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英语托福口语话题topic范文 第1篇

The place I would like to visit most is the outer space,the place where most of the physical laws on the earth do not apply. It is interesting to see everything floating in the air. And the term “in the air” should also be modified simply because there is no air anyway. It is interesting to walk the distance in a whole new style. And it is interesting to see the mother planet from a whole new angle. This big blue crystal sphere,from the pictures taken by those astronauts, the sight is marvelous. And I am dying to see this big blue ball in this style. (108)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第2篇

Some other birds have their eyes positioned on each side of the skull in order to avoid predators. Their eyes on both sides help them watch for dangers.

For example, when a duck is eating grass and insects, it is constantly looking out for danger from both sides. If a fox is approaching from either side, the duck will fly and escape. So the placement of ducks' eyes help them avoid predators.

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第3篇

I think one of the most important effects of the internet is that it can help us understand the world better, and communicate with the world in a way that nothing else can achieve. It helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (102)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第4篇

I’d like to talk to Alan Shore from the TV series Boston Legal. He is the kind of person I admire. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. I want to talk to him about how to balance when you want to have principles and yet not bound up by them at the same time. (105)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第5篇

Some birds have eyes that face forward on the skull so that they can clearly see and judge distance. They can focus on things with both eyes and accurately predict height, width and depth.

For example, hawks position their eyes in the front. They have such a good eye sight that they can spot a tiny mouse in a field from high in the sky. When they spot a mouse, they will swoop down and catch it. So the placement of their eyes help them find food.

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第6篇

I want to read biography books, because although we’d love to say that the society is changing and developing, human nature never changes much. And the biography books help me understand the nature behind the more visible events. I may encounter the same problems in the future and I’d like to know how others deal with them. And everyone is trying to present a more glamorous version of the self and it creates lots of illusions. Biography is a kind of way to break down these illusions and offers the truth about humanity. (93)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第7篇

For me I think it is the history. For I am a Chinese and we have so long of it. There simply is too much to remember. And the years, the names, the places, the events all became tangled up once you learn beyond 3 or 4 dynasties and I don’t even remember we have how many of them. But I still think it important because what is going on in this country still bear traces from the past with or without our notice, although we’d like to say that we live in a new China. And I think learning history is a great way to understand this country that I am born into. (114)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第8篇

I enjoy listening to jazz. It is nice and easy to listen to. When you pour yourself a cup of tea in a cozy afternoon and sit in front of the table with a book open, jazz is exactly the kind of music you should be looking for. It tastes good along with the sunshine. All the pressures and troubles seem to disappear after a dose of it. Works are better than drugs. I especially love a Chinese jazz musician called Wang Ruolin. Her version of the jazz is particularly relaxing for me and it is her who makes me fall in love with this type of music. (107)


英语托福口语话题topic范文 第9篇

The most important invention in my life is definitely the computer. I spend almost half of my waking hours on it. Definitely the computer,through the computer I can communicate with the world using the internet. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (105)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第10篇

主题:seed dormant的两个好处

要点1:是让其他动物把它们带到other area,这样避免和parent plants竞争。

例子1:一些bird会把没有扎根的dormant seed带到其他地方,转而去和其他mature plants竞争,没有parents plant,竞争压力小更适合生长。

要点2:可以有更favorable condition,繁衍提高survival的几率。

例子2:比如在沙漠里很多时候dry, seed可以等到下雨有足够的水的时候再开始grow,这样能survive。

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第11篇

逻辑顺序:熟记Task 6中的1+2+2结构。先总结中心句,然后分为几个层次讲,理清每个层次的主要支撑细节是什么。

Task 6因为涉及的是学术类话题,考生必不可少地会听到学术语汇。因此,考生应在平时加强速记练习,遇到生僻不懂的词汇选择用适合自己的速记方式记录下来。实在不懂的单词,通过模仿单词的发音复述即可。


英语托福口语话题topic范文 第12篇

The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. (103

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第13篇

The thing I often take up in my leisure time is surfing the internet. The information on the internet can enable me to understand the world better. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful.(96)

英语托福口语话题topic范文 第14篇







