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美国大学申请文书范文 第1篇

Theatergoers watching my high school’s spring musical “Anything Goes” may have noticed one eager and aptly-named AngelGrace smiling from under her blonde 30s wig and tap dancing her way through the entire show. However, they were oblivious to the physical and mental exhaustion this energetic performer endured to achieve that place onstage.

I was born with hyperpronated ankles which causes chronic foot pain. After fruitless physical therapy sessions, my doctors recommended surgery. Not one to miss any school, I elected to have both surgeries the summer before my junior year, only fourteen days apart.

Thus, I spent my entire summer on the couch, nauseous, frustrated, and elevating both ankles above heart level at all times. When school started, I was just starting to use crutches to move around clumsily.

A few weeks after the beginning of school, our choreographer started weekly after-school tap workshops in preparation for“Anything Goes” in the spring. Immediately, I made up my mind to go. While everyone clicked out their time steps and shuffle off to buffaloes, I sat in a chair in my ace bandages and orthopedic shoes, frustrated, humiliated, and trying to mimic their movements. I was a complete novice, but slowly, slowly, I learned how to tap.

After an entire semester of hard work, the“Anything Goes” cast list was posted, and I received a featured tap role. Throughout the show, Angel Grace’s heels clicked the stage with well-practiced precision, her upturned face glowing with elation and triumph.

—学生Grace Kuffner ’20

美国大学申请文书范文 第2篇

Some of my hardest decisions take place in the booth of a restaurant, so choosing a major has been an absolutely agonizing process for me. I fancied subject areas from English to chemistry, but I finally (hesitantly) decided on double majoring in mathematics and economics and minoring in French. My most concrete interest, mathematics, originates from my introduction to calculus and the realization that the breadth and depth of the mathematical world extend beyond straight numerical calculations. I believe that MIT’s superior mathematics program will add unimaginably new dimensions to this magical realm that I have only just discovered.

美国大学申请文书范文 第3篇

My love for people is the best part about myself. There is no better feeling than the happiness I find in meeting new people and creating connections with them. My extroverted personality is the root of much of my success in leadership, presentations, and networking. I naturally reach out to people, and as a result, I am able to accomplish projects like establishing a mentoring program for the French Honor Society and a threefold increase in membership for the Asian American Club. However, my outgoing personality made the most memorable impact at the “Conversation with Michelle Obama,” an event for which I was nominated to attend. Through GoogleHangout, several American cities were able to connect to Michelle Obama in South Africa. When the Kansas City group was asked about technology integration in education, the students all froze underneath the limelight. In a burst of courage, I blurted a couple of words and consequently received the microphone to continue. At that moment, it didn’t matter that there were thousands of people around the world including Michelle Obama listening; it was just me and my string of thoughts. I was the only person in Kansas City to speak that day.

I distinguish myself with my enthusiasm, and I easily see myself thriving as a part of the tight-knit community, the risk-taking hacking culture, and the passionately nerdy student population of MIT. After all, I still keep in touch with my lime-green carded tour guide.

—学生Judy Wang ’19

美国大学申请文书范文 第4篇

I am an enthusiastic foodie. I subscribe to my favorite food blogs, anxious for new recipes, and I research exotic fruits and vegetables.

Armed with knowledge but little experience, I experiment in my own kitchen. As the simple ingredients combine in harmony and delicious smells waft through my apartment, I am eager to test the final dish. Though the end result is not always perfect, I enjoy every step of preparing food.

—学生Elaine Lin ’18

美国大学申请文书范文 第5篇

I am completely Chinese. My parents are Chinese and I was born in China. However, as first-generation immigrants, my family and I have been immersed in the French-Canadian culture of Montreal and the American culture of Kansas City. I spent a measly five months in China after my birth, a seemingly short eight years in Montreal, and an even shorter nine years in Overland Park. At heart, I am Chinese like my background, but my childhood is colored by French influences and my adolescence is completely painted with the exuberant American character. As a result, a lot of my life has been categorized by my three countries and cultures: the languages I speak, the habits I have, and the aspirations I dream.

My college track, as of right now, is to double major in economics and mathematics while also minoring in French, but my ultimate goal is to make a positive and memorable impact on the world. Every subject field has a direct lineation to my different cultures, and the most obvious is my interest in French. While it may sound silly, I feel beautiful when speaking such a beautiful language, and I aim to further develop my linguistic foundation through a minor and studying abroad. My love for mathematics is most primarily rooted in my Chinese culture, as my father’s enthusiasm about little mathematical tricks is contagious. Finally, the opportunities and the boldness I find in American culture are best epitomized in its economic landmark: Wall Street.

美国大学申请文书范文 第6篇



My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father . risk and return are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of which our returns were protected from the downside risk. This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father . diversification reduces risk. While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of Finance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. I made up my mind to pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Business Administration.



2. 叙述事件,引出自己的兴趣、观点。

As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced with artificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip joints had worn away and it was very painful for her to walk. I found it fascinating that engineers, orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design these artificial joints that completely transform. people's lives by giving them back pain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about which I wanted to learn more. In China these days, university graduates who have not been lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduated studies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully. I am prepared to go against the social conventions by putting on hold a successful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eight years of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now would like to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct more theoretical discourses.






To whom it may concern:

I am a senior engineer and the head of Transmission Business Department of Great Dragon Telecommunications Group. As the instructor of him in his graduation fieldwork, I am very glad to write this letter in support of Mr. Gregory Tang‘s application for studying in your university.

I got to know Mr. Tang in 1998 when I was the head of a research and development team on SDH optical telecommunications transmitting system, a part of the State 863 Program. He was recommended to me as a top student of Peking Post and Telecommunications University. After strict examinations, I accept him as a member of our team. Although Mr. Tang worked with us for only one year, his research ability, diligence, and team spirit really impressed all of us.

Mr. Tang has strong independent research and exploit ability. When working in our team, he was responsible for the research task of mapping four 34Mb/s signals into a STM-1. He creatively solved the problem of De-mapping and jitter restriction of PDH signals in SDH system. This research raised the transport efficiency of 34Mb/s signals by 33% so as to meet users‘ higher demand. This technology successfully passed the test of the Information Industry Ministry and was applied to the broadcasting and TV transmission experimental network of HuNan Province later.

Mr. Tang is proficient in English. He can communicate with foreign specialists in English, which is rare among Chinese young people. I think language will not be an obstacle for his study and life abroad.

Telecommunications industry is a rising industry in China. Chinese government is giving full support to its development. I support Mr. Tang‘s decision, and hope that he will come back to make more contribution to our motherland after he finishes his program abroad. I would be very grateful if you could give his application your fullest consideration.

Yours sincerely,

美国大学申请文书范文 第7篇






美国大学申请文书范文 第8篇

Matsuyo wrapped her aged hands around mine. She had been uncommunicative and unable to feed herself for some time. Slowly, she began mouthing along as Isang “Aki-no-yuuhi,” a traditional Japanese melody. This simple song about foliage in the setting sun had finally broken through the fog of her dementia.

The care managers told me that, from then on, Matsuyo became more alert and began feeding herself again. I am so thankful that I could break down this barrier with my Japanese and music abilities.

Matsuyo is one of the residents living at Sunrise Senior Living: I have spent over 400 hours volunteering there. My responsibilities at Sunrise include spending one-on-one time with residents and leading group activities such as exercise, current events, meditation, flower arrangement, sing-alongs, baking, and gardening. I also began a weekly “Summer Arts and Crafts with Grace” activity and taught crocheting, sculpting, painting, and jewelry making. I sometimes give violin concerts as well. The residents and staff at Sunrise got to know me so well that Sunrise offered me a job (which I, unfortunately, could not take), and one of the residents, Mama T, refers to me as her granddaughter.

Volunteering has made me appreciate that members of my community are indeed my family, and family members look out for and support each other. Not only was I given the opportunity to enrich these residents’ lives, but they also in turn greatly enriched mine, in the infinitely rewarding moments involving something as simple as a Japanese melody.



