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商务信函英语作文范文 第1篇

Dear Mrs. Hoo.

I feel I owe you a personal apology for my insensitive comment at the meeting yesterday. I know these days since John's funeral have been very difficult for you, and I was clearly out of order in making reference to “merry widows.” I'm sorry you had to suffer from my foolishness.

I hope you will be able to forgive me. I have tremendous respect for you and your abilities, and I hope we can continue to work well together. I'm terribly sorry.



商务信函英语作文范文 第2篇

Dear Mr. Johnson

Thank you very much for your letter of 3 May 20XX.

We wish to offer our sincere apologies for the long delay in replying to your letter. We have recently moved our headquarters to a new location in the south of city and this has resulted in some considerable delay in replying to enquiries. The move has now been completed and I can assure you that there will be no more delays in the future.

The catalogue you require are enclosed and I hope that you will continue to use us as your main supplier.

Your sincerely

商务信函英语作文范文 第3篇

Dear Mr/Mrs,

Last Friday, when we were discussing the problems of suggested that I simply mail you a report each month on thenumber of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you. I plan to put this into effect at once. But, I first wantto make sure that I understand you correctly.

If I don’thear from you within the coming week, I’ll assume that youapprove.

Yours faithfully

商务信函英语作文范文 第4篇




商务信函英语作文范文 第5篇




I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

Every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

商务信函英语作文范文 第6篇

。 We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. b. 我们希望与您建立业务往来。 Please allow us to express our hope of opening an account with you. c. 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商务关系。 This corporation is specialized in handing the import and exports business in electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you. 2.自我推荐 a. 请容我们自我介绍,我们是……首屈一指的贸易公司。 Let us introduce ourselves as a leading trading firm in… b. 本公司经营这项业务已多年,并享有很高的国际信誉。 Our company has been in this line of business for many years and enjoys high international prestige. c. 我们的产品质量一流,我们的客户一直把本公司视为最可信赖的公司。 Our products are of very good quality and our firm is always regarded by our customers as the most reliable one. 3.推销产品 a. 我们从……获知贵公司的名称,不知贵公司对这一系列的产品是否有兴趣。 Your name has been given by…and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines. b. 我们新研制的……已推出上市,特此奉告。 We are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed…. c. 我们盼望能成为贵公司的……供应商。 We are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of…. d. 我们的新产品刚刚推出上市,相信您乐于知道。 You will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new product. e. 相认您对本公司新出品的……会感兴趣。 You will be interested in our new product……. 4.索取资料 a. 我们对贵方的新产品……甚感兴趣,希望能寄来贵公司的'产品目录及价目表。 We are interested in your new product…and shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list. b. 我们从纽约时报上看到贵公司的广告,但愿能收到产品的价目表及详细资料。 We have seen your advertisement in The New York Times and should be glad to have your price lists and details of your terms. c. 获知贵公司有……已上市,希望能赐寄完整的详细资料。 We hear that you have put…on the market and should be glad to have full details. d. 如蒙赐寄贵公司新产品的详细资料,我们将深表感激。 We should appreciate full particulars of your newly developed product. e. 如蒙赐寄有关……的样品和价目表,我们将甚为感激。 We should be obliged if you would send us patterns (or samples)and price lists of your… 5.寄发资料 a. 很高兴寄你一邮包,内装…… We are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing… b. 欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。 We have pleasures in sending you our catalogue, which gives full information about our various products. c. 欣然奉上我方产品样品,在贵方展厅展出,

商务信函英语作文范文 第7篇

Dear Mr/Mrs,

We write to confirm our agreement reached during ourconversation on 9th June about special discountson M-S Acoustical Partitions as describedon page 8of our catalogue. These prices will prevail through30 Regular Price Special pricedimensionEachEach(12 or more)4X4’US$ Bern US$ FOB Bern4x5’132 ’ We will be happy to receive your order.

Yours sincerely

商务信函英语作文范文 第8篇


1、称呼称呼是写信人对受信人的尊称,主要依据相互间的隶属关系、亲疏关系、尊卑关系、长幼关系等而定,一般都用“敬语+称谓”的形式组成。如:“尊敬的王总经理”、“亲爱的刘主任”、“尊敬的董事长先生阁下”等。对某些特殊的内容或与境外华文地区的人员往来还可加上“提称”如:“尊敬的王博士总经理海成先生台鉴”、“亲爱秘书明玉小姐雅鉴”等等。 (顶格写,后面加冒号。)


3、正文正文是书信的主体,是书信能否达到写信人理想效果的关键。一封信可以专说一件事,也可以兼说数件事,但公务书信应该一文一事。正文要清楚、明了、简洁,并注意情感分寸,不应有昵亵轻狂之嫌,也不可显侮蔑轻慢之意。 (在启词下面另起一行空两格。)

4、酬应过渡正文结束时,可写几句酬应性的话作为全文的过渡。如“我方相信,经过此次合作,双方的友谊将有进一步发展”。又如“再次表示衷心的感谢”或“代向公司其他同志问候”等等。也有用公务书信的常用结语过渡,如“特此函达、特此说明、特此重申、特此函询、特此致歉”,或“肃此专呈、肃此奉达”,也有“特此鸣谢、敬请谅解、尚祈垂察、务请函复、至希鉴谅”,以及“承蒙惠允、承蒙协办、承蒙惠示、不胜荣幸、不胜感激”等等。 (过渡一下更符合礼仪规范)


6、签署书信的签署以写信人全名为要,不能只签个姓氏或习惯称呼,如“老王、小王、小李、张主任、赵经理”等,而要完整地写成“××部主任张金水”、“××公司经理王富成”或者 “××公司办公室秘书李倩”、“××部业务员刘震”等。今天,许多书信都以计算机制成,但即使已打印了姓名,仍应再以手书签署一遍,这既表信用,亦示诚意。对某些特殊对象,署名后应有具名语,如“谨上、谨呈、敬述”等,以表示对受件者的尊重。 (通常中文信函写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置,但一般E-mail商务信函也可靠左)以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。



本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。

I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address.

我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。同时, 恳请订购。

Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order.

本公司于5月1日将改为股份有限公司, 特此奉告。

We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 1st May.

本公司股东年会, 将于3月1日在银行家俱乐部召开, 特此函告。

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers' Club on Mar. 1.

今天我们已付给.先生120美元, 特此告知。

By this we inform you that we have today paid Mr. . $120.

通过这些渠道, 他们会发来甚多订单, 特此函告。

Through these lines, we intimate you that they may send you considerable orders.

商务信函英语作文范文 第9篇

Dear Mr. / Ms,

I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.

I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at . on that day.

If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.

Yours faithfully

商务信函英语作文范文 第10篇

约定 Appointments


Dear Mr./Ms,

Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at . about the opening of a sample room let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time you would suggest. Yours faithfully,


我们的'总经理约翰格林将于六月2日到7日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于 六月3日下午2:00点拜访您。

请告知这个时间对您是否方便。如不方便,请建议具体时间。 您诚挚的


Dear Mr/Ms,

I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another. Yours faithfully


我是达拉斯W/P电子公司的代表,将于下周一到周五(10月5-9日)住留昆明。我乐于请您商讨我们新的显示器。星期二即10月6日上午09:30是否方便? 从周二,即9月29日,我将住在北京的长城宾馆,直到周六,即10月4日,在那会有通知给我。如商讨日期不方便,请另外建议。

商务信函英语作文范文 第11篇

Dear Mr. Grison

Thank you for your letter of 6 May 20** concerning the faulty tableware.

I am extremely sorry to learn that the delivery you took on 2 April was of poor quality. This was due to our faulty packing machine. We now have it repaired and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and you have always been one of our excellent customers. Therefore, I greatly regret the inconvenience it has caused and would like to offer my sincere apologies. I can assure you that such occasion will not occur and our supplies in the future will again be of our usual high standards.

I hope that you can use our company as your supplier in the future.


Your sincerely

(感谢您20** 年5月6日关于破损餐具的来信。








Dear Mr. Sation

With reference to your letter dated 3rd May 20** , I am writing to apologies for the mistake we made.

The mistake was made because our computer broke down on 29 April. I can assure you we will send the cheque of $200 to you in two days. We will offer you 20% discount for you next stay.

商务信函英语作文范文 第12篇

Dear Mr/Ms,

I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9)。 I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, ()from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.

Yours faithfully

商务信函英语作文范文 第13篇


I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxxxx.

I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerelyxxxxxx

商务信函英语作文范文 第14篇
















商务信函英语作文范文 第15篇

Dear Mr. Sation

With reference to your letter dated 3rd May 2004, I am writing to apologies for the mistake we made.

The mistake was made because our computer broke down on 29 April. I can assure you we will send the cheque of $200 to you in two days. We will offer you 20% discount for you next stay.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this error has caused you and we look forward to meeting you again.

Your sincerely

商务信函英语作文范文 第16篇

Dear Sir or Madam

I am senior from the Department of BusinessAdministration of Beijing University. I am writing theletter in purpose of applying for admission into youresteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member.

I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which furtherdetails my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do myqualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality iswell suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, myhobbies include sports and music.

Words fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you rendered me. Yourprompt and favorable attention to my inqquiry would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

商务信函英语作文范文 第17篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for letter of 5 May 20xx.

I must apologies for the delay in replying to your letter of 15 April. Unfortunately some members of our staff have recently been off sick. This, at a time when several of our employees take their annual leave, has resulted in unavoidable delays in replying to letters.

I enclose the price list of our company as requested and look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely

商务信函英语作文范文 第18篇


a. 我们愿与贵公司建立商务关系。

we are willing to establish trade relations with your company.

b. 我们希望与您建立业务往来。

please allow us to express our hope of opening an account with you.

c. 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商务关系。

this corporation is specialized in handing the import and exports business in electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you.


a. 请容我们自我介绍,我们是……首屈一指的贸易公司。

let us introduce ourselves as a leading trading firm in…

b. 本公司经营这项业务已多年,并享有很高的国际信誉。

our company has been in this line of business for many years and enjoys high international prestige.

c. 我们的产品质量一流,我们的客户一直把本公司视为最可信赖的公司。

our products are of very good quality and our firm is always regarded by our customers as the most reliable one.


a. 我们从……获知贵公司的名称,不知贵公司对这一系列的产品是否有兴趣。

your name has been given by…and we like to inquire whether you are interested in these lines.

b. 我们新研制的……已推出上市,特此奉告。

we are pleased to inform you that we have just marketed our newly-developed….

c. 我们盼望能成为贵公司的……供应商。

we are pleased to get in touch with you for the supply of….

d. 我们的新产品刚刚推出上市,相信您乐于知道。

you will be interested to hear that we have just marketed our new product.

e. 相认您对本公司新出品的……会感兴趣。

you will be interested in our new product…….


a. 我们对贵方的新产品……甚感兴趣,希望能寄来贵公司的产品目录及价目表。

we are interested in your new product…and shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list.

b. 我们从纽约时报上看到贵公司的广告,但愿能收到产品的价目表及详细资料。

we have seen your advertisement in the new york times and should be glad to have your price lists and details of your terms.

c. 获知贵公司有……已上市,希望能赐寄完整的详细资料。

we hear that you have put…on the market and should be glad to have full details.

d. 如蒙赐寄贵公司新产品的详细资料,我们将深表感激。

we should appreciate full particulars of your newly developed product.

e. 如蒙赐寄有关……的样品和价目表,我们将甚为感激。

we should be obliged if you would send us patterns (or samples)and price lists of your…


a. 很高兴寄你一邮包,内装……

we are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing…

b. 欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。

we have pleasures in sending you our catalogue, which gives full information about our various products.

c. 欣然奉上我方产品样品,在贵方展厅展出。

we should be pleased to let you have samples to give a demonstration at your premises.

d. 为使贵方对我方各种款式的手工艺品有一初步了解,今航邮奉上我方目录和一些样品资料,供您们参考。

in order to give you some idea of various qualities of handicrafts we carry, we have pleasure in forwarding you by airmail one catalogue and a few sample books for your perusal.

商务信函英语作文范文 第19篇

Dear Mr. Jones:

We understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.

We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.


John Roberts

商务信函英语作文范文 第20篇



top part of a business letter

日期:date: 23 december

地址:mr. james green

sales manager

bbb plc

55-60 old st, london e6 6hg

称谓:dear mr. green (dear gentlemen, dear sir, dear sirs, dear madam)

body part of a business letter


3. look at the two endings of business letter below. notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.

(1)please let me know if this is convenience.

i look forward to hearing from you.

best wishes

yours sincerely,


ms. gillian janes

personnel nanager

(2)please phone us to confirm the details.

we look forward to receiving your comments.

yours faithfully


for ms. gillian jones

personnel manager

















商务信函英语作文范文 第21篇













商务指南 > 商务资源 > 商务文本 > 商务信函栏目

商务信函英语作文范文 第22篇


I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua

商务信函英语作文范文 第23篇

Dear Mr Minister,

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.

We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.







