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2019英语一作文范文 第1篇

1)describe the pictures briefly,

2)interpret the meaning, and

3)give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

Section IV Writing



Dear William,

I am exceedingly delighted to receive your letter in which you inquired something about the “Aiding Rural Primary Schools”. I, as a member of the project, am writing you this letter for the purpose of informing you some of the necessary information.

First and foremost, the theme of the project is to help those rural primary schools in remote areas by arranging some activities, such as sending various kinds of books about different aspects to those lovely students, which can not only broaden their horizon and enrich their life, but also cultivate their ability of thinking and learning independently and critically. In addition, the volunteers should have the character of diligence, coupled with an optimistic and pleasant personality, which will assure them of positive attitude when facing some setbacks during the process of these activities.

If you have any question about this project, please contact me without any hesitation at @.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



As is vividly portrayed in the cartoon, two people are climbing the mountain together. One of them sits on a higher step with his backpack beside his feet and complains, _I'm tired, I don't want to climb anymore._ However, the partner carrying a bag catches up with him and hands him a bottle of water, he says, _Come on, take a break then continue to climb._ Under the picture lies a caption: On the Way.

The impressive drawing has profoundly revealed that the process of our life is just like the mountain-climbing and only by adjusting our own pace and persisting in our goals can we reach a higher life realm——realizing the dreams for which we are always longing. For one thing, all kinds of interference make us give up sticking to dreams. For another, we haven't integrated dreams into our life because of being anxious for success. The most common instance is that when we want to improve our health or obtain a better figure, majority of us may determine to do exercise, but often end in laziness and various excuses.

As the saying goes, the end of man is the beginning of God, only those who do their best can get the favor of heaven and enjoy the joy of victory. It is advisable for us, positive climbers, to view persistence and struggle as a lifestyle. Only by taking these approvals into action can we enjoy the richness and beauty of life.

2019英语一作文范文 第2篇

Dear Professor Smith,

This email comes to you from a student named Li Ming. I am writing this email to you to extend my suggestions and plans on a debate on the theme of city traffic.

The details, such as the topic of it, and my arrangements about this debate can be listed as follows. Initially, as for the topic, we may focus on _Bicycle sharing_. Here are the reasons. On one hand, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient for people to travel, and the price of one trip is very low, which every one can afford. On the other hand, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, and no one can deny the fact that such behaviors is very dangerous. Finally, the debate will discuss whether bicycle sharing is a blessing or a curse. Participants can be divided into two groups to present their views alternatively.

Thank you for reading this email. It is my sincere hope that I could contribute more to this debate. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming







2019英语一作文范文 第3篇

What emerges into our eyes is that there are two young men standing on the stairs of the mountain. The most impressive element is that in the right place crouches a seemingly exhausted adult with a depressed look and a few words,such as “I am tired and I want to give up.”while in the left counterpart stands an energetic adult,who is smiling to his company and passionately encouraging him to continue with the words “Don’t do that and we will reach the end with a simple rest”.

In the real life, there is no one who can achieve the remarkable success in whatever he does without persistence. I can come up with no better illustration than the example of Thomas Edison, a distinguished scientist, who contributes his success to endless pursuing news goals. Just as he puts it, “Without continuous insistence of the conduct of experiments, I will not be so fortunate to have such a successful performance.” Apart from the example of Edison, many other great figures in the history also attributed their success to continuous pursuing something more meaningful in their lives.

Therefore, as a qualified young people living in modern society, I value persistence as a vital principle in my lives and I am determined to insist on this point in daily life and make full use of the positive effect achieved by persistence.



