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会展英语产品介绍范文 第1篇

the digital productsnow , we have great pleasure in troducing you our company. our company is found before several decade and producting all kinds of digital products. have made a market research,we find that these things make our lives easier.the digital products like the computer and the cell phone have completely made a great impact on our life. these products have both led to much greater efficiency in many aspects of our daily lives and produced many economic benefits as well. the digital age has contributed to many labor saving technologies at the same time as improving the quality standards of production..because our company wants to extend ,so we need to hire someone to our company. if you want to be emploeed,just give your recommend letter to our company. i am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

会展英语产品介绍范文 第2篇

perfect aloe rubber is to currently world shang most advanced of _frozen stability method_ technology from natural herbs _best of united states vera aloe_ in the extraction and into, its purity very high, does not containing any chemical additives and impurities, on cut injury, and abrasions, and wound fester, and burns, and skin trace itch, and youth pox, and peutz-jeghers syndrome, and mosquito bites, toothache, lip angle fester, operation scar and so on are has obvious of secondary role, using security reliable, is each family essential of skin care products.完美芦荟胶是以目前世界上最先进的“冷冻稳定法”技术从天然草本植物“最好的美国库拉索芦荟”中萃取而成,其纯度非常高,不含任何化学添加剂和杂质,对割伤、擦伤、伤口溃烂、烫伤、皮肤痕痒、青春痘、黑斑、蚊虫叮咬,牙痛,唇角溃烂,手术疤痕等等都有明显的辅助作用,使用安全可靠,是每个家庭必备的护肤品。

会展英语产品介绍范文 第3篇

today i want to introduce a product of nike to you.今天我想向大家介绍耐克的一款产品。it's a bottle for sports.它是一款运动型水壶。its color is green, which means energetic.它的颜色是绿色,代表活力。it is convenient to take when you go out for sports.它非常方便在你外出运动时随身携带。and it contains a lot, which can meet your need of water.同时,它盛水量大,可以满足你的喝水需求。anyway, you must have one to help you be healthy!为了健康,你值得拥有。



