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英语新闻稿范文100字 第1篇

We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three-and-a-half million news stories a year. That's just one source.


My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That's the idea behind The Long News. It's a project by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TED sters including Kevin Kelly and Stewart Brand. And what we're looking for is news stories that might still matter 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot falls by the wayside.

我的问题是:这些新闻到底有多少是长期有影响的?这就是“长远新闻”(Long News)的意义。这是由Long Now基金会提出的一个项目。基金会是由TED成员建立的,包括Kevin Kelly和Stewart Brand。我们试图找出那些仍然会有深远影响的新闻故事,50,100或者是一万年以后。我是说新闻进过上述条件过滤后,很多都会落在一边。

If you take the top stories from the . this last year: Is this going to matter in a decade? Or this? Or this? Really? Is this going to matter in 50 or 100 years? Okay, that was kind of cool. (Laughter) But the top story of this past year was the economy. And I'm just betting that, sooner or later, this particular recession is going to be old news.


So, what kind of stories might make a difference for the future? Well, let's take [medicine]. Someday, little robots will go through our bloodstreams fixing things. That someday is already here if you're a mouse. Some recent stories: Nanobees zap tumors with real bee venom. They're sending genes into the brain. [They've built a robot] that can crawl through the human body.


What about resources? How are we going to feed nine billion people? We're having trouble feeding six billion today. As we heard yesterday, there's over a billion people hungry. Britain will starve without genetically modified crops. Bill Gates, fortunately, has bet a billion on agri research.


What about global politics? The world's going to be very different when and if China sets the agenda, and they may. They've overtaken the . as the world's biggest car market. They've overtaken Germany as the largest exporter. And they've started doing DNA tests on kids to choose their careers.


We're finding all kinds of ways to push back the limits of what we know. Some recent discoveries: There's an ant colony from Argentina that has now spread to every continent but Antarctica. There's a self-directed robot scientist that's made a discovery. Soon, science may no longer need us. And life may no longer need us either. A microbe wakes up after 120,000 years. It seems that with or without us life will go on.


But my pick for the top Long News story of this past year was this one, water found on the moon. Makes it a lot easier to put a colony up there. And if NASA doesn't do it, China might, or somebody in this room might write a big check.


My point is this: In the long run, some news stories are more important than others.



英语新闻稿范文100字 第2篇

①.1. Beijing---Capital of China Beijing is the capital of 's a large modern city with a long is also a city of tourism. Do you like Beijing? 翻译: 北京是中国的首都。它是一个历史悠久的现代化城市。北京也是。。

②.Myfamily Ilovemyfamily,’smymotherjob?Issheateacher?Yes,you’reright!M,..。

③.1THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of readi..。



英语新闻稿范文100字 第3篇

Joaquin Guzman, one of the world's most wanted drug tycoons, is known as EI Chapo or shorty was arrested in northwest Mexico, and the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel was taken to the barracks with more people from Mexico City. Will grant wakin ichabo Guzman, who escaped arrest since his escape in, was able to run the Sinaloa cartel, the largest and most powerful drug cartel in Latin America, with impunity 。 It is reported that Guzman finally succeeded in a hotel in mazlan, his hometown of Sinaloa. This operation is called a joint operation of American and Mexican troops.

Not only is Guzman one of the most wanted drug lords in the world, he is also one of the richest people, accumulating personal wealth believed to be more than one billion dollars.


世界头号通缉xxx大亨之一约金·古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)被称为艾查波(EI Chapo)或肖蒂(Shorty)在墨西哥西北部被捕,前锡那罗亚xxx集团的前领导人与更多来自墨西哥城的人一起被带到军营,威尔·格兰特华金·艾查波·古兹曼自年越狱以来一直逃避逮捕,他能够管理拉丁美洲最大和最强大的xxx集团,锡那罗亚xxx集团,而不受惩罚。据报道,古兹曼最终在其家乡锡那罗亚州的马兹兰市的一家酒店里得逞,这次行动被称为美墨军队的联合行动,不仅是古兹曼他是世界上最受通缉的毒枭之一,他也是最富有的人之一,积累了被认为超过10亿美元的个人财富。


英语新闻稿范文100字 第4篇


新闻报道英文范文:UN Security Council to meet on Ukraine

答宴The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency closed-door meeting to discuss the rising tension in Ukraine.

Tension in the country increased over the weekend after the Ukrainian government gave pro-Russian demonstrators an ultimatum to disarm or face a _full-scale anti-terrorist operation._

A security officer and a pro-Russian demonstrator died on Sunday following a confrontation in eastern Ukraine, where demonstrators have seized police and security buildings.

Moscow reacted strongly following the deaths, with the country's foreign ministry saying it is _outrageous_ that the Ukrainian government is using armed forces for quelling protests. Russia has called for an end to the use of the military against the Ukrainian people and the start of a national dialogue for the sake of early and radical constitutional reform in Ukraine.

拿举茄新闻报道英文范文:A clean-up project in Shibang Park

st March, in hopes of raising the environmental awareness of the public.

At about 5:00 pm, 35 students representatives went to the park to pick up the litter. When they were collecting the litter, many visitors came to help, showing considerable appreciation and support. Our students did a good job and learned a lot. However, the work still left something to be desired, since it started late and an hour was not long enough to attract more people.

In short, the project was a success and we will organize more such activities in future.

新闻报道英文范文:Michael Bowman

Another international flight to the United States has been cancelled amid continued security worries.

British Airways scrubbed废止 one of three daily flights from London to the Washington area Thursday, the latest in a series of cancellations of international flights bound for the United States.

British Airways spokesman John Lamphill, _The British government directed British Airways to cancel flight 223. We can only assume that is due tosecurity reasons, but we have no other explanation._

Wednesday, another British Airways flight was detained several hours upon arrival at Washington's Dulles Airport while . authorities questioned a number of passengers and conducted extra baggage screening. All passengers were eventually allowed to disembark.

FBI spokeswoman Debbie Wierman said authorities acted on _routine interest_ rather than a specific threat or allegation.

_There were names listed on the manifest of the plane that matched [the names of] persons that . law enforcement officials were interested in interviewing. It was routine interest on our part, and, when it was all said and done, we had no concerns or worries._

But not everyone sees the stepped-up security effort as benign.;One passenger from the delayed British Airways flight vented his displeasure. _This was detention without due process, as far as I am concerned. I am an American citizen and I expect to be treated as such in my own country._

Last week, Air France canceled a half-dozen flights between Paris and Los Angeles. Wednesday, an AeroMexico flight bound for the United States was also scrubbed after . officials raised security concerns with their Mexican counterparts.

The Associated Press quotes a spokesman for Mexico's government as complaining that . officials did not share specific information about what provoked their concerns.

Two weeks ago, the . Department of Homeland Security raised the nation's alert status to _orange_ - the second highest level on a five color-coded scale. Earlier this week Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge announced new airline security measures, including an initiative to have sky marshals aboard certain flights operated by foreign carriers.


英语新闻稿范文100字 第5篇

Joaquin Guzman, one of the world's most wanted drug tycoons, is known as EI Chapo or shorty was arrested in northwest Mexico, and the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel was taken to the barracks with more people from Mexico City. Will grant wakin ichabo Guzman, who escaped arrest since his escape in, was able to run the Sinaloa cartel, the largest and most powerful drug cartel in Latin America, with impunity 。 It is reported that Guzman finally succeeded in a hotel in mazlan, his hometown of Sinaloa. This operation is called a joint operation of American and Mexican troops.

Not only is Guzman one of the most wanted drug lords in the world, he is also one of the richest people, accumulating personal wealth believed to be more than one billion dollars.


世界头号通缉xxx大亨之一约金·古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)被称为艾查波(EI Chapo)或肖蒂(Shorty)在墨西哥西北部被捕,前锡那罗亚xxx集团的前领导人与更多来自墨西哥城的人一起被带到军营,威尔·格兰特华金·艾查波·古兹曼自年越狱以来一直逃避逮捕,他能够管理拉丁美洲最大和最强大的xxx集团,锡那罗亚xxx集团,而不受惩罚。据报道,古兹曼最终在其家乡锡那罗亚州的马兹兰市的一家酒店里得逞,这次行动被称为美墨军队的联合行动,不仅是古兹曼他是世界上最受通缉的毒枭之一,他也是最富有的人之一,积累了被认为超过10亿美元的个人财富。

英语新闻稿范文100字 第6篇


Park There is a park near my are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the many people go to the park to enjoy their like walking or having a picnic in the I like flying a kite ..。

初中英语小短文0My school day Hi,I'm xxx. I'm 13 years old and I study in xxx Middle School. My school is 。Every morning I get up at seven and have breakfast. And then I go。

New year is coming. Spring festival is the most important festival in China. Besides celebrating it, I'd like to make some new year resolutions. First, I need to improve my English in 2009, especially to practice speaking. Mayb..。


英语新闻稿范文100字 第7篇

The birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. Today,The birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. Today, computers are easy to come by and many people know how computer technology 11 . More importantly, the growing use of computer networks can multiply the violation of security, making large numbers of people more vulnerable than would be the case if they were using 12 , stand-alone computers.

Whats more, computer experts agree that despite recent widespread publicity-computer viruses are 13 one of the many computer security problems facing the nation.

The U. S. Defense Advanced Resea rch Project Agency has requested that the Research Councils Science and Technology Board 14 the security problems posed by computer technology, see what 15 may already exist, review research efforts 16 at avoiding security problems in the future, and evaluate existing policies 17 to computer security. The study committee will examine the 18 of security for a broad spectrum of users, including the business, national security, and academic communities, as well as the 19 public.

David. Clark, senior research scientist, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will chair the 20 of experts in

electronic security, net-work security, computer law, software engineering ? and operating systems. The committee will also include computer users from the defense and banking industries.

英语新闻稿范文100字 第8篇

1、A top Beijing university has introduced a facescanner to keep students staying in one of its all-female dormitories safe。


2、The face-recognition technology has controlledwho goes in and out of the Beijing Normal Universitydormitory since it was introduced last month。


3、Before the system was installed, the school recordedimages of all the residents, both with and without their glasses, news portal last Monday。

英语新闻稿范文100字 第9篇

Hundreds of people have been killed in a massive earthquake in Japan that triggered a devastating tsunami. The quake -- the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years -- caused massive damage and many people are missing and feared dead.

The magnitude quake struck Friday off Japan's eastern coast, and prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific as far away as South America and the . West Coast. The Red Cross warned that the 10-meter high tidal wave could wash over some small islands entirely.

In Japan, the tsunami swept away boats, cars and hundreds of houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo.

The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires. All train and subway traffic in Tokyo has been stopped, and thousands of people there were unable to get back home.

Authorities ordered the evacuation of about 3,000 people from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant north of Tokyo. No radiation leaks were detected, but officials are concerned the reactor's core may overheat due to a system malfunction. A fire was also reported earlier in the turbine building of the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi.

Addressing the nation, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government would do everything it can to minimize the effects of the disaster. And in Washington, President Barack Obama said the United States is ready to help the people of Japan. The . military in Japan has opened up the Yokota Air Base to some commercial flights diverted from Japanese airports.







英语新闻稿范文100字 第10篇

CAPE TOWN, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- South African Deputy President David Mabuza on Thursday vowed to restructure embattled electricity utility Eskom in a phased manner to ensure energy stabilization.

The government is pleased with the progress being made to transform Eskom under new CEO, Andre de Ruyter, Mabuza said while replying to oral questions in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), or Upper House of Parliament.

This came after another round of rolling power blackouts plunged the country into darkness.

Mabuza said the government has taken a view that Eskom must be supported to implement a comprehensive turnaround program to ensure that the utility develops and enhances its requisite institutional capabilities to meet the country's energy needs.

Mabuza sidestepped a question about whether state-run Eskom would be privatized, saying South Africans must be confident that ^v^we are going to get out of this problem.^v^

He reiterated that the government has taken a view that Eskom must be funded to meet the country's energy needs.

On Wednesday, Eskom informed Parliament's Standing Committee on Appropriations that its gross debt stood at 488 billion rand (about billion . dollars).

Eskom Chief Financial Officer Calib Cassiem admitted that without the government's recapitalization, Eskom would not have been in a position to meet its obligations.

Mabuza said that despite the current challenge of continued load shedding, South Africans should be confident that this will be sorted out once the Medupi power plant in Limpopo Province is incorporated into the national grid.

He apologized for continued disruptions of power supply which he said were caused by maintenance challenges.

South Africa's power crisis worsened on Wednesday when Eskom escalated the level of load shedding from level two to level four.

This was the highest level of load shedding that has been implemented this year.

Stage two load shedding allows up to 2,000 MW to be shed, while stage four calls for 4,000 MW to be rotationally cut off.

Under stage four load shedding, South Africans have to endure unscheduled power cuts at any given time without any warning for close to four hours at a time.

Eskom attributed the escalation to the continuing severe generation supply constraints caused by multiple unit breakdowns as well as the additional demand caused by the cold weather.

The country has been hit by three rounds of load shedding since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early March.

South Africa has suffered from electricity insufficiency for more than a decade, with power blackouts having become increasingly frequent in recent years.

Load shedding costs the country billions of rands a day and trillions over the years.

英语新闻稿范文100字 第11篇

给你三篇,你选一篇吧。 The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old。


我的妈妈 我的妈妈叫XX.她中等体格,中等身高。她不是非常漂亮,但在我心中却很美丽。她爱笑,她同样希望我也笑得灿烂。她很平凡,是一名人民教师。她从小就培养我坚强的品格,教我做人的道理。她给我自由,让我过上幸福的声国。

最短英语作文:got up early this breakfast,I did my I cleaned our room.今天早上我起的很早,吃过早饭后开始做功课,然后整理我的房间。如果没有足够的英语词汇量。




