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雅思写作官方范文 第1篇

Many developed countries spend a large amount of money every year on manufacturing weapons to defend themselves although they are actually not at war.

Why is this the case?

Do you think these countries should spend the money on helping citizens of poor countries?




雅思写作官方范文 第2篇

In some countries, children spend long time studying both in and after school, and have little free time.

What are the positive or negative effects of this phenomenon on children and the society they live in?



雅思写作官方范文 第3篇

Some people believe that a large amount of money should be spent on the protection of wild animals. Others, however, think that it would be better spent on human beings.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



雅思写作官方范文 第4篇

Across the world today, the use of many languages has been declining. Only a few languages have been increasingly used.

Is this a positive or negative development?



雅思写作官方范文 第5篇

Some people think that young people should be free to choose their job. Others, however, believe that they should be realistic and think more about their future.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



雅思写作官方范文 第6篇

In terms of having accommodation, some people want to rent a place while others prefer to buy a place.

Does renting a place bring more advantages than buying a place?



雅思写作官方范文 第7篇

The figures give information about yearly salaries of five employment sectors in Australia in 2006.

The maximum annual salary of salesman is the highest in five sectors and travelling workers’ maximum annual salary is the lowest. The maximum annual salaries of workers in Engineering, IT and Telecommunication, and Education are 145,080, 100,080 and 69,000. The minimum salary of salesman is the lowest and minimum annual salaries of IT and Telecommunication and Engineering are the highest. Workers in Education and travelling sectors receive annual salaries of 33,000 and 32,000. Workers in Engineering have the highest average annual salary of 80,000 and workers in Travelling have the lowest salary of 45,000. The Average annual salaries in IT and Telecommunication, Sales and Education are 79,000, 70,000 and 50,000 respectively.

All in all, it is very noticeable that the highest maximum annual salary and the lowest minimum annual salary are in the Sales sector, and the highest average annual salary is in the Engineering sector.

(8 sentences; 161 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第8篇

Nowadays, many kinds of home appliances are available to help people with household chores.

Do home appliances bring more advantages than disadvantages?



雅思写作官方范文 第9篇

Some people think that watching TV is bad for children in many ways, while others think that watching TV has positive effects on children when they grow up.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



雅思写作官方范文 第10篇

In some countries, children start school at the age of four, instead of seven. Some people claim that this has negative effects on the relationship between children and their parents.

Do the advantages of this practice outweigh its disadvantages?



雅思写作官方范文 第11篇

However, learning to understand and share the value system of a whole society cannot be achieved just in the home.(1) Once a child goes to school, they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home. (2)At school, children will experience working and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from the wider society. (3)This experience should teach them how to co-operate with each other and how to contribute to the life of their community.(4)

先来看本段的句1,一方面双重否定表肯定了- not 及just用法。 再一方面还起到了承上启下的作用,起到对学校教育的论述。句2,once及where引导两个从句做嵌套,句子虽长,但论述逻辑清晰。段落的句尾再次出现平行结构, 也是为了和上段做呼应。

But to be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill. It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and it is the responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helping the younger generation to become active and able members of that society.

进入到结尾段,往往要给出观点及看法,这里我们看到考官在给观点时用到了这样一个短语“active and able”。大部分人看到后没有任何感觉,但他实际用的是押头韵的用法。 和其相似的还有, Beauty and the Beast, League of Legend 以及 Pride and Prejudice,只要留心, 这种在电影及杂志上的材料你也会留心到。

这就是C8T1的范文,我们做了分析。相信对大部分同学来讲,此篇文章出现的生词不会超过三个,甚至对大部分人来说,这篇材料是没有生词的。但是考官就是用了双重否定表肯定,特殊开头词,平行结构及押头韵等等表达了多样的句式! 所以我们看出,真正好的作文不是生词长句,而是像考官材料一样用简单词表达多样的句式!


雅思写作官方范文 第12篇

International tourism creates tension rather than understanding among people from different cultures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第13篇

The bar graph compares the means of teaching hours in three different level of schools in four separate countries, including the USA, Iceland, Spain and Japan, in 2001.

Clearly, teachers in the United States spent the most hours in teaching, with those in upper secondary school spending approximately 1100 hours and their counterparts working in the other two kinds of school spending 1050 on average. The figures in each type of school in Iceland and Spain were on the same level and they were roughly 30% less than the figures in the USA. By contrast, teachers in Japan allocated the least amount of time to teaching, as teachers in primary school spent a minimum of 500 hours and this figure increased marginally by 100 hours along with the rise of education level.

Overall, the average teaching hours in each level of education reveal extreme similarity among all these countries: the higher level of school teachers were working in, the more time they spent in teaching.

(5 sentences; 165 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第14篇

The pie charts illustrate how much the household spent on average in a nation in 1950 and 2010.

In 1950, people spent the majority of their saving on housing, which accounted for . Next came the expenditure on food comprising of their total expenditure. Clearly, it was only one sixth of expenditure on housing. Besides, expenditure on education () and others () collectively took up 11%, similar to that on food. The remaining were transportation with and health care with .

Six decades later, there was a huge change on the proportion of different items. Proportion of expenditures on all items increased except for housing and education. The expenditure on housing dropped considerably by 50%, and there was a slight decline in the expenditure on education by around . On the other hand, the most obvious increase occurred in the expenditure on food, which tripled. The expenditures on both transportation and others in 2010 were three times more than those in 1950. Interestingly, the expenditure on health care doubled.

To sum up, food substituted the housing to become the item on which people spent the most eventually. Food and housing together made up the biggest part of the total expenditure.

(14 sentences; 202 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第15篇

The pie charts convey the message of the change of expenditure on six different items in a country, in two separate years, 1950 and 2010.

Clearly, there was a dramatic variation during the six decades, and the expenditure on all items showed an ascending tendency except for housing and education. The proportion of expenditure on housing, which took up the majority part in 1950, plunged considerably from to 22%. It became less than one third of the previous value. By contrast, there was only a slight decrease in the proportion of expenditure on education from in 1950 to , by negligible .

Adversely, as the second largest part in 1950, the proportion of expenditure on food, which comprised only in 1950, tripled rising up by and substituting that on housing to be the biggest part. The 60 years period witnessed an increase in the percentage of expense on others from to . The expenditure on transportation went up by , from during the same period. Noticeably, people tended to spend least money on health care, the proportion of spending on which merely doubled.

To sum up, in spite of the changes, food and housing collectively took up the majority of the total expenditure.

(10 sentences; 209 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第16篇

Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第17篇

Celebrities receive constant attention from the media. Some people believe the media should not publish stories about a celebrity’s private life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第18篇

Some people believe that younger people are not suitable for important positions in government. Others, however, think that it will be a good idea for younger people to take on these positions.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



雅思写作官方范文 第19篇

Air travel only benefits the richest people,and the majority of people take no advantage from the development of airplanes.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第20篇

The bar chart below show the difference about the favorite subjects of 60 students from two schools including school A and School B.

We can find that School A have 5 students like Social Science and School B have 10 students like Social Science. When it come to Science, 10 students in School A say they like it. On the contrary, only 3 students in School B say they like it. More students’ favorite subject is Language with 5 students in School A and 10 students in School B. 25 students in School B love Craft and Drawing, and only 4 students in School A like it. The last subject is Sport. In School A, more than 35 students prefer Sport while only 5 students in School B like sport.

All in all, it is clear that Sport and craft and Drawing are the favorite class of most students and less students like Social Science, Science and Language.

(8 sentences; 150 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第21篇

Schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future career. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第22篇

The line graph reveals the changes of cinema audience rates of four separate groups in a specific country from 1978 to 2008.

Clearly, in 1978 the percentage of audience aged from 14 to 24 was the highest among all four groups standing at , higher than the group aged from 25 to 34. As the age increased, the audience rates decreased by a constant percentage of between every two consecutive groups, and the lowest percentage was in the audience group aged above 50 at .

The first three decades witness a similar pattern in the percentage changes in these groups, and the gaps between each group were comparatively stable. The percentages in each group initially showed declining trends till 1988, before bouncing back to 1978 level in 1998. In the following ten years, they all tended to level out. By contrast, in the last ten years, diverse changes occurred. The percentages of audience in the audience group 14-24 years old and 25-34 years old declined marginally to and respectively. The gap between the remaining two groups narrowed down and finally the percentages in the two groups reached at in 2008.

Generally, the audience rates in all groups showed downward trends except for the group aged above 50.

(9 sentences; 212 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第23篇

Some people think that killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary. Other people disagree and think that meat is essential for human beings.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



雅思写作官方范文 第24篇

Some people think that the best way to improve road safety would be to increase the minimum legal age for driving a car or a motorbike.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第25篇

The bar chart below illustrates the information with regard to the favorite classes of 60 students who are studying in two different schools including school A and School B.

Clearly, there are more students whose favorite subject is Social Science in School B than students in School A. While School A has only 5 students, School B has approximately 10. On the contrary, more students (about 10) prefer Science in School A, compared to approximately 2 students in School B. Interestingly, the number of students who like Language in School B are twice as many as that in School A with 5 students. When it comes to Craft and Drawing, the gap is even much more obvious. More than one third of 60 students surveyed in School B claim that their favorite subject is Craft and Drawing and the number of students in School A is considerably lower in School A. Noticeably, the difference of students who like Sports in both schools is further widened. 35 students in School A express their favor in Sport and the number is 6 times more than that in School B.

To sum up, students who enjoy Sport and Craft/ Drawing outnumber students who are fond of other three subjects.

(10 sentences; 206 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第26篇

Some people say that sports should not be encouraged at schools or colleges because they cause competition rather than co-operation among students.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第27篇

The statistics in the table convey the message of the proportion of students rating 5 aspects as “very good” of three courses in a particular school in the year of 2002.

First, with regard to the course of Economics, most students rated Teaching as very good, and the percentage was 95%, which was followed by Tutor with 90%. Resources (Print) received very good from 81% of students, 20% more than the average percentage of Pre-course Information and Other Resources.

In addition, as to Law, Other Resources was considered as the best, and 80% of students rated it as very good. The least percentage was given to Teaching with 62%. The percentages of Tutor, Pre-course Information and Resources (Printed) were 76%, 72% and 70%.

Finally, 95% of students were satisfied with Pre-course Information and Teaching of Commerce, and they were closely followed by Tutor with 2% less. The percentages of other two aspects were almost the same at 84% on average.

To sum up, the most number of students were satisfied with Commerce and the least number of students were satisfied with Economics.

(9 sentences; 182 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第28篇

The bar graph demonstrates the average teaching hours of teachers in three sorts of school in four separate nations in the year of 2001.

With regard to primary school, teachers in the USA tended to spend the most of time in teaching, and they spent approximately 1100 hours. Teaching time in Iceland comes to the second place and teachers spent around 300 hours less than those in the USA. Teachers in Spain spent less than 700 hours in teaching, 200 hours more than those in Japan.

When it comes to lower secondary school, teaching hours in America were still the most amongst all these countries at roughly 1050, nearly twice as many as those in Japan. By contrast, while teachers in Iceland spent over 750 hours in teaching, those in Spain spent 700 hours.

As to upper secondary school, American teaching hours were still the highest. The figures (800 hours) in Iceland and Spain were nearly the same. Japan had the least teaching hours and the figure was around 700.

To sum up, it is clear that teachers in the United States had spent more time in teaching and teachers in Japan had spent the least hours.

(10 sentences; 197 words)

雅思写作官方范文 第29篇

In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values.(1)Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents.(2) They will certainly be the first to help children learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world. (3)

首先来看句1和句2, 运用了特殊开头词的写作形式“in order to ”(介词短语放句首)及“Educating”(动名词放句首)。 大部分同学写句子时,名词代词放句首的偏多,特殊开头词引出句子的方法这点我们也是可以学习的。

再来看句子中的respect and obey这组,及what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world这组,两组都属于平行结构,一组是短语平行,一组是平行中最高级的用法——从句平行。

本段材料的最后这句,不仅是三个从句的平行,而且万能性还很强。我们可以把主句They will certainly be the first to help children learn中的主语They换成其他主语,如志愿服务工作。我们再来看下这个句子,志愿服务工作可以帮着孩子们学习什么是重要的,应该怎么做及应该在世界中起到怎样的作用。三个从句写出来,不仅句子长度拉长,同时还展示了考官书写从句的能力,最重要的是,考生们还可以学习到举一反三的句式!

最后来看下句2的谓语,共有两个,分别为begin及be widely thought,一主动一被动,这又何尝不是增加句子灵活度的方式?

雅思写作官方范文 第30篇

With the development of computer technology, translation between languages by machines is highly developed in our society. Therefore, some people think it is not necessary for students to learn a foreign language.

Do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第31篇

Human society has made great technological progress in the last hundred years. Some people think this has had more negative effects on people’s lives than positive ones.

Do you agree or disagree?



雅思写作官方范文 第32篇

Some people prefer to provide direct help and support to those in local communities. Others, however, prefer to donate money to national and international charitable organisations.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



雅思写作官方范文 第33篇

It has been observed in many countries that not enough students choose to study science subjects at university.

What are the reasons for this problem?

What are the effects of it on society?






