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剑桥雅思13写作范文 第1篇

这篇文章解析了剑桥雅思13 Test1小作文图形信息。该小作文给出了2007年和2010年某市立医院的交通路线图。文章提到图中环路基本没有变化,主要变化在于新增了两个环岛以及扩建了公交车站和停车场。在描写这些变化时,需要注意它们在环路中的具体位置,以及车站和停车场的布局、长度等细节。例如公交车站靠近两个环岛,员工停车场沿医院东侧全长设置等。准确地运用词汇描述图形中的位置和布局信息,是构建一个完整概述的关键。

剑桥雅思13写作范文 第2篇

这篇文章主要分析了剑桥雅思13 Test2的小作文。该小作文描述了一个1918-2011年英格兰和威尔士两国租房和自购房占比的动态柱状图。文章开头提到动态柱状图可以看作线图,提取信息时不能只关注某一条线。因为自购房和租房的占比相加为100%,所以只需描写其中一条线的变化即可完整呈现整体信息。另外,在比较不同年份数据时,不仅要关注占比的大小,还要注意差异的程度。只有把握住这两个维度,才能准确地概述图形信息,避免遗漏主要特征。

剑桥雅思13写作范文 第3篇

这篇文章解析了剑桥雅思13 Test3小作文的段落设置。该小作文描述了2014年世界十大用电大国的发电量和用电量。文章首先提到,不需要把所有20个具体数据都写出来,可以用数据区间的方法进行概括。其次是段落划分。如果简单根据数据大小分段,会出现一个段落过长,一个过短的情况。所以文章建议按前五国和后五国来分两个主体段,这样两段的长度和内容会相对均衡。最后,文章列出了一些关键的比较信息,比如中美最大,德国用电多余产电等,这些信息不能遗漏。合理的段落划分有助于信息的完整表达。


剑桥雅思13写作范文 第4篇

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Living in different countries with different climates, cultures and languages has been popular since decades ago, thanks to the popularizing of globalization. However, some people argue that living overseas where people have to speak foreign language may result in difficulties in their interpersonal communications and daily lives. I totally disagree with that point of view.

For one thing, living in a foreign nation may not do harm to ones’ social life. Instead of being isolated with each other, nowadays people all around the world use English so that they can communicate with people who are speaking English. Therefore, people can enjoy their social lives by communicating with foreign people in different language. What is more, people may become open-minded as they live a life in another country. Noticeably, people forcing themselves to speak a foreign language not only bring pressure but also create incentives to them, which help people make more friends around.

For another, these countries where someone has to speak a foreign language can provide a good language environment which is easier for individuals to blend into the society, and it can also bring benefits to people’s daily life, which actually overwhelms the negative effects. For example, to learn a language through staying in that country can be more efficient compared with studying at home. This is because students living at home do not have to worry about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their tuition fees and living costs, which is different from students studying in another country. Admittedly, if students study in a non-native-speaking country, they will be put some pressures, however, it will also develop their abilities of solving-problem and independent thinking. Besides, in their spared time, people can enjoy better life condition and learn more mode of thinking compared with that in their own country.

To conclude, living abroad and speaking foreign language can neither be serious problems in people’s social lives or in dealing with practical work.



