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tpo26写作范文 第1篇

Upon graduation, students are making every effort to secure the most lucrative jobs. There are those who are in favor of the idea that choosing jobs different from one’s parents’ jobs has a lot of advantages. I, however, believe that working in the same field as one’s parents guarantees more benefits.

To begin with, doing jobs that are similar to their parents’ jobs makes it possible for children to avoid certain mistakes. Since parents have been doing their jobs for a very long time, they accumulated rich experience regarding how to finish the tasks with higher efficiency and what aspects need to be given special attention to. Therefore, if children choose similar jobs, they are able to learn from the experience of their parents and complete their work without making mistakes. For example, for a dad who is a professor in a university, he can tell his kid that using visual aids will help students understand concepts more comprehensively. In this way, the kid, as a teacher, will not convey abstract concepts by only reading from textbooks. Moreover, for a mom working in marketing, she can inform her child that communication with clients is of great significance. Thus, the kid, if he/she works as a salesperson, knows how to have an effective relationship with customers. Hence, it is finding jobs similar to their parents’ jobs that enables children to stay away from mistakes at work.

Besides, working in the same industry as their parents provides children with opportunities to enlarge their social circle. Staying in the field for a couple of decades, parents already established connections within the field. By introducing their children to these connections, children are able to expand their social network. My friend Emma’s experience can better illustrate this idea. Graduating from college, she took a position in an advertisement company, because her father worked in advertising. Because of his father’s connection in this field, Emma got to know the best advertising designer, who taught her essential skills in designing an appealing piece of advertisement. Also, she was introduced to a prominent marketing director, who shared his experience concerning how to attract customers. On the contrary, without parents’ help, it would take years for one to establish relationship with others. Therefore, only by taking the jobs similar to their parents’ jobs can children enlarge their social circle.

In sum, children are able to benefit more from doing jobs similar to their parents’ jobs. Not only will they avoid making mistakes, but also they can build up effective relationship with more people.

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tpo26写作范文 第2篇

When choosing a life career, the advice of a parent can be quite decisive. Many parents encourage their children to live the life they themselves have only dreamed of, and try a very different job from their own. Nevertheless, in most cases, I believe it would be more beneficial for the child, the parent and the society alike if children followed in the footsteps of their parents when choosing a job.

One of the most obvious reasons is that it paves a more convenient way to success for the children. Children who share similar occupations with their parents can at least inherit the experiences of the parent, which would save them much time and energy along the way. The parents, who have already had decades of trial and failure in the field, would have a clear idea of what kind of knowledge and quality is required for the job. In that case, they would be able to better prepare the children for the job, and give them helpful suggestions along their career development. Moreover, experience is not the only thing children can inherit from their parents. A businessman can provide his son a shortcut to success by leaving him an already well-run company, and a politician can leave his children the connections they would need in order to win sufficient support.

Another thing is that a similar career is likely to strengthen the parent-child bond. In such a fast-paced modernized world, parents often complain that they are losing their child to busy schedules and a digital social world they feel distant from. But generation gaps are easily bridged when parents can often exchange career ideas with their children. However different the lifestyles of two generations may be, the questions they have to face in a similar job can always be a good topic of conversation. Personally, I feel closest to my grandfather when he shares with me his

frustrations and wisdoms of reporting for a national newspaper before he retired, because I may come across similar challenges in my pursuit of a degree in journalism. He is the first person I turn to whenever I need professional guidance, and I feel like I can always trust him and count on him. It should work the same for most parent-and-child relationships. As a career mentor, a parent can bond with the child in more profound ways.

Last but not least, to choose a similar job as the parent is actually a conservation of social resources. As the parent can act as a career mentor for the child, the time and energy spent preparing the novice outside the home can be spared. People would go into the workforce with a rather comprehensive idea of what to expect, and start putting their knowledge and talent into rightful use as soon as possible.

Given the three reasons I just illustrated, it can be a smart decision if children choose similar jobs as their parents. It would benefit their personal success, their family relationships, as well as the efficacy of the society.



tpo26写作范文 第3篇

The reading passage suggests that people cannot stop the spread of zebra mussels and there will be threat to fish population. However, in the lecture, the professor argues that there are ways to control the population of zebra mussels and the threat brought is not clear.

First of all, the professor argues against the reading’s statement that the history of the spread of zebra mussels by human transportation makes the increase of their number unstoppable. The professor supports this idea by pointing out that this might be true in the past when people did not have knowledge about how to control zebra mussel population. Now there are effective ways to stop the spread. The professor explains that zebra mussels travel in fresh ballast water in the ship from Europe and the water is emptied out in North America. In order to control the spread, the ship can empty the water while it is still in the ocean and fill the ship with ocean water, and as a result, the salt water will kill the mussels.

Besides, the reading claims that zebra mussels are able to dominate a new habitat once they are introduced. On the contrary, the professor points out that in the beginning, zebra mussels might not have predators. However, the birds will notice that there is a new source of food available, and they will switch from whatever they were eating to eating zebra mussels. Moreover, the birds are able to eat a lot of zebra mussels. Therefore, it is unlikely that zebra mussels will dominate the new habitat.

Finally, the reading passage demonstrates that the spread of zebra mussels will lead to the decrease of the number of fish. The lecture, however, asserts while zebra mussels may exert negative influences on some of the freshwater fish species, they have positive impacts on other fish. For example, they generate nutrition that is eaten by bottom-feeding fish. That is to say, even though the population of plankton-eating fish will decrease, the number of bottom-feeding fish may increase.



