on time, no delay

2, Provide the report integrity , no adjustment

3, Pass PwC Financial report audit, no adjustment

4, Dividend payment

Business Control audit and review

1, Pass HQ Auditor review in Mar

2, Support/Consulting pass People soft ASCA and ISC Corporation audit in

Expense control/Cost Reduction

1, Initiate / Introduce Cost reduction program from Jan 2010

2, Educate employee conduct business in a low cost & economic way

3, Take lead to control the expense...

年终总结英文范文大全 第10篇


Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

【1】Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.

This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

In addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent these problems.

【2】Annual Traffic & Sales Review

Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews.

When you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes.

【3】Keyword Glossaries

Often overlooked arepanys localization glossaries. These are master lists of word pairs that are used in machine translation and translation management tools.

Throughout the year, you may have done a lot of keyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which have more demand or better match searchers intent.

If any new products were added this year, they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated.

【4】Site-Wide Diagnostics

Due the holidays at the end of the year, your workload may decrease giving time to review and clean up many of themon errors that accumulate in Google and Bing Webmaster tools.

【5】New Year/New Tactics Lunch & Learn

Schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to them on any new techniques and updates like avoiding Panda penalties. It is often good to any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be aware of.

【6】End Of Life Products

Especially if you managing search for a largepany you should meet with the product teams to identify products that are no longer sold. It ismon in largerpanies and especially in consumer electronics that as product reach their “end of life” for marketing they are removed from the site.

While they are no longer sold, they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts, services and hopefully upgrades. You can create a hybrid page that represents these options for consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those still interested in your products.

Any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter. It will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or agency budgets for specific roles.

Most importantly, you should have a good idea of the overall progress and what opportunities you have for improvement in the new year.



