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专八作文追求完美英文范文 第1篇

Some people say that life is in the constant search process, no, you will try to find the lost possession, sometimes you will go to search, desperately search, but you have lost the original. Sometimes, if you do not, look back grey, that person is in the dim light, the omelet is not broken eggs do well, lost will not find people, blind pursuit of perfection, sometimes let the fever of people everywhere Looking back, I also have many people who pursue perfection, but can never be perfect. We always get crystal ss, try all kinds of devices, and finally get pumpkin cars.

We only get crystal ss, not ss. Even if there is a pumpkin car, we will lose crystal ss, and then start to regret and put ourselves in a suitable situation. In fact, no matter what, as long as the spirit pursues Please go and look for it.

Remember: Yes, you will get more if you lose and find the equal sign connected with it. At the same time, you will also lose some. Only these lost things are what you are looking for.

The ladder you get. The bridge of success is lost. It is not necessarily a good thing.

If we are willing to think about the beauty lost, turn around and go straight, can you gain if you lose.



专八作文追求完美英文范文 第2篇

People have been fond of roses since ancient times. In fact, it is said that the floor of Cleopatra palace is covered with delicate rose petals, while the clever Confucius has a library dedicated to how to care for roses. The rose itself is a legend.

It is said that in the Roman Empire, there was a very beautiful girl named Rhodes. Her beauty attracted many enthusiastic pursuers They pursue her unremittingly. In the process of pursuing, Rhodes is forced to avoid her suitors in her friend Diana's temple.

Unfortunately, Diana begins to be jealous. When the suitor breaks her temple door and approaches their lover, rhodans becomes angry, turning rhodans into a rose and turning her suitor into a thorn. In Greek legend, the rose is Yoshi One day, cross found her in the open space of the woods.

She asked Aphrodite for help. She gave her Dionysus, her beautiful goddess, and Dionysus. The God of wine added nectar to her to make her have a sweet fragrance.

The three grace 4 gave her charm, light and joy, and then the West wind and the west wind By blowing away the clouds, Apollo, the sun god, was able to shine and make the flower bloom, so the rose was born and immediately crowned Queen of flowers. The first real native red rose in Europe was slate Red China, which was introduced from China. It grew wild in the mountains.

Rose growers began to use it to breed red roses. Since then, the pursuit of the perfect red rose has always been the Holy Grail of Rosaceae plants. 6.

A fragrant, disease-resistant, durable, enduring, re blooming, perfectly shaped rose, with a clear and vivid red color, has not yet reached absolute perfection. Of course, never has the wife of the British ambassador to Constantinople describe it in a letter: in the middle of the century, No Lovers who are allowed to express their love openly will invent a special rose language as a secret means of communication between them. The letters published after her death have inspired many books about the language of flowers.

Each letter describes the secret information hidden in each flower. A red rose represents the budding desire. An open white rose asks if you will love me.

An open one Red rose means I am full of love and desire, and an open yellow rose asks you not to love me any more.



专八作文追求完美英文范文 第3篇


如何为第一次做任何事做好准备我当时非常紧张,我被车流压得喘不过气来我的驾驶风格表明我不是一个非常自信的司机现在我作为一个司机的经验要丰富得多尽管我仍然不认为自己是一个完美的司机,但我在驾驶方面比我刚起步时自信得多 总的来说,当你追求完美是没有用的第一次做一些事情,你把标准定得太高了,当你不能达到你设定的水平时,你会感觉很糟糕。另外,完美只是拖延的另一种方式,所以追求完美只是浪费时间,你想追求卓越而不是忘记别人的想法,以减轻压力如果你第一次的时候,很多人都不愿意原谅你的车(如果你第一次的时候,别人也不太关心你),发表公开演讲,出去约会等等。第三,关注你自己的表现,而不是其他人,比如,如果你要参加你有史以来第一次马拉松比赛,你的目标就是冲过终点线,不去创造新的世界纪录 第一次做某事你的时间和努力学习尽可能多,你会意识到第二次更容易,因为你已经有一些经验在你的口袋里。




