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2021年考研英语一作文范文 第1篇

Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一

(1) 我是华盛顿大学建筑专业大三学生。(2) 您可以将这封信看作我为申请(主题词)所做出的真诚发言。段落二

(3) 我身上具有许多人没有的优点。(4) 首先,我能将我在学习中精通的知识有效地运用到日常实践中。(5) 此外,我所有的朋友都认为我勤奋,乐观,充满自信。


(6) 我十分感激您能抽出时间阅读这封信。(7) 我希望你能尽快回复。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

小作文8: 感谢信

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) Your assistance was of immeasurable help and I am writing to give many thanks.(2) Your opportune support was significant as it saved me from a vital situation.


(3) To start with, I am deeply moved by the way you show reverence to others when they are in need.(4) What’s more, your uplifting experience of success has given me a lot of inspiration in life and work.(5) Finally, please allow me to do something in return for your help.


(6) No words can relay my thankfulness for your generous help,.(7) Hopefully we could maintain close ties.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming


Dear Sir/Madam


(1) 您的无私帮助对我来说十分重要,我写这封信正是为了表示我的谢意。(2) 你及时的帮助对我来说意义十分重大,因为它帮助我脱离了困境。


(3) 首先,你秉持的善待他人的价值观会深深地打动并影响我。(4) 另外,在我的日常生活工作中,你的成功经验也给了我很大启发。(5) 最后,请允许我做点什么来回报你


(6) 对于你的慷慨帮助,我无法用言语来表达我的感激之情。(7) 希望我们保持紧密联系。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

小作文9: 祝贺信

Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一

(1) The news of (主题词) has pleased me very much.(2) Hopefully, my heartfelt congratulations will get through you in this letter.


(3) As (主题词) is the first stage to success, there is nowhere for you to go but up.(4) I adore you because you achieve objectives with hard work and persistent sacrifice.(5) As the compass in my life, you will point me in the right direction when I feel frustrated.


(6) Please let me give you a round of applause again!(7) Your frequent letters or calls will be my delights.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) (主题词)的这一消息让我非常开心。(2) 希望我能借这封信让你感受到我真诚的祝贺。


(3) (主题词)是你成功的第一步,在未来的人生道路上你还会不断前进。(4) 我一直很敬佩你能够为自己的人生目标而持之以恒地付出。(5) 作为我人生旅程中的指南针,你能告诉我哪个才是正确的前进方向。


(6) 请允许我再次为你的表现鼓掌!(7) 随时给我写信或打电话,我将非常高兴。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

小作文10: 通知、告示


(1) (活动名称)will be held at 2 . Thursday in the Lecture Hall.(2) In regard to this event, this notification has pertinent details


(3) As the part that (第一个信息) is most substantial, your main focus should be centered on it.(4) In addition, we will have a respectable guest to present the closing address.(5) Finally, we will ask all the guests to take a memorable photo.


(6) We look forward to having you partaking enthusiastically.(7) If there is any place I can help, please contact me immediately.

The Students' Union


(1) (活动名称)将于星期四下午2点在演讲厅举行。(2) 该活动的详细信息可通过此告示得知。段落二

(3) 首先,最重要的消息是:(第一个信息),这需要您重点关注。(4) 其次,我们将有请一位受人景仰的贵宾致闭幕词。

(5) 最后,我们会请所有的客人一起合影留念。段落三

(6) 我们期待能有您积极参与进此次活动中。(7) 如果有任何我能帮忙的地方,请立即与我联系。

The Students' Union




2021年考研英语一作文范文 第2篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

The 2019 Graduation and Degree Conferring Ceremony of our university will beheld at the Teaching Building from 9:00 to 12:00 on May 21th.

With your outstanding expert knowledge and academic reputation, you havecontributed immeasurably to the advances of our university and the growth of ourstudents. So I, on behalf on the Student Union, sincerely extend to you aninvitation to this ceremony. We will be greatly honored if you could be presentat the grand ceremony. And, on the occasion, there will be volunteers guidingyou to your seat.

The schedule of the ceremony is attached for your reference. It would be muchappreciated if you could please send back the reply slip before May 14th toinform us of your attendance. We look forward to your reply.

Your faithfully,

Li Ming

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第3篇

Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一

(1) 我是伯明翰大学业余爱好协会的主要成员。(2) 这封信的目的是诚挚地邀您前来(活动信息)。段落二

(3) 为了方便你制定计划,我会告诉你此次活动的安排。(4) 首先,活动将在周四晚上7点在教师楼举行。(5) 此外,本次活动将由一位著名嘉宾主持。(6) 最后,在活动结束后,我们为全体来宾准备了一场精彩的演出。


(7) 您能花时间阅读这封信,我感激不尽。(8) 如果有时间出席,我会非常高兴。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

小作文4: 询问信、求助信

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I am the president of Student Union in Western University.(2) This letter is a proper chance to get a few answers from you about (主题词).


(3) In the first place, (信息1), which weighs heavily on my mind and I attach great importance to it.(4) Moreover, (信息2), which will for sure cast significant impact on my follow-up actions.(5) If you can send me pamphlets, I will gain a deeper understanding by reading them.


(6) I appreciate that you could take the time to read this letter.(7) I truly expect to hear from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第4篇

Dear Wang Yi,

It was with great pleasure to hear that you have been admitted to yourfavorite/dream university. It is a huge/great achievement testifying that yourgreat effort and impressive perseverance pay off and I want to extend my deeplyheartfelt congratulations to you.

I want to offer some suggestions conducive to your career life. Firstly, keepimproving your ability of self-learning, since the company is a place wherelearning programs are thinking-oriented. Therefore, you need that ability tosecure more knowledge for the sake of the future career advancement. Secondly,learn to manage your time and money.

Again, congratulate you. Best wishes for a productive and enriching year.

Yours faithfully,

Li Min

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第5篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my wish to be a volunteer for the World CulturalHeritage Preservation Forum.

In reality, I have learned about this activity last year and have alwaysexpected to join it. During my study years, I have organized and conducted someactivities concerning the field that you state the candidate must be familiarwith. Further, I am familiar with the theme of the activity and proficiency inEnglish and possess interpersonal communication abilities, proper manners andsense of responsibility.

If my experience and qualifications are of interest to you, I would bepleased to follow up with any further information you may require. I would bemost grateful if you could grant me an interview.

Your faithfully,

Li Ming

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第6篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction concerning the quality of yourhair dryer. I ordered it from your online store last week. Goods arriving, Ifound that the outer package was in ruin. Furthermore, there was something wrongwith it when used.

The faults are as follows:Firstly, the dryer sometimes is unable to switchbetween settings. Secondly, it makes annoyingly loud sound when worked.

The order serial number is 678901. Please immediately issue me a refund forthis item or I will have to appeal to the consumer-rights organizations. A copyof the receipt is attached.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第7篇

Dear Rose,

I must offer my deepest apologies for missing our appointment without callingyou in advance yesterday. It was impolite of me to do so and there is no excusefor that type of behavior. I hope that I did not keep you waiting too long.

I had been looking forward to our meeting today, but when I rechecked mycalendar, I discovered that the meeting was, in fact, scheduled foryesterday(讲述犯错的原因). I hope this oversight will not prevent us from reschedulingour appointment. Please let me know when it is convenient for you.

Thank you for your understanding. Rest assured that the incident will nothappen again.

Your faithfully,

Li Ming

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第8篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to you to express my heartfelt thanks for everything you havedone for me.

My academic progress this year can be greatly attributable to your caringattention and guidance.

I am extremely grateful that you warmly provided me with timely and effectiveadvice and instructions when I felt implicitly confused about how to improve myacademic performance. I definitely know how painstaking effort you have pouredinto this process.

As a token of gratitude, I would like to invite you to join a feast with myfamily next week. It is greatly honored if you could be present. Looking forwardto your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

2021年考研英语一作文范文 第9篇

Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一

(1) 我是南洋大学中文专业的大三学生。(2) 很抱歉打扰你,但我忍不住要向你投诉(主题词)。段落二

(3) 我对以下列出的两个方面十分恼火。(4) 首先,(理由1),直接造成了接下来的严肃后果和无数不便之处。(5) 其次,即使我和你们的客服人员谈了很多次,问题还是悬而未决。(6) 我真诚地希望我反馈的问题能尽快得到处理。


(7) 您对这封信件的关注令我感激不尽。(8) 我希望你能在方便的时候尽早给我答复。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

小作文6: 道歉信、辞职信

Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一

(1) I wish to suitably ask for your pardon/tender my resignation by the aid of this letter.(2) I must admit that I am very sorry about this dreadful event.


(3) Primarily, because of (第一个理由), I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night.(4) In addition, what intensified the present situation and made issues more difficult to appropriately manage is that (第二理由).(5) By utilizing (具体解决方案) it is my desire to minimize the negative effect on you.


(6) One last time, I am sincerely apologizing to you.(7) It is my sincere hope that you can understand it.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming



