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2017考研英语一作文范文 第1篇

on account of… 因为…,由于…

on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上

in any case无论如何,总之

in case of… 假使…,万一…

in no case决不

in charge of… 负责…,主管…

in common共用,共有,共同

on condition that在…条件下

on the contrary反之,正相反

in contrast with/to… 与…成对照

under control被控制住

at all costs不惜任何代价

at the cost of… 以…为代价

in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间

in detail详细地

in difficulties处境困难

on earth究竟,到底

at all events无论如何

in any event无论如何

in effect实际上

with the exception of… 除…之外

in the face of… 面对…,不顾…

in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持…

in general通常,大体上

in honor of… 为纪念…,向…表示敬意

at a loss困惑,不知所措

by all means无论如何,必定

by means of… 借助于…,用…

by no means决不

in nature本质上

in particular特别地,尤其,详细地

in practice实际上

in proportion to… 与…成比例

for (the) purpose of… 为了…

at any rate无论如何,至少

with/in regard to… 对于…,就…而论

with respect to… 关于…

as a result结果,因此

as a result of… 由于…的缘故

in the long run最终,从长远观点看

for the sake of… 为了…起见

in spite of… 不管…,不顾…

in terms of… 依据…,按照…

in truth事实上,实际上,的确

have/gain access to…可以获得…

take...into account把…加以考虑

gain/have an advantage over…胜过…,优于…

take advantage of…利用…,趁…之机

make the best of…充分利用…,妥善处理…

take charge of…担任…,负责…

make a/the difference有影响,很重要

carry/bring into effect使生效,使起作用

put into effect实行,生效

come/go into effect生效,实施

keep an eye on…留意…,照看…

bear/keep in mind记住

make up one’s mind下决心

keep/hold pace with… 跟上…,与…同步

take place发生,进行

take the place of… 代替…

make sense讲得通,有意义

reply to…回答…,答复…

a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词)

influence on影响

account for…说明…

allow for…考虑到…

refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到…

serve as…用做…

take for把……认为是…,把……看成是…

think over仔细考虑

depend on…取决于…

devote to…奉献…,致力于…

engage in…从事于…,忙着…

insist on…坚持…

look forward to…盼望…,期待…

have something to do with…和…有点关系

have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系

be fed up with…对…感到厌烦


think of...as…把…看做是…

be abundant in…富于…,富有…

be accustomed to习惯于

be aware of…意识到…

be based on…根据…,以…为基础

be characterized by…以…为特征

be concerned about…关心…,挂念…

be determined to do something决心做…

be equal to…等于…

be free from没有……的,不受……影响

be identified as…被认为是…

be known as被称做……,以……著称

be popular with…受……欢迎

be prepared for对……做好准备

be regarded as被认为是…,被当做是…

be satisfied with对……满意,满足于…

be second to…次于…

be sick of…对…感到厌倦

be used as…被用做…

be used to…习惯于…

get used to…习惯于…










abide by… 遵守…,信守…

agree with与…相一致 同意…

be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于…

turn a blind eye to… 对…视而不见

by leaps and bounds飞速地,突飞猛进地

when it comes to一谈到…,就…而论

disagree with… 与…意见不一致 不同意…

give an opinion on… 对…发表意见

comment on…评论…

adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于…

on the contrary与之相反

convince somebody of something使某人确信某事

concentrate on/upon…集中注意力于…

be equipped with…装备有…


in essence本质上


in the light of… 按照…,根据…


2017考研英语一作文范文 第2篇

1家长给小孩的教育parenting n.

2学校对学生的教育schooling n.

3培养cultivate vt.

4意识awareness = sense = recognition n.

5有创造力的creative / original adj.

6身体的physical adj.

7心理的psychological adj.

8同龄人peer n.

9动力motivation n. (形容词motivated, 有动力的)

10适应...adapt to

提供….afford sth. v.

11纪律discipline n.

12记忆memorise(英式拼写) vt.

13获得acquire vt. (后面经常加knowledge / skills)

14有趣的stimulating adj. (在教育类作文中经常可以替代interesting)


96 后代offspring n.

97性格冲突personality clashes

98家庭的另一种写法household n.

99富裕的affluent adj.

100贫穷的impoverished adj.

101社区community n.

102家庭观念family values

103代沟generation gap

104亲情family bonds

105和谐harmony n.

1 传授知识 impart(vt.)/inculcate(vt.) knowledge

灌输高尚的道德观 instill(vt.) high moral values (注意values复数表示价值观)

给学生以动力 give the students motivation to do sth.

Motivate the students to do sth.

给学生以灵感 stimulate the students’ thought

give the students inspiration

培养(某种素质) cultivate/foster/nurture(vts.)


promote the student’s physcial/mental/ intellectual and emotional development

心理健康 psychological soundness/ well-being/welfare(adjs)

塑造某人的性格 mould(BrE,vt) one’s character

责任感 a sense of obligation

能力(先天获得) aptitude/talant

能力(后天学习得到) ability/skill

2 学生接受的学校教育(n) schooling(n)

儿童接受的家庭教育(n) upbringing(n) parenting(n)

教学法 methodology/pedagogical methodology

用填鸭式教学来教育学生 force-feed(vt.) the students


Students should not be treated as passive recepacles of predigested ideas

死记硬背 learn things by rote

为了记忆而记忆 memorise(BrE) for memorisation’s own sake

以及方程式,公式,定理,定律 memorise(vt.) equations,formulas,theorems and laws(nouns)

应用 apply

盲从 follow something blindly/indiscriminately(advs)

限制创造力的发展 extiguish(vt.)/stifle(vt.)/constrain(vt.) creativity(noun)

打击学生的积极性 dampen/sap(vts) the students’ emthusiasm/

frustrate the students

产生不必要的压力 beget/creat undue pressure

3 把学生分开教育(如根据课堂上的表现)segregate(vt.) students

来自于其他同学的压力 peer pressure

适应(v) adapt to sth./adjust oneself to sth./become accustomed to sth.

适应能力 adaptability

逆境 adverse circumstances/adversity

团队精神 team spirit(n)

独立思考 thing independently(adv)

在理解的基础上学习 learn things through understanding

鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage students to think critically(adv)

学生的反馈 students’ feedback/input

学生评价老师的教学 students appraise/evaluate(vts) their teachers’ performance

学生对老师所教知识的掌握 students’ grasp/command(n) of what has been taught

4 学生学习的各门功课加在一起称为 curriculum(n)

具体一门课叫 syllabus

课外活动叫 extra-curricular activities

学校是社会的缩影 a school is society in miniature

不遵守纪律(n) indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief(n)

不遵守纪律(daj)的学生 disruptive/unruly students

5 理论知识 theoretical knowledge

就业技能 employable/marketable skills

通才 generalist

专才 specialist

全面发展的 well-rounded/versatile(adj)

为社会健康发展作贡献 contribute to societal(adj) well-being(n)/welfare(n)

6 大学学科的分类可以分为 人文学科(文学 ,历史 语言学等)humanities

社会学科(政治 经济学 社会学的) social sciences

艺术(音乐 雕塑等) arts

文科也可以总称为 liberal arts/ liberal studies

理科(物理 化学 生物学等) sciences

工科(工程 自动化等) engineering

大学里任何一个学科都有可以叫 discipline

基础科学 basic sciences

应用科学 applied sciences

小学教育 primary-level education

中学教育 secondary-level education

大学教育 tertiary-level education

职业教育 vocational education/training

青少年(复数) youths/youngsters/adolescents

1 两性平等 gender equality

性别歧视 sexism/gender discrimination

一个开明的社会 a progressive/enlightened society

2 被家务事拖累 be tied down by household chores

生育孩子 child bearing(n)

抚养孩子 child rearing(n)

母性的本能 maternal instinct

家务 housework/household chores

抚养子女的方式 parenting

代沟 generation gap/disparity

性格冲突 personality clashes

3 老年人 elderly people/senior citizens

青少年 adolescents/youngsters

家庭成员间的情感纽带 family bonds/family ties

归属感 a sense of belonging

对。。。依恋(n) an attachment to sth/an affinity for sth

贫穷的家庭 deprived family

富裕的家庭 affluent families

家庭的培养 upbringing

4 虐待 mistreat/abuse(vts)

家庭暴力 domestic violence

_上瘾(n) addiction to drugs/ be addicted(adjs) to drugs

单亲家庭 single-parent households

濒于破裂或已经破裂的家庭 broken families/dysfunctional households

挽救 salvage(vt)

2017考研英语一作文范文 第3篇


改变transform vt. 代替change

突破breakthrough n.

发展advance v. & n.

惊人的速度a staggering rate

信息爆炸information overload

提高,增强enhance = boost vt.

创新,发明innovations n.

远程通讯telecommunications n.

高生产率的(它的名词productivity生产率在科技类话题也很常用)productive adj.

远程通讯 telecommunications(n)

尖端的技术 cutting-edge(adj) technology

信息爆炸 information exposion/overload

信息时代 the information age/era

2017考研英语一作文范文 第4篇


118保护(某种资源,比如natural resources 或者old buildings),如果保护某人可以用protect)preserve vt.

119残酷的inhumane adj.

120生物多样性biodiversity n.

121伙伴companions n.

122代替物(比如化妆品实验用动物作替代物而不用人做实验)replacements = alternatives n.

123 栖息地habitat n.

124濒危动物endangered species

125兽皮(兽毛是fur)hide n.


126可持续发展sustainable development

127开采自然资源exploit natural resources

128生态系统the ecosystem (许多eco-开头的单词都和生态有关)

129一次性的disposable adj. (比如disposable chopsticks)


130节约,环境类题可以代替saveconserve vt.

131恶化 vt. 如果某种现象自身恶化,就可以说deteriorate。如果某种事物导致别的现象恶化,就用aggravate sth. 或者用被动形式

132排放(污染物)discharge n.

133污染contamination n. (这个词很大,即使写作中用的次数也不要过多)

134消耗(资源)consume = deplete vt.

135有益于环保的eco-friendly adj.

136短缺scarcity n.

1 生态系统 ecosystem/ecological system

某一地区所有植物的总称 the flora(n)

某一地区所有动物的总称 the fauna(n)

某一地区所有生物的总称 the wildlife in a region/the biota(flora+fauna) of a region

生物多样性 biodiversity(n)

生态平衡 ecological balance/ecological equilibrium(n)

2 可持续发展 sustainable development

环保主义者 environmentalist/conservationists

对环境无害的 environmentally-frendly(adj)

节约使用 conserve(vt)

保护 preserve

再利用 reuse/recycle

3 肥沃的土壤 fertile soil

贫瘠的土壤 infertile soil

耕地(n) arable land/farmland

增加农产品产量 boost crop yield

开采自然资源 exploit natural resources

4 短缺(n) shortage/scarcity/dearth/lack

5 消耗(某种资源) consume/deplete(vts)

用尽(某种资源) use up/exhaust(vts)

给资源造成很大压力 put a strain on the already stretched resources

破坏自然资源 wreak(vt) havoc(n) on natural resources

臭氧层 ozone layer

砍伐森林 deforestation(n)

污染 pollute/contaminate(vts)

有毒的 poisonous/toxic(adjs)

污水 effluent/sewage

排放 discharge

温室效应 greenhouse effect/global warming

严重的 severe/grave/grievous(adjs)

白色污染产生的垃圾 non-biodegradable garbage/wastes that cannot decompose or breakdown/inorganic trash

恶化 deteriorate/aggravate前者为自身恶化,后者为被恶化

6 可再生资源 renewable resources

不可再生资源 non-renewable resources(包括金属metals,矿产minerals,石油petroleum,天然气natural gas,煤coal,等后三种可总称为fossil fuels)

7 各国必须携手解决环境问题 countries on this planet must join forces/makes a concerted effort/unite(vi) to combat/tackle/resolve/address(vts) environmental problems

谴责而不是纵容 condermn rather than condone(vts) sth

严厉的措施 harsh action/measures

增强公众关于。。。的意识 raise/elevate the public awareness of sth

8 动物实验 animal experiments

被绳之以法 be brought to justice

动物权益保护主义 animal rights activists

医学研究 medical research

残忍的 cruel/merciless/inhuman/callous/brutal(adjs)

活体揭破 vivisection

麻醉 anaesthetic(BrE,n)

减轻动物的痛苦 alleviate/ease(vts) animals’ pain

宠物是主人的伙伴 pets are conpanions of their masters

给主人心理安慰 afford their masters consolation and comfort(n)

偷猎 poach(vi,vt)/poaching(n)

某一种事物是没有替代物的 there are no replacements/substitutes/alternatives(单数去s) for sth

认为动物和人类相同的感官的观点(n) anthropomorphism

濒危动物 endangered species

2017考研英语一作文范文 第5篇


73生活节奏the pace of life = the tempo of life

74城乡差距the gap between the urban area and the rural area

75消除eliminate vt.

76质量差的inferior adj.

77设施facilities n.

78(人与人之间)疏远的alienated adj.

79(人)物质化的,现实的materialistic adj.



80现状the present situation = the current situation = the status quo

81建筑的外观exterior n.

82功能function n.

1 生活节奏加速 the tempo/pace of life has accelerated

疲劳 fatigue(n)

抑郁症 depression

失眠 sleeplessness/sleep-deprivation/insomnia(n)

导致人与人之间疏远 create(vt)alienation(n) between people

过于功利的 materialistic/mercenary/money-worshipping(adjs)

追求最大限度利润 pursue(vt) maximum profit

交通堵塞 traffic jams/traffic congestions/gridlock最后一个是不可数名词

阻碍(v) impede/hinder/hamper/obstruct/inhibit(vts)

让人担心的 worrying/worrisome/disturbing/disquieting/disconcerting(adjs)

危害,破坏(v) undermine/spoil/do a disservice to sth/ruin/imperil/endanger/jeopardise(BrE) 都是vts


恶化(v) worsen(vi,vt)/deteriorate(vi)

导致某种问题更加恶化 amplify(vt)/magnify(vt)/ecacerbate(vt)/aggravate(vt) a problem

缓解 ease/alleviate/mitigate(vts)

2 有特殊审美价值的老房子 old building of special aesthetic value(注意审美观的说法是aesthetic values复数)

有特殊历史意义的老房子 building of historic significance

居民 vernacular dwellings

让城市更美观 beautify(vt) the cities/better(vt) the cityscape

破旧的(房子) decrepit/rundown/rickety/dilapidated(adjs)

拆除 tear down a building/demolish a building/raze a building/knock down a building

高楼 high-rise buildings

摩天楼 skyscrapers

城市化 unbanisation(n)

城乡差距 the disparity(n) between the city and the countryside

城市的 urban

乡村的 rural

搬迁 relocate(vi,vt)

3 在家上班(v) telecommute(vi)

休闲 leisure/recreation(n0

精神上的享受(n) amusement and enjoyment(n)

娱乐 entertainment/diversion

宽松的管理(n) laissez-faire management(n)

运营成本(n) operating costs/overhead cost

雇用(v) recruit(vt)

会导致效率降低的(adj) counterproductive

劳动力资源 labour(BrE) pool

4 人_炸 population explosion(n)/population boom

控制人口 birth control/family planning

贫穷的 needy/poverty-stricken/impoverished/deprived/destitude/indigent

富裕的 affluent/wealthy/well-off

爱慕虚荣的 pretentious/ostentatious(adjs)

缺少运动的生活方式 sedentary(adj) lifestyle

营养过剩 overnourishment(n)

扶贫 poverty alleviation(n)

2017考研英语一作文范文 第6篇


60在...占统领地位plays a dominant role in...

61灭绝go extinct

62小语种lesser-known languages

63 ...的广泛使用the widespread use of...


64祖先ancestors n.

65后代(注意倒数第三个字母是a不是e,很容易拼错)descendants n.

66文化同化cultural assimilation

67盲目的indiscriminate adj.

68历史悠久的time-honoured n.

69文化遗产cultural heritage

70文化多样性cultural diversity

71文化特征cultural identity

72少数民族ethnic minorities


83席卷一切的潮流sweeping trends

84有机结合东西文化(culture表示种类时可以加复数)synthesize the Asian and the Western cultures

85侵蚀(本土文化)erode vt.

双刃剑a double-edged sword

86普遍的universal adj.

87 孤立的isolated adj.

88进口import vt. & n.

89出口export vt. & n.

1 一种可以通用的语言 a lingua franca/a universal language/a global language

英语被广泛使用 the proliferation(n) of English

英语的统治地位 the dominant role/the ascendancy/the hegemony of English

方言 dialect(n)/vernacular/the indigenous language

小语种将会消亡 lesser-known language wll become extinct/obsolete(adjs)

小语种的消亡(n) the extinct/demise of lesser-known languages

2 文化遗产包括有形和无形的两种 有形的如历史遗址,无形的如风俗习惯 仪式 传统道德观念等 cultural hertiage can be divided into two groups:tangible cultural hertiage,such as historic sites and intangible cultural hertiage,such as customs,rites,rituals and mores, etc.

保护 preserve (vt)

祖先 forefathers/ancestors

后代 descendants/posterity后面一个是不可数名词

3 少数民族 ethnic minorities

民族团结 the harmony(n) between ethnic groups/races

文化融合 cultural integration and synthesis(n)

互相影响 interaction

文化多元性 cultural diversity

丰富(v) enrich(vt)

狭隘的观念 insular/provincial/parochial(adjs)/parochial(adjs) mentality

贬低(v) deprecate/denigrate/minimize(vts) the importance of /disparage/trivialize/discredit(vts)

。。。不是一成不变的 sth. is not set/carved in stone

4 (国家或者地区的)文化特性 (national or regional) cultural identity

全球文化同一化过程(n,即地区文化特征消失) global cultural homogenization(n)

文化同一性(或叫文化均质性) cultural homogeneity/cultural uniformity

全球化是一把双刃剑 Globalisation is a two-edged sword

地球村 the global village

席卷一切的潮流 sweeping trends

有机结合东西方文化 synthesize the Asian and Western culture

侵蚀 erode(v)

普遍的 universal(adj)



