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英文请假邮件格式范文 第1篇

Dear Peter,

We've just received your notice telling that you will set a new branch. Congratulations on it! We are so glad from the bottom of our hearts as you have always been putting our interestsfirst.

We will always support your services and enjoy your shopping environment all the a good business and more once again on your going to open up anew branch!

Best wishes!






英文请假邮件格式范文 第2篇

1、We'd like to order your products. We'll send our official order today.我们想订你们的货,今天会寄上正式的订单。

2、Did you get our order for your telephones?你是否收到了我们订电话机的订单?

3、We've noticed that your orders have been falling off lately, haven't you?我们发现贵公司的订单最近逐渐减少了,对吗?

4、I am writing to confirm / enquire / inform you...我写信时要确认/询问/通知你…

5、Can you let me have the name and quantities?你可以告诉我货名和数量吗?

6、Unless you order in March, we won't be able to deliver in June.除非你方三月订货,否则我们无法6月送货。

7、I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2.我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。

8、from our decision at the previous meeting...如我们在上次会议中的决定。。。

9、As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china.如先前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点。

10、Be assured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is for internal use only.请确保个人信息不会外泄且只供内部使用。

11、Can we make a change on order No. 29734?我们可以修改一下29734号订单吗?

12、Our offer is reasonable and realistic. It comes in line with the prevailing market.我方的报价是合理的、现实的,符合当前市场的价格水平。

13、We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton . London.我们还价为每公吨伦敦离岸价150美元。

14、There are a number of issues with our new system.我们的新系统有些问题。

15. Enclosed is our brochure.

16. We hope you will reconsider the offer. (委婉地让客户重新考虑下订单。)

17. Should you have any inquiry, please kindly feel free to let us know.

18. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

19. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.

20. Thank you again for your kind cooperation.

21、We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。

22、We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.如承赐示具体要求,不胜感激。

23、It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.我方如有机会同样效劳贵方,将不胜欣慰。

24、“We assure you of our best services at all times.我方保证向贵方随时提供最佳服务。

25、”This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enable them to enjoy a maximum profit.这样可以使我方经营者具有很强的竞争力,还可获得最大的利润。

26、I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.我很感激你对这件事情的理解。

27、It's our principle in business to keep our promise.“守信用”是我们经营的原则。

28、Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by the end of June?请您在6月份前答复我上述问题好吗?

29、Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually provide full support.请随时与我联系,我将持续地提供全程支持。

30、Hope this is clear and we are happy to discuss this further if necessary.希望上述说明很清楚,如有必要,我们很乐意再进一步讨论。

31、We apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn't inconvenience you too much.我们为耽搁道歉,希望这没有给您带来太多不便。

32、Your understanding and cooperation is greatly/highly appreciated.很感激您的理解及合作。

33、I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。

34、Let's make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。

35、I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project.我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。

英文请假邮件格式范文 第3篇

Dear Mr. Wallace,

We know that you are an expert on literature. As students in English major, we want to know some details about literature. We should be very grateful if you could give a talk on “American Literature” to students of the English Department on Saturday, April 19. If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.

We have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.

Sincerely yours,


英文请假邮件格式范文 第4篇

Dear Li Ying,

Haven’t seen you for a long time. How have you been? I am missing you all the time. As the weather is splendid now, Jack、Lucy and I have made a plan to go out to the countryside by bike. Each of us may take food for the picnic, which we will have at the hillside. The countryside must be very lovely, with grass and trees growing flourishingly, flowers full bloom and bright sunshine. We can enjoy the scenery to our hearts’ content, at the same time and take some pictures as a memory . It is possible for us to meet at the bus stop 8 a. m. I am sure we will have a good time. Do come and join us.

Yours always,


英文请假邮件格式范文 第5篇

Dear schoolmate,

I don’t know who you are, but I am really grateful to you. Yesterday, I lost my library card in the playground. I didn’t realize it until I got home after class. I was so upset, because it’s too bothersome to register another one. But today, when I got to school, the guard told me that someone picked my library card and gave it to him. I was so exciting to hear the news. You did not leave your name and I don’t know who you are. I am really appreciated for what you did.


英文请假邮件格式范文 第6篇


I will go to a food party at Karen Yiuplace together with colleagues of the Accounts Department at 4:00 . this Sunday to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of his marriage. Everybody is expected to bring a dish and a bottle of wine of his or her own. If you feel interested, please join us at the main entrance of Pioneer Plaza at 3:00 . sharp that day, and don’t forget your dish and wine. We do hope you come and are expecting to see you then.

With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,


英文请假邮件格式范文 第7篇


Dear Sirs: Oct. 2,

We are sorry that causes completely beyond your control have made it impossible for you to keep the shipment date of Sept. 30. Since you have failed to uphold your end of the agreement, we find it necessary to cancel our order. Unfortunately, our

buyers cannot wait indefinitely for the units. We are sorry that it is necessary to take such a drastic step.


Gentlemen: Oct. 2, 2001

We have received of your notice of delay of shipment due to mechanical troubles on the ship. We are pleased that the order is now on its way. Thank you for the notice. We are eagerly awaiting the ship's arrival.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs: Oct. 4, 2001

Upon arrival of your shipment, the ship's agents noticed that case No. 5 was maged and notified us. The number of articles in the case is correct according to the invoice, but the following articles are broken: (List of articles) As you will see in our survey report and of the ship's agents', that these units are damaged and quite unsaleable.

Please send us replacements for the broken articles; we await your reply in due course.



Dear Sirs: Oct. 8, 2001

Thank you for informing us of the damaged shipment. Since the units were packed with the best of care, we can only assume that the cases were handled roughly. We therefore urge you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.



Gentlemen: Oct. 8, 2001

As soon as we got your letter we got in touch with the packers and asked them to look into the matter. It appears that the fault lies with the packaging materials used. We have since corrected the mistake. We apologize for the oversight, and are sending a new delivery immediately.



Dear Sirs: Nov. 30, 2001

It has come to our attention that your payment is one month overdue. The units ordered were delivered to you on September 26 and were invoiced on September 30. Payment is due on October 30. We look forward to seeing your remittance within a





Dear Sirs: Oct. 3, 2001

We have looked into the cause of the delay in payment and have found that our accounting department made an oversight in making your remittance. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The sum of US$ 20,000 has been sent to you by Telegraphic Transfer and should reach you sometime tomorrow.


英文请假邮件格式范文 第8篇


Dear supervisor:

How are you doing? I am xx-x. I wrote this because I want you to know that on the morning of June 8th, I have to go back to school to deal with some personal thins, so I want to ask for leave about half day, please approve, thank you so much.



题目写“Leave application

To: 你上司的名字,职位(manager)


Date: May 17th,

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

Dear Mr./Mrs, 你上司的姓最好放在此。

There is a very important procein which I have to return to school for graduation thesis defense and other pa-pe-r work before the graduation. so may I please ask for a leave on 20th,21st,24th,27th in May? I hope you will oblige and grant me the requested leave.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr. / Mrs.,

Because I will have to return to to my university for my dissertation reply and some other things related to my graduation, I want to ask you for a leave on May 20,21 24 to 27.

Sicerely hope you can give me the permission as soon as possible.

Best wishes.

Sincerely Yours,

Xiao Wang







To: Peter Stone, Manager

From: Lynn Chen, Financial Department

Date: April 2nd,

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence



Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual

leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday.



This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist,

urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen, should infection occur.

Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.



Thanks. I will call you at 1:. or you can call me at

any time.


英文请假邮件格式范文 第9篇


6. 合理提示重要信息


7. 合理利用图片,表格等形式来辅助阐述


8. 不要动不动使用 :) 之类的笑脸字符,在商务信函里面这样显得比较轻佻

Business Email 不是你的情书,所以:)之类的最好慎用。只用在某些你确实需要强调出一定的轻松气氛的场合,比如现在-:)

1. 如果邮件带有附件,应在正文里面提示收件人查看附件

2. 附件文件应按有意义的名字命名,不可用外星人才看懂的文件名

3. 正文中应对附件内容做简要说明,特别是带有多个附件时

4. 附件数目不宜超过4个,数目较多时应打包压缩成一个文件

5. 如果附件是特殊格式文件,因在正文中说明打开方式,以免影响使用

6. 如果附件过大(不宜超过2MB),应分割成几个小文件分别发送,


1. 只在必要的时候才使用英文邮件


2. 尊重对方的习惯,不主动发起英文邮件


3. 对于一些信息量丰富或重要的邮件,建议使用中文。你很难保证你的英文表达水平或收件人中某人的英文理解水平存在问题,而影响邮件所涉及问题的解决。

4. 选择便于阅度的字号和字体

中文老实点用宋体或新宋体,英文就用Verdana 或 Arial 字型,字号用五号或10号字即可。这是经研究证明最适合在线阅度的字号和字体。不要用稀奇古怪的字体或斜体,最好不用背景信纸,特别对公务邮件。



1. 签名信息不宜过多



2. 不要只用一个签名档


3. 签名档文字应选择与正文文字匹配,简体、繁体或英文,以免成出现乱码。字号一般应选择比正文字体小一些。

英文请假邮件格式范文 第10篇

Dear Mr. Liu,

I've been trying to get information on a company in Wuhan called ABC Corporation. I watched their products in the Guangzhou Fair but I've had difficulty finding much information on the company. I've tried several standard sources on the internet but with little luck.

Would you have access to an annual report or any other type of information that would help me better understand the company and its operation? I'm especially interested in their overall financial health and projected future performance. I'm assuming you have access to information sources that are beyond my reach.

I appreciate your assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Zhou Feng




英文请假邮件格式范文 第11篇

Dear Peter,

We are happy to hear from you that you are to open a new branch here in Caidian which willbe very convenient to our shopping and everyday !

We have been enjoying your services as well as shopping environment, we will do in thefuture 're certain to meet a boom in your future you for yourguarantee of your products!






英文请假邮件格式范文 第12篇


Dear Sir: May 1,

Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sir: , 2001

We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the . Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business.

We look forward to hearing from you soon..



Dear Sir: June 4, 2001

Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand.

We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.


Dear Sir: June 8, 2001

We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a

discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly

英文请假邮件格式范文 第13篇

如果你和你的联系人不是第一次发邮件了,那么请习惯在邮件开头的时候加一两句问候的话,就好像寒暄一下。如果之前联系过,尽量把上一次联系的邮件翻出来,接着那封邮件写,这样别人即使一时没反应过来你是谁,看到之前的历史记录也会想起来。上来也不要开门见山,虽然联系过算是‘认识了’,但人家真的没跟你这么熟,而且人家回过你也不代表人家就有义务次次回你。可以来一句简单的问候,比如How are you doing?或者Hope all is well.之类的。如果刚过节假日也可以写一句Hope you had a great holiday and New Year. 让人觉得有点人性。

英文请假邮件格式范文 第14篇


I will go to a food party at Karen Yiu?s place together with colleagues of the Accounts Department at 4:00 . this Sunday to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of his marriage. Everybody is expected to bring a dish and a bottle of wine of his or her own. If you feel interested, please join us at the main entrance of Pioneer Plaza at 3:00 . sharp that day, and don’t forget your dish and wine. We do hope you come and are expecting to see you then.

With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,


英文请假邮件格式范文 第15篇

给职场中人写英文邮件(尤其是为了找工作找实习跟素未谋面的人联系),切忌太长。对于求职邮件(比如networking发给校友的邮件)这里给大家一个准则:如果你的邮件多于10句话,你就不要发了。在求职中很多同学把cover letter当networking邮件发,三大段儿,跟生平似的,把简历里的内容重复一遍,一点额外信息都没有,这又是何必呢?你应该说一些简历里说不出来的,比如为什么想联系对方,为什么对这家公司感兴趣。



英文请假邮件格式范文 第16篇


Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down.

To Sincerely


Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We regret that we cannot meet your must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit. We must

ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders. At present the best discount offered for a quantity of 200 is 5%. Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain.

We hope you will reconsider the offer.



Dear Sir:

We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the terms quoted. We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September. The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition.

We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.



Dear Sir:

Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes. We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery. We will advise you of the date of dispatch. We are at your service at all times.


英文请假邮件格式范文 第17篇

Dear Ms Wang,

I make bold to write this letter to ask you to do me a favour. I have tried to translate several short chinese stories into English for a part-time job. As it is the first time for me to do a translation work, I think there must be many errors and awkward expressions of Chinese English for my lack of experiences. I sincerely hope that you would read over my manuscripts and correct my mistakes and sociolisms. Also could you please give me some other suggestions on my translation work.

Thank you for your help with great respect!

Your faithful student,


英文请假邮件格式范文 第18篇


April 13,

. Box 36

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a . degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,



英文请假邮件格式范文 第19篇

好多女生写邮件很可爱,会很激烈的表达自己很激动的心情,比如会写什么“I feel so lucky to find you to talk! I have hope again!!!…“一堆感叹号看的人三滴汗。其实完全可以淡定的写成I am excited to connect with you就足够表达你的心情了。感叹号也尽量少用,用多了感觉你还是个热血少年,不是职场中人。再有就是一定要避免用^^ T_T或者~~之类的聊天经常用的表情。如果写给朋友倒没什么大问题。如果你是写给职场上的人,这些都是挺不专业的,让人觉得你不够成熟。


给职场中人写英文邮件(尤其是为了找工作找实习跟素未谋面的人联系),切忌太长。对于求职邮件(比如networking发给校友的邮件)这里给大家一个准则:如果你的邮件多于10句话,你就不要发了。在求职中很多同学把cover letter当networking邮件发,三大段儿,跟生平似的,把简历里的内容重复一遍,一点额外信息都没有,这又是何必呢?你应该说一些简历里说不出来的,比如为什么想联系对方,为什么对这家公司感兴趣。



英文请假邮件格式范文 第20篇

Dear Sirs,

I take delight in recommending Mr Wang Gang to the Education Department of your university.

Mr Wang is a conscientious and strong-minded young man. He was first trained for two years in Beijing Normal University and assigned to work as a high school teacher. His desire, however, was to instruct English in a university. Then he entered the Beijing Institute of Education to study English for another two years . His academic record was exceptionally good, especially in American literature course.

Now, He has graduated from the institute and hopes to study further abroad, which will benefit his future employment prospect and may help fulfil his desire.

I should appreciate it very much if you would consider him.

Yours sincerely,




