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外研社杯议论文范文 第1篇

Human Intervention: A Blessing in Disguise

The modernization of life has witnessed profound changes triggered by human intervention, and currently, the natural pattern featuring the survival of the fittest seems to be no longer effective or influential. A relatively wide range of evidence has demonstrated that the evolutionary process of human beings is in abeyance. As a consequence, human intervention has been denounced as an anathema to some individuals. From my stance, nevertheless, plausible as the fact might be, human intervention is by no means definitely lamentable.

There is no denying that human intervention has exerted remarkable impact on human life as well as the biological evolution of human species. On the basis of scientific achievements, the field of healthcare and hygiene has been blessed with laudable progress. Cutting-edge technologies have developed effective vaccines and antibiotics for the general public, but such a pleasant fact shall never be tantamount to the dysfunction of natural selection. Adaptability of human beings is still in action, although it is now working in a different manner. It is universally acknowledged that bacteria may evolve and proliferate prevalently and rapidly. Consequently, it has become pivotal for vaccines and antibiotics to be developed and upgraded on a constant basis so as to provide the general public with the safeguard against the detrimental impact of virus and the reassurance on a healthy life. Human beings, on their side, have to adapt to the medical effect exerted by the vaccines and antibiotics they have received so as to assimilate the dose into a part of their own physical pattern. Such adaptation and assimilation can also be claimed as one of the manners of natural selection.

Technological advances have facilitated transportation to a remarkable extent and offered an increasing number of opportunities for transnational marriage, which means the genes of human beings could be shared on the global scale. Strolling in the streets, children with parents from different nations are easily found. Such a phenomenon testifies to the fact that the prevalent global transportation has taken effect on evolutionary change. But, can it culminate in the halt of the evolutionary change? Certainly not! The chances for adaptability is by no means reduced due to such an ostensible perspective. Genes can be shared free from the limitations of the boundary, but natural selection has seen no end. The posterity of transnational couples may still evolve in accordance with the constantly changing surroundings. Natural selection is in action when some of their features and idiosyncrasies are changed by resorting to proper adaptations to the environment, for instance, the adaptations displayed in their appearance, lifestyle, and intellectual progress. Not only may such easy access to the sharing of genes give rise to improvements in the comprehensive capacity for their offspring, but also it is able to shape greater achievements in a wide range of respects. Indeed, such a phenomenon is conducive to the process of natural selection of human species as a blessing in disguise rather a curse that should be put to an end.

Industrial transformation and the development of artificial intelligence have engendered the automatic operations in factories and offices, human beings are now saddled with fewer manual labor tasks, nevertheless, it is untenable to draw the conclusion that the work of human beings could be literally taken over by such appliance. As is known to all that human operations and monitoring are indispensable for the functions of machines in case of accidental break downs or certain complicated instructions. Furthermore, machines are all researched and developed by humans, so that the ways for the optimization of apparatus should also be done by them. Additionally, individuals have to make proper adjustment to some extent so as to adapt to the functioning ways the equipment. Such adaptability that takes place in the human brains can also serve as an illustration for the natural selection of human species. Consequently, the advances in artificial intelligence and its relevant applications have never impeded the natural selection of human species, rather, they have merely alleviated the burdens shouldered by human beings, so that individuals shall be in a position to adopt greater adaptability to their daily tasks with conspicuous improvements in working efficiency.

Has human intervention really obstructed the evolutionary progress of natural selection? Or rather, it is just a blessing in disguise? I could not agree more with the latter. Under no circumstances could advances in the field of healthcare, transportation and intelligent devices hinder the process of the adaptability to natural selection, instead, such advances serve as trailblazers for new methods of greater adaptability to the constantly changing situation worldwide. Human intervention has facilitate the life of individuals and is in a position to offer marvelous opportunities for more suitable ways of mundane survival as long as the intervention is explored in appropriate ways.

(为真实展示选手赛场上的写作风貌,文章为从iTEST 大学外语测试与训练系统中摘出的原生作品,仅供学习分享使用。)






这篇文章整体 论点鲜明,行文流畅,论证过程逻辑思路清晰,结构层次分明,让人印象深刻,不失为一篇优秀作文。

外研社杯议论文范文 第2篇



我认为此次赛题在本质上依然是探讨 “科技与人类的关系”。尽管题干中存在大量支持虚拟世界的描写,但在落笔时需要 兼顾两方观点,并发现 其内在联系。因此,我的立场是:虚拟现实不会使人们忽视物理现实,反而会增强人们对现实世界的体验和关注。

我通过三段Supporting Paragraphs和一段Refutation依次展开论证:

1. 宏观论证科技进步的历史必然性,指出科技进步的本质是人类智力的进化,列举了科技进步的脚步不曾因反对意见所停止的实例;

2. 例举当代信息科技的广泛性,紧密结合新时代话题,使用了当下最具热度的世界杯中AR技术的应用以及天宫一号直播课的案例;

3. 进一步探讨具体场景下的有益性,说明使用虚拟现实技术正是人类重视现实世界的选择;

4. 驳斥论证让全文合理而不偏激,指出存在虚拟现实上瘾的可能,并顺势提出解决方案。



外研社杯议论文范文 第3篇

Is Real-life Experience Still Important?

With the swift development of digital technology, we are now entering the age of the metaverse. This is a virtual space parallel to but independent of the real world, a space on the internet with its own order and operating rules.

In the metaverse, the boundary between games and reality has been blurred as the maturing of technology clusters has made it possible to create a holographic (全息的) digital world similar to the traditional physical world. For example, with communication technology such as 5G, people can communicate with their families thousands of miles away with no time delay; with the advance of Virtual Reality (VR), one can try on clothes virtually, to see how they look in an online fitting room; with the development of artificial intelligence and robots, people at home can have almost all domestic work done for them; and with the improvements in electronic game technology, players can situate themselves in virtual surroundings exactly as if they were participating in real world activities.

The future has come. The advances in technology have increased our personalized engagement and established connections and interactions between almost everything. As technology enables us to experience the real world without having to leave home, physically experiencing the real world is no longer as important.




