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三一口语五级自选话题范文 第1篇

(实际上是Part 2,3 的合并分享)因为我们都知道口语2,3部分是息息相关密不可分的,所以下面会引进一个新的 part 2 话题,连带着 3 一起分析哦!

【Part2 话题——分享】:

Describe a time when you shared something with others (or another person)

【话题分析】:这道题难度适中,非常贴近生活。提起分享,对于我们中国鸭鸭们简直是从小耳濡目染,作为礼仪之邦有着 3000 年的文化历史,从小时候就开始学习孔融让梨的故事!所以大家这时候脑袋里一定有很多思路!因为我们从小到大一定和别人分享过各种各样的东西。可以是小到一本书,也可以是大到花费心血做出来的成果。例如发明、创意等。当然也可以是实物,理由合理即可。

You should say:

【What you shared?】:明确说出你向对方分享了什么?可以是实物也可以是虚拟的。

【Who you shared with?】:你分享的对象是谁?可以是家人、朋友、甚至可以是陌生人。

【Why you shared it?】:简单阐述分享它的原因,理由合理即可。

【And explain how you felt about sharing it】:最后具体地阐述一下分享的感受,可以是收获颇多,也可以释放压力等,理由合理即可。

【Do you like to share?】:

Yes, I really enjoy sharing. Whenever I see breath-taking scenery I will always take a picture and post it on social media, it makes me feel so great when others also like the photos I take. And there are also circumstances that I find something delicious and I will share it with my best friend, after all we have similar taste, so she will definitely like the food I like.

【What are the consequences if children don't like to share?】:

Toddlers have not yet developed empathy and cannot see things from another child's perspective. Forcing your child to share does not teach the social skills that we want toddlers to learn; instead, it may send many messages we don't want to send, and may actually increase how often our toddlers throw a tantrum.

【How do you feel about sharing accommodation with others on campus?】:

You will form close and long-lasting friendships with those you share with, giving you your very own community at university. The bond you get from sharing a room with someone and spending time together every day is a strong one, and means you'll become friends quickly and for a long time.

【How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?】:

Talk about why sharing is good for your child and others. Point out good sharing in you see your child trying to share or take turns, give your child plenty of praise and attention. Play games with your child that involve sharing and turn-taking.

大家在 part 3 也要记得平时就多多积累有关于题库的词汇,这样到考试的时候才能熟能生巧脱口而出,精准的使用出来哟!

三一口语五级自选话题范文 第2篇


Part 1 最简单的口语部分也没有给考官留下好印象。因此,我接下来会和大家分享Part 1中可以实际用到的素材,帮助大家拓展话题词,熟悉语料。

举个最家常的例子—— Meals 一日三餐。【与 Meal 相关雅思口语相关话题】:

(1)What kinds of meals do you like?

(2)Do you often dinner with your family or friends?

(3)When do you usually eat dinner?

(4)Are there any fruits or vegetables you don't like? Why?

(5)And what is your favourite cuisine?

(6)What kinds of meals do you like?

(7)Do you often dinner with your family or friends?

(8)When do you usually eat dinner?

(9)Are there any fruits or vegetables you don't like? Why?

(10)And what is your favourite cuisine?

Oh,l adore different meat plates...My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops... However, I don't like to cook...That’s why l often eat ready meals and take-aways. Well, I try to dinner with my family as often as possible...Unfortunately don't have enough time for such dinners due to my busy schedule...I usually have main meal at about 4 ’m starving hungry by then and sometimes overeat myself...

Yes, there are... I'm not a fussy eater, but l really hate onion sand seafood...I try to avoid meals that might contain these products...Well love French cuisine for its versatility and flavorful ingredients.... French cuisine has a variety of dishes, starting from their famous onion soup and ending with cheese fondue... Also, it rarely uses artificial ingredients or flavors.

楼主在此为大家整理了一份最新的 part 1、2、和3的话题,含泪总结,一定要点赞哟,并附上了高分例子的答案—— Dreams

三一口语五级自选话题范文 第3篇

Part 2 属于话题陈述(Topics)通常以话题卡的形式,给考生一个话题进行一分钟思考,两分钟陈述。这一环节属于自己即兴发挥的环节,因此需要注意的是:

下面我将以 part 2的一个典型话题作为例子,告诉大家从哪方面讲述描述自己想表达的。(想要完整版part 2和 part 3话题的朋友,文末会分享哟)

You should say:

◆ Who he or she is?

◆ How you know this person?

◆ What he or she is like?

◆ And explain why you respect him or her?

题目要求去描述一位你尊敬的长辈,可以寻找自己身边的亲人、老师、邻居,甚至是一个著名的公众人物、街边一个路人。用一两件事情去体现这个人的可敬之处。原因可以是因为他/她:wise, hardworking, supportive, understanding, patient, kind, helpful, energetic, etc.

【高分口语范文】:Sample Answer 高分答案

Well, if you ask me to introduce someone old whom I admire, I’ve got a myriad of amazing people that I can talk about! I genuinely enjoy hanging out with older people - they are kind, patient, understanding, supportive and wise. Being with them is like being with a book: I can always learn something different, and have my questions answered or problems solved. But if I need to pick someone that I respect the most, it would be a friend who qualifies as being old but is truthfully young at heart.

I met Tom at a social event when we both worked in New York. Not only did we both work in the same industry, our firms were also across from each other. He was in his 50 s, polished, tanned, smart and full of energy. He usually got out of work at 6pm sharp while I needed to stay late for my job. When I said late, I meant 10 pm late. He often joked that he left work earlier than me because he was way smarter so that he could leave when market closed. Well, I respected that but it wasn’t anything special - smart people were literally everywhere. I also knew Tom had everything he needed in life at that point: a well-paid job, a beautiful apartment and two cars! More annoyingly, his job was so stable that he didn’t even need to try hard at all.

三一口语五级自选话题范文 第4篇


首先你要快速反应。如,考官问:Do you like sports?你如果回答很慢,他会觉得你在大脑里先把题目翻译了一遍,然后再把答案翻译一下。那就不够流利了哦。


对于反应速度,建议大家积累词汇,并且建议按照题库去准备,每个话题补充 5 个左右的短语,甚至是含有这个短语的句子,这些短语和句子可以选择接近自己真实观点的,或者是好记的。

句子之间是有连贯性的,而不是单纯堆起起来。比如:I like Muzi Li. Muzi Li is handsome. I wanna be his girlfriend. 你即使完全没有停顿,那也不叫流利,只能说像小孩学说话一样蹦词。因为它们之间确实只是简单的蹦句子。

雅思口语高分选手会说:Well, I really like Muzi Li, seriously, simply because he's quite handsome, especially his sparkling eyes, which are genuinely attractive I think. So, I wanna be his girlfriend, which is not surprising at all. 鸭鸭们会发现其实意思是差不多的。但是一个5分,一个差不多7分哦,因为后者能做到 nice flow .

【使句子更连贯的关键】: 准备一些语料,然后用到不同话题。

比如你准备食物,举个例子来说,我们对于食物这个话题,说烤鸡,这个烤鸡就可以运用到很多话题啊,也就是我们说的串题。比如: food , restaurant。再比如和朋友聚餐,开心的一天,甚至是给别人准备的礼物等话题,哪怕是 movie ,book这样的话题都可以串题的。

大家特别害怕换题季,但其实不用特别担心。虽然雅思口语考试会在每年1月、5月和9月更新口语题库 ,但是如果根据当季的口语题库和考题回忆认真练习的话,你有99%的可能在考场遇见题库的口语题,就算碰上换题季,也不用怕啦!!

讲话是有长度的。高冷的孩子在雅思口语考场是没有好果子吃的。如:Do you like listening to music? 然后你说:No, I don't like it. 或者:Why do you dislike it? 你说:It's noisy. 接着后面啥也不说,那么只能欢迎你下次光临雅思考场了。

增加句子长度的关键:那一定就是多多拓展思路,多听别人对于不同话题的观点然后变成自己的,并且进行整理。实在没有思路的可以先写中文,再进中译英的转换(但一定要转换的 native 哦,不可以用中式思路转换)。




