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雅思大作文利弊型范文 第1篇

Tourism: how to balance benefiting and bruising modern society.

The term Tourism was first used officially in 1937 by the League of Nations, predecessor of the United Nations. As a highly lucrative industry with one of the worlds fastest development rates, tourism has been redefined more than 20 times by government bodies, travel organisations and of course the tourists themselves.

This article will explore the resources gained through global tourism, the negative impacts it causes as well as the policies implantedto ensure protection of tourist destinations and their inhabitants.

The idea that society needs to engage in more responsible tourism was first recognised internationally at the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil, where 182 governments adopted Agenda 21. The first of its kind to attain international cooperation, Agenda 21 declares that:

Tourism should contribute to the conservation, protection and restoration of the Earths ecosystems

Environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the tourism development process, and

Tourism development should recognize and support the identity, culture and interests of indigenous peoples.

Ten years later the UN assigned as the International Year of Ecotourism. Ecotourism is a modern term for responsible leisure travel that conserves the environment and welfare of communities in a tourists host country.

~The Benefits~

Global tourism employs over 200 million people, accounting for approximately 10% of the total international income of US$500 billion. It supports families that would otherwise suffer, for example, the aftermath of the Bali bombings in 2002 resulted in hundreds of local families without food on the table because tourists, too scared to return or travel to Bali, stopped needing the services of the average working men and women. This is especially important for rural areas and third world countries in need of urgent income.

Tourism, , promotes environmental values and provides funding for countries to ensure preservation of their natural resources by placing environments under a foreign spotlight. There are many examples of tourist sites that encompass preservation of biodiversity, for instance: the laws preventing visitors from removing flora and fauna in the Great Barrier Reef, and those laws that protect hundreds of trees of cultural and historical significance in Redwood National Park, USA. This aspect improves the welfare of wildlife habitats and residents of places with frequent visitors.

Tourism can be very beneficial for locals, as it provokes communities and their governments into maintaining and investing in clean and safe public infrastructure, as well as keeping transport reliable. For example, the Gold Coast in Queensland is constantly funded to keep its beaches clean, so it can continue to attract tourists from all over the world.

~The Bruises~

Tourism negatively impacts environments and their people from the highest mountain to the deepest cave. Many of these impacts affect one aspect and the other is affected as a consequence.

To begin, tourist accommodation requires land that can sometimes belong to or have significance for an indigenous group. When traditional landowners are forced to relocate, their resentment towards the invading visitors sometimes means that they refuse to display their way of life including art, rituals and beliefs. This results in the diluting of culture and creates a lack of understanding, and therefore appreciation, of different lifestyles and environments. We need this understanding in order to protect the cultures and their knowledge, for instance, medical uses of certain plants.

Communities that reject exploitation of their culture are often sucked dry of their resources and businesses in order to make way for hospitality facilities. For example, in Malaysia, 29 local stores were forcibly shut down to clear land for a tourist accommodation development.

As for the environment, tourism ultimately creates a massive decline in biodiversity and also causes problems such as erosion, deforestation and pollution.

Take Jamaica, for example. Only a few short years ago, Jamaican beaches were lined with sand dunes that supported root systems for vegetation and created protective barriers against flood and erosion. Nowadays, hotel, road and restaurant construction, as well as intensified use of public beaches has caused the dunes to disappear.

Negligence on the behalf of tourists has put the existence of plant and animal life in jeopardy. Thoughtless activities including stealing wildlife for souvenir purposes and littering can cause changes such as loss of habitats or food sources for animals and changes in soil nutrients for plants. Tourists seeking a challenging or adventurous holiday may have no idea what their leisurelybreak is doing to the environment and business of the local people. For example, tourists who climb over Uluru in Central Australia speed the process of eroding the monumental land feature. Those who climb Mount Everest are often guilty of leaving behind litter such as oxygen tanks and camping equipment which damages habitats. In pacific or tropical island countries, such as Cuba and New Caledonia, tourists who want prime coastal locations have second homes or resorts built on beaches were turtles come ashore to lay eggs.

To preserve the wonders of our planet we have been privileged to experience, we need to take more consistent and efficient action, and soon! The following are some ideas or developing plans to lower the negativity tourism brings, reward progress and heighten the advantages the industry presents for all.

~Balancing the Pros and Cons~

Ways in which tourism companies, communities and individual tourists can make a difference.

*Create higher fines for littering in the bush, at beaches, cultural buildings, etc.

*Invest in less invasive methods of enjoying forests such as boardwalks and cable cars

*Educate both the tourists and the host communities; make them aware of the impacts a holiday can create if the future is not regarded with priority

*Support local businesses

*Involve all community members in decision making

*Respect the social and cultural practices of host communities and abide by their laws and routines

*Advertise natural attributes, eg. coral reefs, rather than cultural ones, eg. theme parks, to create more incentive for the unique features

*Award annual prizes to companies around the world that practice ecotourism and provide low impact, culturally appropriate and environmentally benign tourism operations

Modern lifestyle has transformed holidaying from a luxury to a necessity. The business of showing of the places and activities we see and do everyday to an audience of awestruckforeigners for more money that its worth is to blame for impacting our own lives, environments and ecosystems. Although we all deserve some relaxation, society as a whole needs to pull their act together and stop abusing the privilege of enjoying unfamiliar culture and cuisine. Now is the time to reassess the balance of benefiting and bruising modern society.

Theres a saying in Asia: Tourism is like fire; you can cook your supper with it, but it can also burn your house down.

雅思大作文利弊型范文 第2篇


Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.



I think it’s better for college students to live on-campus their first two years, and then move into an apartment off-campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life. Students’ needs change over four years, so their housing should too.

Living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things are done. You get the whole university experience. Plus, you interact more with other students. This includes not only your roommates, but everyone in your dormitory. The older students in the dormitory can be a big help for the new students. Keeping up with studies your first year is hard enough. You shouldn’t have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy.

Living in the dormitory also makes a student feel more a part of the university community. There are more opportunities for becoming involved in university activities and networking with students and university administration.

Living off-campus, however, is a definite advantage for older students. Finding an apartment, dealing with leases and the landlord’s regulations, cooking meals, and figuring out budgets are all good practice for life after graduation. This kind of independence helps older students grow in adulthood.

Off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on what’s going on around them. Campuses can be like little worlds of their own. There are few children or older people and everyone is focused on education. Getting to know neighbors who aren’t students is good for students coming from different places. It’s a chance to find out what other people think and feel.

I think a combination of two years on-campus and two years off-campus is a winning combination for most students.


dormitory:(学校等的)宿舍; 集体寝室; (在市内工作的人的)郊外住宅区

landlord:房东,地主; 店主

lease:租约; 租契; 租赁物; 租赁权

regulation:管理; 控制; 规章; 规则



In some countries, teenager have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.


I don't think it is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students. It can interfere with their studies, it can disrupt their home life, and it takes away part of their childhood that they can never replace.

Education today is very complex and difficult .In order to learn and get good grades, a student must work very hard and concentrate. This means attending classes from early in the morning until late afternoon, then doing research for projects, then going home and doing homework. It’s a busy schedule for everyone. For someone trying to hold down a job, it’s even harder. Students need all their energy for their studies. If they're working after class at night, they’re going to be tired the next day. They won't be able to concentrate. This will have a negative impact on their learning, and eventually on their grades.

Having a job can also disrupt a teenager's home life. Families spend less and less time together. If a teenager has a job to go to after school, he won't be home for dinner. He won't be home after dinner either, and may not get home until late at night, This means he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with his family .If he doesn't have a car, it can mean changes in his parents' schedule ,too. They have to drive him to work and pick him up.

The main drawback of a teenager having a job while he's still a student is that he's missing out on the fun of being young. He has a whole lifetime in which he'll have to earn a living. This is the last free time he'll have, It’s the last chance he'll have to hang out with friends and just enjoy himself. Soon enough he'll have to worry about paying the rent and buying food.

Jobs bring money, but money isn't everything. A teenager with a job gives us too much. No one should spend all his time at working, and especially not a teenager



Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?



Should children play more or study more? The question is what will be better for the child. There are benefits to both activities, but the answer depends on the details of the situation.

There are many things that could affect the outcome of the argument. What kind of a school is it? It could be a school where children sit at their desks all day long memorizing dates and facts. Or it could be a school where the teacher helps the children learn what they want to learn. I think the second kind is a lot better for a child than the first kind.

Similarly, what kind of play are we talking about? The child could be alone all day long watching television, which could make him or her bored and lonely. Or the child could be involved in group activities with neighborhood children of the same age, which could help him or her learn how to get along with others.

I think both study and play are valuable, so I would prefer to send my child to a school where there is a combination. I think a variety of activities makes learning easier for anyone at any age.


memorizing:记住,熟记( memorize的现在分词 )


Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Most kids love to play sports. It’s important to them, but for the majority, it’s just one type of activity out of many that they do. For a small number of kids, though, a sport becomes their whole life. They spend almost all their time and energy practicing. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

Sports are good for young children in many ways. Kids who enjoy sports are likely to have better health. They develop good habits of daily exercise that will keep them healthy as adults, too. Today, many children and adults are overweight, but those who love sports stay in shape. Plus, by developing their physical abilities, they will learn how to work hard towards a goal. Their achievements in sports will make them feel good about themselves. They’ll also make friends and learn teamwork. Sports, whether a little or a lot, can have positive effects.

We admire the talent and dedication of young athletes, but we also wonder if they’re losing something. Their focus is very narrow. If they devote most of their time to sports, are they neglecting schoolwork? What about other interests? Children should try out many different activities. In addition, many young athletes are pressured by parents or coaches to succeed. Kids whose drive comes from inside usually do okay, but others can be unhappy and have health and emotional problems. So sports, like anything else in excess, can have negative effect too.

When I was young, I liked books and hated sports. I saw other people who loved sports and hated school. Now that I’m older, I’ve found a better balance. People have to figure out what’s right for them. Is there such a thing as too much sports? There is no right answer, because there is no “right amount.” Everyone is different.

雅思大作文利弊型范文 第3篇

Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?



advertisements; exert an influence upon; adopt measures


此类题目是典型的blended essay的写法,开头结尾相对容易,body paragraphs分为两段展开,按照题目提问的先后顺序:首先,第一问可以写广告所带来的诸多benefits,比如:广告让我们更加清晰了解产品特点getting a better understanding of how the products work;成为大多数企业的收入来源sources of revenue;部分广告向人们宣传健康生活方式,让人们生活更加幸福快乐more contented。当然也可以写drawbacks,例如:很多商业广告的虚假宣传误导了消费者消费misleading customers;部分广告内容低俗,对青少年的身心发展不利negative effects on mental health;广告泛滥使广告形象大打折扣contribute to a bad self-image。其次,针对问题提出解决的solutions,这里可以从政府的角度切入,广告利弊兼有,政府应当积极引导,以便广告更好地服务于民众。


response to an advertisement回应广告



and catchy phrases花言巧语

is now a circus-show.广告现在就像是在进行马戏表演。

immune to the influence of advertising不受广告的影响


great variety of beautiful products玲琅满目的商品


1. The effect advertising has on our society may be subtle, and most of us remain unaware of how it molds us to fill in the particular company’s needs.

advertising is useful for a host of things, from selling products, to putting public announcements on the air, some of the effects are detrimental as they can intentionally misrepresent “real” people in their commercials.


The extent to which people are influenced by advertisements can be measured in terms of the high sales of popular consumer goods, many of them being unnecessary or completely useless. Mainly through the media, advertisements on products and services are able to penetrate the public mind with half truth and half lying. In many cases, consumers are becoming so greedy that they are not only buying things they really do not need but also spending the money they do not have.


Although advertising gives people a chance as consumers, actually most advertisements tend to cause them to desire for something worthless. Under such circumstances, it is easy to change people's need into greed. So much so, they are constantly encouraged to want things--want this and want that. This human behavior is haunted by the media from all fronts: on radio, on television, and online, not to mention printed circulations such as newspapers and magazines. Obviously, a great number of “impulsive” buyers are persuaded under the illusion that new products or services could make a difference in their lives. Despite all the benefits of the free market economy, the effects of unreliable advertising are particularly negative in that the power of advertising does not reflect the real needs of the society in which products and services are sold.

雅思大作文利弊型范文 第4篇

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

Model Answer:

It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life.

Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think this suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best.

Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometre run after work, because you are already physically tired.

Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym.

Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is where we work. People who work indoors often prefer outdoor hobbies, whereas for people who work outdoors, the reverse may be true. I am a student myself and this involves a lot of sitting in lectures, so I need to get out into the fresh air afterwards.

In any situation, the important thing is that people need to stay healthy by choosing what is best for them. The only wrong way to spend free time, in my view, is to have a sedentary job and then go home and watch television.


In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?


In some countries, women are privileged to have a time-off lasting for several months after they give birth to their babies. From my perspective, the benefits of this dwarf the drawbacks.

Taking several months away from work tends to have a favourable influence on the primiparas involved. The key reason lies in the fact that the maternity enables these women to embrace the precious time to recover after suffering months of pregnancy and unbearable pain of delivering a baby. Thus it is likely for them to refresh themselves, which is the prerequisite for them to continue the work and cope with the challenges in later life.

As well as the benefits to the new moms, their infants can also be affected positively if their mothers are granted with the maternity leave. In the first few months after the baby comes to the world, they are vulnerable to various diseases and thirsty for the breeding. As a result, the care and company from their mothers seem to be indispensable.

There are, however, certain disadvantages in taking time-off. These female workers may find their positions to be replaced by the successors. When they return to the company after the break, they tend to earn less and enjoy fewer promotions compared with before. They will encounter more difficulties in climbing up the career ladder. However, in my view, these problems are less likely today and there is much that can be done to address these issues constructively. The government should enact laws to ensure women can hold the previous position and their salaries should never be lower than before. Those companies which disobey the rules will be fined and criticized openly on the media.



Task:In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?

Sample answer:

In the modern world, young adults prefer to raise children late in their life. This essay will mainly analyze the potential reasons and how it will affect society and family life as well.

There are three main factors contributing to the postponed parenthood. In general, people who bear great pressure from their work are less likely to prepare childbirth early, considering that they may have little time to attend their children. This problem can also be attributed to the high cost of modern life. The young people without adequate savings will probably be afraid of high living cost and expensive tuition. Another reason for this is the difficulty in balancing work and life. More young people emphasize the promotion in career, and thus spare little time for a stable marriage life which is viewed as a significant element for rearing children.

It cannot be denied that late childbirth is able to provide more time for young couples to be ready for the new members in their families. They need to learn how to raise children before they decide to have children. In addition, if they delay childbirth, they can provide more economic support for children’s rearing and education.

However, the low birth rate will cause an increase in aging population. It is widely known that most medical needs and costs occur in the last years of life. Therefore, young people have to face the need to care for the elderly family members. From the perspective of the society, due to a shift in the age structure of the workforce, an aging society with a low birthrate is likely to encounter labour shortage. To summarize, the delay in having children is mainly attributed to the stress and strains men and women bear in both their life and work. Although this may help them better prepare for their children’s development, the negative effects on both society and family life cannot be ignored.



Task:Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

It is sometimes argued that increasing the minimum age for unsupervised driving is the optimal way to ensure road safety. While the proposal seems feasible, I believe other solutions should be fully considered as well.

On the one hand, I agree that teenage drivers are more likely to have collisions on the road, compared to drives in other age groups. This is because young driver, especially those who are in adolescence, tend to overestimate their driving abilities and underestimate the dangers on the road. For example, because of behavioural characteristics of youth, adolescents have a weak awareness of safety. They are very likely to drive faster than the speed limit or mimic those dangerous shots shown in the movie, such as drifting, which can lead to car accidents on roads.

Nevertheless, apart from controlling the legal age strictly, I believe that other measures can be taken to prevent deaths and serious injuries. Firstly, the government might set higher standards for testing drivers’ ability to drive and prolong the training time since better prepared drivers and riders can reduce the number of incidents. Besides, a right attitude plays a vital role in ensuring the road safety. For instance, eating, drinking, or talking on the phone while driving should be prohibited as these activities might distract driver's attention and cause some unexpected consequences. Finally, for those disqualified drivers, who have serious crash record, retest is a must.

In conclusion, although the lowest legal age can prevent some disqualified drivers on the road, other considerations are equally important in tacking this issue.



People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are expertimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example.

Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Model Answer:

Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many cultures. Not only is illegal drug use on the rise, but children as young as 10 years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco. The reasons for this behaviour are unclear, but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders. Parents who drink and smoke to excess are, in effect, telling their children that it is acceptable to abuse their bodies with drugs. Consequently, children may have a similar view towards illegal drugs, even if their parents are against their use. In addition, drug use shown on television and in films can only confuse children who are also taught at school that drug abuse is wrong.

The pressure on young people to perform well at school in order to compete for jobs is a possible cause of the problem. Many believe they cannot live up to their parents' expectations, and feel a sense of hopelessness. Also, the widespread availability of drugs means teenagers are faced with the temptation to experiment. Drugs are used as a means of expressing dissatisfaction with the pressures they face in society.

The effects of drug abuse are well known. Many young people's talents are wasted, and addiction to hard drugs can cost a user his or her life. Furthermore, those who drink and drive may be involved in fatal road accidents. The cost to society is great, and enormous amounts of money are spent on convicting drug dealers and on education programmes.

To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is to educate young people about the dangers of drug use, and to take steps to reduce the pressure of competition placed upon them.

雅思大作文利弊型范文 第5篇

The advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement Advertisement is omnipresent in our modern society. It seems wherever we go, such small ads will greet our eyes: the supermarket, the subways, the stop sighs, the walls of public buildings, the garbage cans, and whatsoever. The ads can be about everything from selling mobile phone, renting houses, treating difficult diseases to producing fake diplomats.(from domestic articles to machinery, from toys to aircrafts.)It's no exaggeration that we live in the world of advertisement. The advantage of the ads is self-evident. They provide us with a good collection of goods and service, from which we can make our best choices. For the manufacturer, they can take advantage of the ads to project the characters of their products so as to seize the vision of the consumers and gain them huge , we cannot belittle the disadvantages of the ads. ①To many ads do spoil our daily life and waste our time. They interrupt the TV programs, filling our letterbox, and ruin our appreciation of nature in place of interests. People often feel burdened with the ads instead of satisfying with them. ②On the other hand, some of the ads are illegal, spreading false information and planning to treat people who are eager to solve their 's high time we took urgent and effective measures to curb this phenomenon. ①Firstly, we should intensify the effects to supervise the ads markets. It's crucial that we must regulate the ads market strictly to avoid someone's availing himself or herself of the loophole of the market management. ②Secondly, whoever takes advantage of ads treating consumers should be punished or imprisoned. ③Thirdly, we should educate people to abide by the law and give priorities to honesty and credit. Only when putting these measures into practice, will our society be purified into a paradise for us to live in. 广告的利与弊 广告在当今社会中无处不在。


(从家用物品到大型机器、从玩具到航天器) 毫不夸张的说,我们生活在一个广告世界里。广告的'优点很明显。








雅思大作文利弊型范文 第6篇

More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone?


Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.



people today can perform the everyday tasks as shopping, banking or even business transactions, without meeting others face-to face. What effects will this phenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole?



开头段(不少于3+1句) The interactivity of the Internet and the mobile phone has enabled a multitude of people to purchase their desired items or pay their phone bills without stepping out of their offices or homes. And many others can even register for tests or sign contracts online. This sweeping trend of going about everyday business in the virtual world has triggered a marked decline in face-to-face contact between people . Thus it is essential that we identify the implication of this trend on both individuals and society as a whole.

英文里表达“从事”一件事情 go about / conduct /perform 表示影响可以替换的单词:Implication/ repercussions, impact, influence

主体段1(不少于1+6句) The impact of this phenomenon on individuals is profound. First, Individual efficiency in business transaction and banking will be greatly enhanced. And those who dread shopping are spared the chore of browsing around in shops. Secondly, the increasingly sedentary lifestyle will engender a higher incidence of ailment. More overweight people means more patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as vein hardening, diabetes and hypertension. Thirdly, the absence of face-to –face contact may induce distrust between business partners. An inherent sense of disbelief is apt to ruin a telecommunicated negotiation when negotiators can only see videos of each other transmitted via the Internet.

表示“提高,增进”,enhance boost 要表示“产生”的意思,后面是好的结果,用bring about 后面是不好的结果用engender 后面是抽象名词比如心理活动,用induce 破坏undermine, jeopardize, endanger, ruin, wreck, havoc on, spoil, devastate

主体段2(不少于1+6句) This trend also has widespread repercussions on society as a whole. In the first place, the burgeoning e-commerce will, doubtless, boost corporate efficiency immeasurably. And higher efficiency means more earnings and less costs for businesses. In the second place, online fraud, be it banking or trading, retail or wholesale is sure to abound in the cyberspace. We must search for practicable and effectual means of curbing it. In the third place, the proliferation of e-commerce may exacerbate man’s overdependence on technology. And that can render our lives unspontaneous and our tempo of life too fast and furious.

让…..进一步恶化aggravate exacerbate worsen

结尾段(不少于2句) In sum, there is no denying that the virtual is exerting influence on our lives in various ways . It is a key that we take advantage of the upside of this trend and in the meantime mitigate its downside as much as possible.

消极的影响 baneful influence/ pernicious influence 积极的影响 beneficial influence/ advantageous influence 深远的影响 profound influence


尖端的技术 cutting-edged(adj) technology 信息爆炸 information explosion / information overload

雅思大作文利弊型范文 第7篇

题目:论广告的利与弊 正文如下:With the development of informatization, people have more and more chances to choose the commodities they like. But the more goods exist, the more confusion people feel in choosing one. Therefore, advertisement stands out to take the responsibility for people to choose the products they prefer. But advertising has advantages and disadvantages. Some people are in favor of it, while some are on the contrary. As for me, I'm in the neutral place.随着信息化的发展,人们有更多的机会选择自己喜欢的商品。



至于我,我在中立的立场。On the one hand, advertisements help people have a better understanding about products. Advertisements always tell people the advantages and functions of the products. People can buy the things they want by reading advertisements. By the way, advertisements are free for consumers. Moreover, advertising is much more interesting than the instructions on the packaging box, because advertisements contain various factors, such as pictures, videos, voice plots and so on. Don't you think it is a good way for choosing a product?一方面,广告有助于人们更好地了解产品。



难道你不觉得这是选择产品的一种好方法吗?On the other hand, sometimes advertisements are tempting and deceptive. In order to attract the target customers, the advertiser will fill the content of decorating expressions, regardless of the filthy measures they have taken or the severe damages they may bring about. The advertisements always exaggerate the advantages and functions of the products. As a result, they mislead consumers to buy things that are not deserved.另一方面,有时候广告是具有诱惑性和欺骗性的。为了吸引目标客户,一些广告商为了满足修饰产品的作用,而忽视他们使用的一些肮脏措施,或者他们所带来的严重损害。


To sum up, advertisements have the good side and the opposite side. If we just take them as a reference, it will be good. But if we depend on them to buy things, we may suffer losses in the end.总之,广告有好的一面也有不好的一面。如果我们只是把它们当成是参考,广告会是好的。


雅思大作文利弊型范文 第8篇


It is undeniable that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether 从句 has become controversial. However, in spite of those who believe that sth. have more negative/positive effects, I hold opposite attitude.

The drawbacks of sth are obvious. Some people are really concerned about … They hold that …(请解释)。 Other feel upset at …(另外一个弊端), which will damage …/endager ….

It is often the case that …(此处总结上段提出的两个弊端)。But when it comes to …, …, and …,(此处先总结写你认同的几个好处),an increasing number of people including me are convinced that …...For one thing, …。 The evidence recently presented in research journals available to the public confirms that … 写调查结果,通过数字来证明自己所列举的好处1. Besides, 。。。(另外一个好处). In other words, …(换种说法解释)。This is another aspect of how sth benefits us.

All in all, sth has played a significant role in … It has both upsides and downsides. But it is my firm belief that its disadvantages/advantages of … outweigh the advantages/disadvantages.


1、AAA has improved the quality of our lives and are playing an important role in our daily life. The benefits AAA brings to us are far more than its disadvantages. However, we cannot ignore its problem.

2、On the positive side, AAA has enabled us to (1) 此处填入 AAA 的优势之一。For instance, ( 2 )举例说明优势之一。Besides, (3)AAA 的优势之二。Nowadays, (4) 举例说明优势之二。In addition, ( 5 ) AAA 的优势之三。

3、On the negative side, (6) 此处填入 AAA 的劣势之一。For example,(7) 举例说明劣势之一。Besides,(8)AAA 的劣势之二。Furthermore,(9)AAA 的劣势之三。

4、All in all, we can not live without AAA for the conveniences it brings to us, but we should also be aware of the negative effects it creates on the modern life.



考题:TV,internet and radio are very popular nowadays. Some people say that they will replace books and written words as the main source of information. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Argue for


1. the fastest and most effective way of obtaining information

can get information on TV and in the Internet instead of buying newspapers and going to libraries, which saves time and money.

3. informative/ have super capacities to save information. On the contrary, the capacities of books are limited

ARGUE against


1. people can not use the electronic media without equipment such as computers and TV sets; however, books are portable.

2. books and written words having more than 3000 years history are more mature than electronic media

3. no good for protecting the copyrights.

4, People often criticize TV for showing too much sex and violence



1. offer a sense of job satisfaction andsecurity 带来工作的满意感和安全感

2. lay a solid professional working experience 积累扎实的工作经验

3. reduce/cut down expenditure 削减支出

4. increase/generate job opportunities 创造就业机会

5. meet/satisfy personalized needs 满足人性化的需求

6. promote talent introduction and exchange 促进人才的引进与交流

7. keep skills fresh and up-to-date 保证技术的不落伍

8. better/promote/enhance/further human resource development 完善人力资源的发展

9. lay a solid foundation for 奠定坚实的基础

10. pave the way for the future/development 为未来铺平了道路

11. foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养合作感与竞争感

12. cultivate the spirit of team working 培养团队合作精神

13. master interpersonal skills 掌握人及关系技巧

14. widen one’s knowledge 拓宽知识面

15. enrich one’s social and life experience 丰富社会与人生经历

16. enlarge one’s view/broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视野

17. realize the value of life 实现人生价值

18. surmount/overcome/win over /master difficulties 克服困难

19. grasp good communication skills 掌握人际交流技巧

20. remove misunderstanding and discrimination 消除误解与歧视

21. keep balance between work and family 保持事业与家庭的平衡

22. raise the standard of living提高生活水平

23. penetrate every corner of our life and be impressive 贯穿生活的每一个角落而且是印象深刻的

24. improve cultural integration and globalization促进文化的整合与全球化

25. enrich people’s spiritual life 丰富人们的精神生活

26. promote social skills and competence 提高社交技巧与能力

27. strengthen the family ties促进家庭团结

28. cultivate a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感

29. bring joys and comforts to sb带来愉悦与舒适

30. usher in a brand-new life-style引入全新的生活方式

31. relieve the pressure of 缓解压力

32. maintain the community stability 保持社会的稳定

33. improve the utilization rate of energy resources提高能源的利用率

34. make full use of充分利用

35. satisfy people’s needs/meet the demands of people 满足人们的需求

36. promote the development of relative industries促进相关产业的发展

37. stimulate domestic needs刺激国内需求

38. impel economic development促进经济的发展

39. generate jobs, income and tax revenues扩大就业机会,提高收入

40. enhance mutual understanding促进相互的理解

41. boost local development促进当地的发展

42. promote cultural exchange and cooperation促进文化的交流与合作

43. enrich one’s experience of life 丰富人生经历

44. strengthen the ties with outside world加强与外面世界的联系

45. realize the sustainable development ofresources实现能源的可持续发展

46. foster a climate of peace and prosperity营造和平繁荣的气氛

47. stimulate our feelings of togetherness 激发团结

48. maintain a natural balance 保持自然平衡

49. reduce the labor intensity 降低劳动强度

50. stimulate one’s imagination and interest in sth 刺激人们的想象里与兴趣

51. accelerate the flow of information 加速信息的流动

52. provide more business opportunities 提供商机

53. increase the productivity 提高生产力

54. create more opportunities for education 创造受教育的机会

55. improve educational conditions 改善教育条件

56. release people from hard manual work 使人们从繁重的体力劳动中解脱出来

57. speed up technical innovation 加速技术革新

58. better the development of human society 完善人力资源的发展

59. promote the social inclusion 提高社会的包容度

60. bring immeasurable economic benefits 带来巨大的经济效益


1. put sb or sth at risk 使……冒风险

2. be a serious setback for the career development对职业发展是一个严重的挫折

3. be lack of a sense of job security 缺乏工作的安全感

4. distract sb from doing sth 是某人从某事中分心

5. impose a heave strain on 带来巨大的压力

6. be exaggerated and cheating 夸大且欺骗的

7. be the invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私

8. violate rights of free speech侵犯言论自由的权利

9. endanger social stability and safety 危害到社会的稳定与安全

10. restrain sb from doing 限制某人做某事

11. arouse resistances in the public 引发公众的对立

12. be very orthodox in one’s behavior 行为正统

13. be incompatible with the present work与当前的工作不融合

14. go astray 误入歧途

15. undermine local culture 破环当地文化

16. jeopardize the safety and stability of the society 破坏社会的安全与稳定

17. set a bad example to 树立坏的榜样

18. lead to the extinction of some species 导致一些物种的灭绝

19. result in shortage of energy and natural resources导致能源的短缺

20. be irreparable and irreversible damage 不可修复性的破环

21. to cause the estrangement/isolation/alienation between A and B 导致了 A与B之间的疏远

22. bring disgrace on sb 为……带来耻辱

23. suffer heavy losses 损失惨重

24. easily cause stress-related illnesses 容易导致与压力相关的疾病

25. lack basic infrastructures 缺乏基础设施

26. break the ecological balance 破环生态平衡

27. lead to extravagant waste of public funds 导致公共资金的极度浪费

28. make… in disorder 使混乱

29. be detached from 脱离……

30. be harmful to our physical and mental and health 损害身心健康

31. lead to degradation of social atmosphere 世风日下

32. further widen the gaps between the rich andthe poor 进一步加大贫富之间的差距

33. be the drying up of our limited natural resources and the deterioration of the environment 有限的自然资源的枯竭和环境的恶化

34. contaminate environment 污染环境

35. generate electromagnetic radiation and jeopardize human health 产生电磁污染而且危害人类健康

36. bring about the risks such as computer virus,nuclear leakage, biological weapons, global warming, exhaustion of natural resources and extinction of many plant and animal species 带来很多风险,比如电脑病毒,核泄露,生化武器,全球变暖,自然资源的枯竭以及很多动植物物种的灭绝

37. be a root of all evils 万恶之源

38. be easily taken in by 容易被欺骗

39. aggravate the traffic jams and worsen the crowdedness 使交通堵塞和拥挤更为恶化

40. will pay a high price for this negative development of 为……的负面发展付出高昂的代价。



