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雅思作文范文2019 第1篇


Young people who are still at school often feel just as much stress as working adults. What are some of the causes of this stress, and how does it affect individual students?

雅思作文话题:年轻人相关 文章 :

★ 雅思写作:高能十大话题题库

★ 雅思作文话题范文分析:反社会行为

★ 雅思写作大作文话题分类汇总

★ 雅思作文话题范文及分析:多元文化

★ 雅思作文范文及分析:多陪家人

★ 雅思写作生活类话题范文汇总

★ 2019雅思写作话题题库总结

★ 雅思写作话题解析:父母和孩子

★ 雅思写作、口语常考话题:“老龄化”相关词汇

★ 雅思写作讨论类话题写作技巧


Some people think that schools should concentrate on academic classes, because they are helpful for future career. But they think music and sports classes are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people think that university students should specialize in one subject, while others think universities should encourage students to learn a rang of subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people think the cheap air flight gives ordinary people more freedom. However, others think the cheap air flight should be banned because it pollutes the air and brings many other problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people think that children should obey rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do, but others think that children controlled too much cannot deal with problems well by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How do old people be encouraged to use this new technology?


Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more about theoretical courses like geography and mathematics. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

雅思作文范文2019 第2篇

Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这次的题目是少见的 动物类 ,但是同学们要将题目着眼于是否保护动物,而不要太纠结于too much, 否则可能会很难下笔或者缺乏思路。

范文 为不同意观点。主旨:虽然动物们是生态系统中很重要的组成部分,但是其他的社会问题更值得我们关注比如贫困与失业。


In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes towards the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife conservation. Some people suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.


Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we known, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance. For instance, the demise of any species will lead to the growth or decline of other species. In some extreme cases, some species may at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans would be affected in the end.


However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals. In current social context, the primary task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line. Only when people are in a good living condition, can they pay attention to other social problems. Besides, technology and education are another two aspects of governments to concern. These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.

然而,我们需要关注更多的问题,而不是保护动物。在当前的社会环境下,首要任务仍然是提高生活水平,因为有许多人生活在贫困线以下。只有当人们处于良好的生活状态时,他们才会注意到其他社会问题。此外,科技和 教育 是政府关注的另两个方面。这两个产业加速了社会的发展,这将为野生动物提供更好的保护。

In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it is better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.


雅思作文范文2019 第3篇

2018年6月30日雅思写作大作文题目:An increasing number of people are changing their careers during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development for society?


在过去,更换一次工作是很难的,多数人都是在一个岗位上工作到退休,但现在刚 毕业 几年的年轻人如果没有换几次工作都会觉得自己吃亏了。那么,这到底是什么原因造成的呢?对于这种原因分析的题目,唐老师建议大家还是从三个层次(即物质层次、心理层次和社会层次)去思考,就容易把思路梳理得比较有条理。就年轻人更换工作而言







Not long ago, most people would choose to stay on the same job for the entire life, but today young people prefer to try different things and hop from one job to another.



(1) 本段直接进入话题,用过去和现在的对比来提出下文讨论的现象:年轻人不停更换工作。

(2) stay on the same job 坚持做同一份工作

(3) hop from one job to another 从一份工作跳到另一份工作


In my view, there mainly are three reasons why young people are doing so. At the most basic level, young people find that frequent job changing can often bring them the pay rise they expect. My friend Edward is a perfect example. As a program designer, he has worked for three different companies in the past five years, and now he earns almost five times as much as he did in the first company. This would not have been possible if he had not been mobile enough. The second reason is that by doing different jobs or careers, young people can increase their work experience and eventually become more versatile. This may give them a competitive edge, especially in today’s job market where an all-round employee is always preferred. Finally, changing jobs frequently nowadays has been made possible by the booming service industry and rapidly developing information technology and transport.

在我看来,年轻人之所以这样做,主要有三个原因。在最基本的层面上,年轻人发现频繁换工作往往会给他们带来期望的加薪。我的朋友爱德华就是个完美的例子。作为一名程序设计师,他在过去五年里为三家不同的公司工作过,现在他的收入几乎是第一家公司的五倍。如果他不是如此频繁地变动,那是不可能的。第二个原因是,通过做不同的工作或职业,年轻人可以增加他们的工作 经验 ,并最终变得更多才多艺。这可能会给他们一个竞争优势,特别是在当今的就业市场上,一个全面的员工总是被青睐的。最后,由于蓬勃发展的服务业和迅速发展的信息技术和运输,如今频繁更换工作已经成为可能。

(1) 本段论述年轻人不停更换工作的三个原因,分别为物质原因(能挣更高工资,举例论证)、心理原因(增加工作经验+结果分析),社会原因(服务业、信息技术和交通的发展)。

(2) at the most basic level 在最基本的层面上

(3) versatile 全能的

(4) give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势

(5) booming 蓬勃发展的


Needless to say, job-hopping may be a bad thing if it is not well-considered. Shifting from job to job may prove to be a waste of time and opportunity since this may easily make a person Jack of all trades and master of none. As we know, the person who can provide the most professional service for the company enjoys the best opportunity of promotion. However, if a person does not find the job he is doing interesting or fulfilling, then his change job could be a win-win strategy both for the companies and employees. For the companies, “new bloods” often mean stronger labor force and vitality of the staff. For the employees, a new job means a new opportunity.



(2)jack of all trades and master of none 什么都会但什么都不专的人

(3)fulfilling 有成就感的


In light of the above discussion, I would conclude that no change of jobs is wasteful as long as it is carefully considered. Holding on to a job that we do not like is a crime against our precious life.



(2)in light of 依据

(3)hold on to... 牢牢抱住;坚持

雅思作文范文2019 第4篇


首先,如果题目background information出现两个对比观点,如果一方观点中有词汇不认识,可通过另一个观点推出该词的大致意思。例如:Some people think students should go to boarding schools instead of living at home. Do you agree or disagree? 此题中,比方说有同学不认识boarding school,那么可以通过live at home推测出其意思,因为,这两者是对立关系,所以,学生住在家里的对立面应该是住在学校里,由此推测boarding school应该是指寄宿学校。

此外,有些生词后面会给出具体的例子,那么我们可以根据例子来推测该词的意思。比方说,In many countries, fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and crude oil are the main source of energy while in some other countries, the use of alternative sources of energy such as wind power and solar energy is increasingly encouraged. To what extent do you think this is a positive development? 很多同学都不认识这个题目中的fossil fuel和alternative sources两个词,但是我们可以发现,这两个词后面都跟了具体的例子,通过分析例子,我们发现他们分别有共性,一种是传统能源而另一种则是清洁能源,故此,推断出这两个词的意思。

但是,如果实在推测不出生词的意思,那么只有避开生词部分,转而讨论另一方面,比如boarding school VS living at home这个话题,如果考生不熟悉boarding school,那大可以转向讨论学生住在家里的好处。

雅思作文范文2019 第5篇



The bars are an illustration of the tonnage of coffee and tea imported to four countries during the year of 2007.

First, the UK and the US stood out (stand out), as their import of tea – 160,000 tons and 110,000 tons respectively – was multiple times of their import of coffee – 20,000 tons and 40,000 tons respectively. Meanwhile, tea imports in these two countries was multiple times of the tea imports in Canada and Germany, which were coincidentally 20,000 tons and 40,000 tons too. Second,Canada and Germany imported more coffee than tea. In Canada,coffee was twice as much as tea, and in Germany, tea was slightly less than coffee.

In addition, it is noticeable that the 160,000 tons of tea imported to the UK was the largest quantity. It is also noteworthy that the UK’s 20,000 tons of imported coffee was the smallest amount.

Overall, the four countries studied differed dramatically in both their tea imports and coffee imports.

雅思作文范文2019 第6篇

growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that animals should be treated in the same way humans are and have similar rights, whereas others think that it is more important to use them as we desire for food and medical research. This essay will discuss both points of view.


With regard to the exploitation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons. Firstly, they think that humans are the most important beings on the planet, and everything must be done to ensure human survival. If this means experimenting on animals so that we can fight and find cures for diseases, then this takes priority over animal suffering. Furthermore, it is believed by some that animals do not feel pain or loss as humans do, so if we have to kill animals for food or other uses, then this is morally acceptable.

雅思作文范文2019 第7篇

There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. What are the causes of this phenomenon? How can we solve this problem? 这是很典型的犯罪类题目,很多烤鸭们看到这个题目很兴奋,因为大部分培训老师都会在课堂上讲到这类犯罪类话题。但是,这个题目还是会有不低的偏题率。首先,由于审题不细致,juvenile(青少年)这个词容易被忽略,因此,写作对象便被扩大成整个社会的犯罪。此外,increasing这个词也很重要,题目中提问的是“为什么会有越来越多的青少年犯罪”,体现了一个犯罪率上升的趋势,而不是单纯的“为什么会有犯罪”。所以,审题时应当注意一些细节信息的表达。

There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? 注意题目中的第一问——这些问题是什么,应当分别从social、medical和technical三个角度分析手机使用带来的问题。但是,很多考生却错误地整体分析手机带来的消极影响,忽略了三个方面的分析。

为了方便广大考生更好的复习,新东方在线雅思频道为大家准备了有关雅思考试 作文 话题:年轻人的内容,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生复习有所帮助。



