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雅思官方范文 第1篇

The generation gap is unavoidable in almost every family,which brings about a number of conflicts in a my opinion,to limit the bad effects of the generation gap,each family should use the following three methods:

First of all,it is important that family members discuss openly about their pleasuresor sadness in childhood in family activity does not only create a close relationship but also help build up understanding among all instance,once children are aware that their grandparents and even their parents did not have a good upbringing during their hard childhood,they will stop complaining about the previous generations’ the meantime,once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way,it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people’s new habits or hobbies.

Secondly,people of each generation should not develop a very high feeling about order to do that,they should not think that they are the only right people in their family because each person has his or her own realize that their parents have to struggle with pain to support them financially,and they would stop rebelling their would realize that their children’s new style does no harm to their studies and stop imposing their own unsuitable standards on their children.

Finally,the generation gap and its bad effects can be limited if all memberscooperate to build up a close-knit family relationship and a harmonious atmosphere in which they are open and tolerant of each strongly believe that each family,by doing that,can enjoy a cozy atmosphere with minimum interference by the generation gap.





雅思官方范文 第2篇

比如说教育类的词汇,“考试教育”一词,很多人会说是education which focus examination, 其实它的准确表达应该是exam-oriented education;

还有“同龄人”很多学生会表达成people of same age, 背过话题词汇的考生应该都知道一个很简单的词peer;

雅思官方范文 第3篇

Being a parent can be regarded as a milestone during the life course of many people and family upbringing can somehow shape the development of children both psychologically and cognitively. As for the sound growth of children, I advocate that those who have newly become fathers and mothers can benefit a great deal by attending some relative courses.

As the initial guide and instructor of their children’s life, the implications of parenting cannot be underestimated. Children are exposed to their parents almost everyday and children can directly gain a host of information from those who are most intimate to them. Naturally, children are adept in imitating what they see and what they hear, and some undesired outcomes are likely to arise if parents lack the corresponding know-how to foster their offspring. In this way, the specialized courses which are tailored for new parents can provide access to some tips and advice, therefore steering clear of some problems.

Another reason makes it imperative for parents to can informed with the parenting tips is that numerous parents are too early and too hasty to become a qualified father and mother. To some extent, the parents themselves are spoiled and someone may unfortunately belong to the beaten generation, which means the physical maturity does not equate to the meticulous and considerate love and care to their next generation. On other hand, the opponents of this issue may claim that the tips and expertise of parenting can be learned from various ways, rendering the attending a class time-wasting and not cost-effective, especially for the parents who desire to have a flying start in their career. However, for the overall benefit of children, it is still advisable for parents to receive some training.

To conclude, parents are supposed to pour time to obtain some useful instruction for raising their next generation, albeit sometimes it is not necessary.

雅思官方范文 第4篇

Fresh water is a necessity in human’s daily life but how to use it varies in different societies. Some people take unlimited water consumption for granted, but others think that it is governments’ obligation to control fresh water as it is limited.

It is true that most residents in developed countries and coastal nations do not need to worry about the shortage of fresh water. Sophisticated infrastructures and sufficient precipitation can guarantee sufficient water supply. What all these occupants need to do is paying the bills. They can use as much water as they want as long as they can afford it. Thus, it is undoubted that some of them hold the opinion that they can utilize the resource freely.

It may be true that many other people do not need to concern about water consumption, but it is also a fact that a large number of inhabitants in many developing countries have no access to clean water because of its scarcity. In those countries, natural environment and climate like droughts have a negative effect on water supply. What makes things worse, the poor situation makes water even more precious. If people use as much water as they want in those areas, it can almost be sure that water supply will fail to meet some people’s daily need. Therefore, it is reasonable that local officials limit the individual water use and punish the people who waste it.

In my opinion, fresh water should not be used without any restrictions. Water supply depends so heavily on natural environment that it can be regarded as limited resource in some countries. Water conservation, whether it is advocated by government or not, is what people should insist on.


Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits have been brought to international business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

雅思官方范文 第5篇

As a result of the accelerating process of globalization in various aspects, young people in different countries are more likely to enjoy the same music, films, or television programs, which invariably result in some similarities.

Some people may claim that it is more a curse than a blessing for the world. One argument commonly raised that this process will be damaging to the globe diversity. When locals are bombarded with foreign products or culture, they may gradually abandon their traditional values or ways of life, so this would have a negative impact on their national or cultural identities in the long run. They even quote numerous examples such as the Eskimo in Iceland and Mosuo ethnic group in Southwest China to illustrate their point of view.

While this is particularly true of some minority cultures, I want to point out that they are still special cases instead of the general rule.

Generally speaking, sharing something across the globe can contribute to a deeper mutual understanding between different nations. For example, a piece of country music by John Denver may well shed light on the peaceful daily life of Americans while a pop song by Cui Jian may introduce to Westerners a much more familiar China. What is more, an experience of some alien cultures may encourage more appreciation of the local ones, rather than assimilation or malfunction.

There is overwhelming evidence on this when we consider japan, or China, or even the US, which tend to incorporate the international elements into the local.

To conclude, I am quite optimistic about the prospect of an increasingly similar world. Of course, some minority groups may be put at a disadvantage for they cannot receive equal attention as the superpowers. So I also advocate that governments or other bodies should make efforts to bring these minorities into the international horizon.


Knowledge is power, Francis bacon wrote long ago. Education has a key to play in one’s growth and a nation’s development.

Education is the driving force of productivity. Keeping this in mind, numerous countries and governments are paying closer attention to the cultivation of talents. People differ greatly in their views as to how to wisely allocate educational budget, some people assert that instead of supporting other subjects, national investment in science is desirable. As I see it, government should place equal stress on both science and arts.

Granted, plenty of evidence and arguments could be easily found to prove that it is advisable for a nation to subsidize science. For a start, the competition among different countries, to some extent, amounts to the competition of gifted people. Science and technology is the stimulating factor of the development of productivity. Large amounts of talents could inject new life into a nation’s prosperity. Besides, in comparison with art students, those who are better equipped with science knowledge such as computer, business and accounting could create more commercial value.

Nevertheless, it is rather superficial to simply say that national budget should be only restricted to science investment. The mightiness of a nation involves many aspects and the cultivation of good citizens or talents is to realize one’s comprehensive development. The construction of a country needs enterprisers, mathematicians and scientist, yet, on no account can we ignore the immense value of artists, writers, musicians. In addition to science subjects, literature, history, philosophy, music, art and PE should also become the aim of education. Literature strengthens one’s cultural deposit, history deepens one’s insight into life, philosophy fosters one’s analytical thinking, music moulds one’s temperament, art cultivates one’s artistic eye and PE enhances one’s health index. In these senses, art still deserves enough attachment and support. Art talents are indispensable to the betterment of a country.

Overall, I re-affirm my conviction that education should not have too much utilitarian, conversely, it needs to render more concerns over one’s spiritual growth and character-training. Ideal educational policy should place equal significance on science investment and other subjects.


The process by whichbricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in sevenconsecutive steps. First the raw material, clay, which was just below thesurface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be dug up by a digger.

Then the lumps of clayare placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay intomuch smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whosemotion further segregates the bits of clay. Sand and water are added to make ahomogenous mixture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut intobrick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.

Those fresh bricks arethen kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, severaldozens if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are thentransferred to a so-called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. Firstthey are kept at a moderate temperature of 200 ℃-1300℃. This process is followed by cooling downthe finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber.

Once thebricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and deliveredto their final destination, be it a building site or storage.

雅思官方范文 第6篇

With the development of the society,people pay more concern on whether choose a high-paying job with long hours or a low-paying job with short are different opinions on it,and the to more and more conspicuous.

Every coin has two two choices have their own advantages and disadvantages,but I support that a high-paying job with long hours is of the reasons is that I am a workaholic,a high-paying job with long hours can afford more opportunities to make great progress to challenge myself,and the success will satisfy my sense of achievement to a great what I want to emphasize is that this is an economic society which requires me to see the reality high-paying job means a high position in the society,so I can get more respect and admiration from should also take on the responsibility of providing a better life for my family,such as a big house,a private car,plenty of food,beautiful clothes,the best education and medical treatments and so ’s more,in the long run,with a high paying-job,I’ll save up much money for the life in the future,in other words,even though I retire in old age,I can still give my family an easy but not least,we are young now,if we don’t work hard,what do we live for when we get old in the future?

In short,when we are young and strong,working hard is the best up!Come on!




雅思官方范文 第7篇














what extent do you agree or disagree































雅思官方范文 第8篇

Living close to the outdoors is fun,especially for city people who go camping want to be entirely on their want to fish or to want to hike,ride horseback,swim,or go question of where to go is the first good rule about clothing is that it should be comfortable and not easily should be the kinds that will not spoil

good camper always carries a compass and no camper should be without a first-aid new inventions make camping are boats that are very light in weight.

There are tents that can be opened up like umbrellas,mattresses that can be blown up like balloons,and sleeping bags that make blankets unnecessary.




雅思官方范文 第9篇


1、All that is beautiful poems and passages of life things do not change;we your clothes and keep your thoughts.


2、Don’t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.


3、I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.


4、Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.


5、Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.


6、Power said to the world, “You are mine.” The world kept it prisoner on her throne. Love said to the world, “I am thine.” The world gave it the freedom of her house.


7、Remember: Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.


8、The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty.


9、The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.


10、These are times of finer houses,but more broken homes;


11、think it over...


12、we have much more food,but less nutrition;


13、we have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values;


14、we reached the moon and came back,but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors;


雅思官方范文 第10篇

IELTS Essay: Family History

In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families. Why? Is this trend a positive or negative development?

Example writing:

What you can discover about the roots of your family is not likely to make headlines, but may be crucial in building a family tree that can be both interesting and surprising. Trying to search a family history is a positive attitude toward something that you learn from and grow from it. Good or bad, one thing is sure: you cannot erase the past.

Some people are actually not interested to know their family roots. The thought of finding out how they end up where they are at the moment simply does not intrigue them enough. They think it is useless to get whatever information leading to who were they related to--great, great grand-parents, and great, great grand uncles and aunties. Hence, it seems that embarking on a project to create a family tree is not unlike digging the graves of the once-upon-a-time family members. Besides, they are convinced that there is nothing exciting or worthwhile about any serious research on family histories. This point of view is somehow understandable, considering the effort might turn out to be futile going through much trouble in vain to gather details about folks in ancient blood line long since buried and gone.

雅思官方范文 第11篇

雅思大作文:life in a 'thrown-away' society

雅思大作文题目:Nowadays people are living in a 'thrown-away' society where they use things for a short time and then throwaway. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


The life span of items has been shortened ever since the great expansion of social economies, which results in their clear-cut destiny of being thrown away over a limited period after production. The major reasons of this lies in the development of manufacture industry and the consequent and indulged consuming habits of users, thus leading to some issues on environment, economy and citizens.

The formation of fast consuming culture depends on three main factors. The prime and fundamental one to blame is the great progress of technologies on goods production, which hence bring massive amounts of goods with more affordable prices. Moreover, the commodity producers have accustomed to minimize the life cycle of products and sell more by making improvements and generating new versions way more attractive to buyers. Lastly,no one including the government at first has encouraged or promoted thrift f or the public or at school, and all parties were enjoying the boost of economy instead.

The problems are obvious according to present global context. Environmental pollution, as the most apparent one, is now taking its toll by using land fill garbage to poison water sources, utilizing remains of fertilizers to contaminate the soil and feeding plastic waste to kill wild animals. As well as that, it cost a fortune to deal better with the disposals and the young who have adopted consumerism are suffering from peer comparisons and heavy debt.

To sum up, it seems to be infeasible to embrace people's previous consuming habits for the sake of life standard and economy. It is reasonable to fear a worse situation in the near future.

雅思大作文:a free flow of labor force mainly results from policies

雅思大作文题目:The young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or career every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In my country, people used to be constrained to a single workplace for a lifelong time by social security or welfare system. However, this is no longer the case nowadays and people are free to choose their occupation. To pursue a better career or eliminate a bottleneck, rather than secure a stable income, young people usually opt to change their job. In addition, graduates with little working experience have not developed a clear perspective of their life career. It is reasonable for them to be exposed to various workplaces, orienting to the society and trying to find out their strengths and interests.

This mobility of work force has exerted positive influence on both employees and employers. They are allowed to freely make their selection in the employment market based on their specific needs. As a consequence, they are more likely to be matched appropriately and both get satisfied. Meanwhile the workplaces are infused with more vitality and innovation. In addition, job hoppers tend to obtain diverse working experience, hence developing a high ability of adaptation to a new environment.

However, there are surely risks when young people change their job too frequently. In that case, their loyalty can be questioned. What’s worse, they are not able to settle down until their 30s or 40s, which usually leads to a postponed marriage and childbirth. In some cases, changing job means changing their residential places, and this instability can influence their family members negatively. On top of the family relationship, their social relation network can also be impaired.

To sum up, a free flow of labor force mainly results from policies which intend to encourage a more lively employment. Hopping job in moderate frequency is helpful for young people to adapt to the society and recognize their personal aptitudes and ambitions in professional development. But too much hopping would be harmful to theirsuccess.

雅思大作文: nursing homes in modern society

雅思大作文题目:Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your ownknowledge or experience.


Decades of low birth rate indeveloped countries have caused a greater proportion of senior population and thus the working-age population has more obvious stress in coping with daily job and taking care of old retired parents at the same time. Therefore, more senior citizens have turned to nursing homes and it is believed to be reasonable and feasible despite certain apparent drawbacks.

Professional nursing institutions benefit different parties. For their customers, peer-to-peer contact of similar age helps psychological and mental well-being as they share similar social background in which topics of common interests are frequently spoken of andactivities suitable for the aged can be organized because of the easy access to partners. In addition, they can enjoy professional daily care on hygiene and medicine, guaranteeing the physical health and hence prolonging life span. Another two parties benefited indirectly are their adult children and the business market, the former can focus more on their own life and work and the latter need not worry about the employees’ attendance and stability.

However, the retired person may still suffer from two conditions, the aloof offspring and the short of money. To be precise, the elderly may face the risk that the family may never orscarcely pay a visit and it is a cruel and pathetic situation which happens indeed as the cases stand. It is more pitiful that all the retired are not pensioners in some countries, which means they either choose to live independently, which gets harder in the aging process, or to ask for the provision from descendants when others not.

To sum up, nursing homes in modern society is a feasible and inevitable approach and it generally has greater advantages. However, some suggestions like a better pension system and strict regulations on these organizations can be taken to ensure the happiness in everyone’s later life

雅思大作文:children should begin formal learning at school

雅思大作文范文:Some people think children should begin formal learning at school as young as possible. However, others feel children should not study at school until at least seven years old. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Controversy arises as for when children are supposed to embark upon their formal study. I hold the view that earlier exposure to study is an asset for children, even though some minor drawbacks may occur.

Some people advocate the early learning time because this practice could make full play of children’s potential and their intrinsic characters. In their earlier childhood, children tend to be more curious about the world around them and they are more willing to try brand-new things. Motivated by this inherent feature, children are more likely to show interest in school subjects and feel less frustrated and daunted when they encounter some problems and challenges. With due guidance and inspiration from teachers, children may be even cultivated with passion and perseverance, which can provide relentless incentive in the long run.

The opponents, however, deem it unnecessary for children to commence study before they are aged 7 years old. Children are too young to be put under the academic stress and peer competition, mainly because they are not mentally strong and not capable of releasing study-induced stress in a moderate way. The ever-increasing study load also increases the likelihood of less outdoor exercise and contact with nature, which make children less physically strong and even suffer from poor eyesight and some diseases.

Personally, I believe it is sensible for children to start their study earlier. Schools are places where not only knowledge is taught, but also the first spot where students can learn social rules and cultivate their interpersonal communication skills. Children are required to obey school rules, such as being punctual for the class and respecting their classmates and teachers. This can help them to behave in a socially acceptable way and take others into consideration when necessary. In schools, children will also participate in activities, which means they need to listen to their peers and express their own ideas, a practice which will nurture and facilitate their communication abilities.

雅思官方范文 第12篇


1 随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development of economy

2 提高人民的生活水平improve people’s living standard

3 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4 面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5 人们普遍认为 it is commonly believed/ recognized that …

6 社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7 引起了广泛的公共关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8 不可否认 it is undeniable that…/ there is no denying that

9 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

11 完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12 一些人….而另一些人… some people … while others …

13 就我而言/ 就个人而言 as far as I am concerned/ personally

14 就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on …

15 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16 双方的论点 argument on both sides

17 发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in

18 对…必不可少 be indispensable to

19 正如言语所说 as the proverb goes

20 … 也不例外 …. be no exception

21 对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on …

22 利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages

23 导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24 复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25 责任感/成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28 学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29 经济/ 心理负担 financial burden/ psychological burden

30 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31 从另一个角度 from another perspective

32 做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33 对… 有益 be beneficial/ conductive to ….

34 为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35 打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for ….

36 综合素质 comprehensive quality

37 无可非议 blameless/ beyond reproach

38 无法想象 beyond imagination/ unimaginable

39 致力于/ 投身于 be committed/ devoted to ….

40 应当承认 admittedly

41 不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42 满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of ….

43 可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

44 宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

雅思官方范文 第13篇

Money is regarded by some people as the most important thing in those people,a man with plenty of money can live in their eyes,money is the main goal oftheir life.

But money cannot buy instance,no matter how much money one has,he cannot buy good health,which is essential to a good can it buy happiness or money is useful in many ways,there are still a lot of things in the world that can not be bought with money.

There are people who obtain money by gamnbling,cheating or other dishonest or later,they will be punished by the will bring them nothing but when money is obtained through working can it make people really happy.




雅思官方范文 第14篇



母题:As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? (061028)




母题:Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. What do you concern about? Discuss both views and give your opinion. (100417)



雅思官方范文 第15篇

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live with huge houses and cars.

Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.

雅思官方范文 第16篇

After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly。

I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business

administration. Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion。

My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. As he said: I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of

generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College。

I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test. Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography。

雅思官方范文 第17篇

坚持就是胜利 这是一个整体的复习计划,适合还有一个到一个半月就要考试的学生,不过还是我上课说的那句话,贵在坚持,雅思其实是一个自我挑战的过程,计划如下(每天的练习时间可自行调整,但听力早上必须要有练习,听力我只推荐剑桥,只做2-3遍是不到位的,每一篇都做到5遍做到精才行):


周一:早上9点准时开始考试,切记当成真正的考试,手机电脑统统关掉,不要受到干扰,开始做一套剑桥的听力,阅读和写作连作,和真正考试一样,注意在开始做阅读时,时间要定位50分钟,要比考试时短.早上的训练是为了找考试的感觉和训练做题的思路和技巧,做完后可以休息,但不要对听力和阅读的答案. 千万别对.


晚上,吃完晚饭休息一会,建议9点左右开始,进入很多人都有感觉的兴奋期,用一天中最兴奋的时间,狂练口语,建议买一本口语话题素材的书如:王陆出的妙语连珠,是目前话题准备较全的一本书,先每天按话题,把一些常用的词和句子读熟,读到听到类似话题可以轻松使用. 然后睡觉,一天紧张的工作可以结束,建议11点睡觉,熬太晚不代表效果好.






雅思官方范文 第18篇

It is noticeable that multinational cooperation has become increasingly common, and it makes contribution to global integration instead of international isolation. Some people claim that the primary merit of international cooperation is protecting the environment while others argue that the major strength is promoting worldwide business. Before present my position, the essay aims to critically discuss both views.

It is no doubt that environmental protection needs the global efforts. In order to find an effective solution to pollution, governments from all over the world have to make stricter laws and regulations on the emission of polluted substances. Furthermore, international cooperation makes it possible for scientists to launch research seminars to exchange their diverse and innovative ideas, from which they may gain the inspiration to design more clean energy like wind and solar energy and address environmental problems.

International integration plays an indispensable role in developing prosperous business, which support the other side’s opinion. On the one hand, with the help of advanced technology and professional skills offered by developed nations, developing countries become capable of harnessing adequate resources and achieving the goal of maximizing business profits as soon as possible. On the other hand, more employment opportunities are created on the products-supply sides and a better quality of life is shared by skill-receiving ends. Admittedly, without economic collaboration on such a massive scale, a huge number of countries would be likely to be embroiled in starvation except for the few blessed with fertile lands and wise governmental leadership.

Judging from the detailed analysis on both sides, I think both aspects are extremely significant during the process of propelling global progress. However, it is high time that multinational collaboration paid more attention to environmental issues to catch up with the pace of global business development.


New parents should attend a parenting course to learn how to bring up their children well, do you agree or disagree?

雅思官方范文 第19篇

Animals were friends or foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because subjecting animals to experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit.

Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages or poor veterinary is inhumane .It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live rodents, primates and other lab mammals can be gruesome and chilling. They may, in some cases, even constitute sheer torture of live animals.

However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence is mounting that animal experimentation is still largely a necessary evil and there is no practical alternative for it at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effectual than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only viable alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces valuable outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies.

To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance , I think that we should allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time use techniques such as analgesic, anesthetic and tranquilizing drugs to minimize the pain inflicted upon the test animal and augment the general welfare of these animals.

雅思官方范文 第20篇

Random Thoughts on the Window


By Qian Zhongshu


It is spring again and the window can be left open as often as one would like. As spring comes in through the windows, so people -- unable to bear staying inside any longer -- go outdoors.


The spring outside, however, is much too cheap, for the sun shines on everything, and so does not seem as bright as that which shoots into the darkness of the house. Outside the sun-sloshed breeze blows everywhere, but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house.


Even the chirping of the birds sounds so thin and broken that the quietness of the house is needed to set it off. It seems that spring was always meant to be put behind a windowpane for show, just like a picture in a frame.


At the same time it also becomes clear that the door has a different significance from the window. Of course, doors were made for people to pass through; but a window can also sometimes serve as an entrance or as an exit, and is used as such by thieves and by lovers in novels.


In fact the fundamental difference between a door and a window has nothing to do with them being either entrances or exits. When it comes to the admiration of spring, it could be put this way: a door makes it possible for one to go out, whereas a window makes it possible for one not to have to.


A window helps to pull down the partition between man and nature. It leads breezes and sunlight in, and keeps part of the spring in the house. It allows one to sit and enjoy the spring in peace, and makes it unnecessary to go looking for it outside.

雅思官方范文 第21篇

农历五月初五的端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)是个盛大的节日。它的另一名称——“重五节”就来源于这个日期。这个节日根据一个广为流传的故事,演变为纪念战国时期(the Warring States Period)楚国伟大爱国诗人屈原的日子。如果事实果真如此,那么端午节已经有大约2500年的.存史了。端午节最盛行的活动是赛龙舟和吃粽子(rice dumpling)。自2008年以来,端午节在中国巳不仅仅是一个传统节日,还是公共假期。


The Dragon Boat Festival is a grand festival celebrated on the 5th day of 5th month of the Chinese lunar is the source of the alternative name of Double Fifth to a widely stated story,the festival developed to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan of Chu State in Warring States that is true,Dragon Boat Festival has a history of about 2,500 most popular activities of Dragon Boat festival are racing dragon boats and eating rice 2008,Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated not only as a festival but also a public holiday in China.

雅思官方范文 第22篇


In this world,I would like to thank my family,because they have me.


My family has done so much work and sweat for want to tell my mother that you are working hard!Every time I sing the song only mom is good in the world,no moms children are like grass,throw into moms arms,happiness cant be enjoyed,I think of how hard it is for mom and dad to raise us,but I got so poor in this exam,which is sorry for that Ive grown up,Im no longer the kid I used to I can help you share some can have a rest and not be so tired.


Ah!Mom and Dad,you gave love to me and my hope we can grow will never let you will get a good result in the future and win honor for you.

雅思官方范文 第23篇

Whether we like it or not, advertisement has been pouring into our daily life. They are so powerful that some people believe that it is not the needs of people but the power advertisement that makes commodities popular. Personally I don’t agree with this opinion.

First, let’s make clear what the real needs of people are. Real needs can be divided into two categories: the material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. People tend to regard material satisfaction as real needs and spiritual satisfaction as waste of money and time. This is not true. Some commodities may not be useful but they can give the owner a kind of satisfaction.

Second, let’s make clear the reason why advertisement is powerful. The key principle of advertisers is to grasp the needs of consumers, then pass the potential consumers the information that their commodities can meet your need. Advertisers can promote the needs of people, exploit the needs or even produce the needs of people. But whatever they do, it will be based on the needs of people.

But there are some advertisements that exaggerate the functions of the commodities to tell the wrong information to consumers. They make the commodities popular by cheating the majority of consumers. And also there are some commodities that do harm to the health of consumers and to the society. For example, smoking is poisonous, but the advertisements try to make a heroic image of the smokers, as the result smoking is popular among young men who are dreaming to become heroes in women’s eyes. But such advertisements are minorities.

In summary, advertisements bring us convenience to choose the commodities that can meet our needs. Most of the commodities are popular due to their usefulness, only some of them are due to the influence of advertisement.(298 words)

Some people believe that it is beneficial for children to spend time on TV, video and PC games, while some hold the opposite view. Talk about these two views and give your own opinion.

When it comes to whether children shall spend their spare time watching TV, video and playing PC games, people’s opinions diverse greatly. Some say it is basically a waste of children’s time, while others argue that children can benefit a lot from such activities.

It is firmly maintained by many parents and teachers that children’s main purpose is to pursue outstanding academic achievements at school. To beat their competitors, they must make the best use of every precious minute. Therefore, they can not afford to indulge themselves before the “idiot box” as TV or in playing the senseless virtual games. Moreover, watching TV and playing PC games are addictive for many poorly-disciplined children, consuming their interest in study and eroding their academic aspirations.

However, many other people hold different views, arguing that if properly guided and supervised, children can expand vision and knowledge as well as foster their creativity from those fun activities. There are many educational programs on TV such as Discovery which feed children extensive knowledge in science and arts. By sparking children’s interest and imagination in various topics, these programs are often more enlightening than textbooks. Furthermore, when playing PC games, children can foster a stronger sense of cooperation as well as competition, and sharpening their mind against possible risks in the real world. Last but not least, watching cartoons and science fiction movies definitely stimulates children’s imagination and creativity. Many youngsters have been inspired to come up with novel inventions of become engineering elites in later life exactly with the inspirations from those sources.

From the above discussion, it is evident that if children can balance their study and fun time properly, watching TV, video programs and playing PC games will unquestionably bring them more benefits than harm. After all, books are not the only source of useful knowledge; in order to grow healthily in modern times, children need to accumulate knowledge and skills from various channels, and suitable time for relaxation and inspiration is surely more welcome than not.

Nowadays many students have the opportunity to study for part or all of their courses in foreign countries. While studying abroad brings many benefits to individual students, it also has a number of disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of students choosing to study abroad. This is partly because people are more affluent and party due to the variety of grants and scholarships which are available for overseas students nowadays. Although foreign study is not something which every student would choose, it is an attractive option for many people.

Studying overseas has a number of advantages. Firstly, it may give students access to knowledge and facilities such as laboratories and libraries which are not available in their home country. Furthermore, by looking abroad students may find a wider range of courses than those offered in their country’s universities, and therefore one which fits more closely to their particular requirements.

On the other hand, studying abroad has a number of drawbacks. These may be divided into personal and professional. Firstly, students have to leave their family and friends for a long period. Furthermore, studying abroad is almost always more expensive than studying at one’s local university. Finally, students often have to study in a foreign language, which may limit their performance and mean they do not attain their true level.

In my opinion, however, the disadvantages of studying abroad are usually temporary in nature. Students who study abroad generally become proficient in the language quite soon and they are only away from their family and friends for a year or two. Furthermore, many of the benefits last students all their lives and make them highly desirable to prospective employers.

剑桥雅思真题4大作文,剑桥雅思4test1写作大作文范文实际上,大作文范文的范文是最有价值的,但是它的写作风格却往往与其原本的写作风格有关系。下面,就为大家介绍一下剑桥雅思写作高分范文的高分范文!(1)simontask2中,一般有四类作文,分别是:taughtstask2、task1、task2、task5。这三类题的难度比较高,主要在于:task2、task3。其中,task1和task2都是对考生基本的英语水平进行考察。雅思考试的评分标准是四个单项分别30分、四项平均分,而task3则是对考生的英语运用能力进行评分。所以,在考试的过程中,考官会给出一个你对英语作文的理解,而不是只是简单的“ 四级词汇” 。

Air travel combined with early retirement and people with money to spend has meant that more and more people can travel the world. Some countries, especially those with famous historical sights and beautiful natural scenery try to attract this large market. While there are some problems that can be caused with all this travel, generally it is a positive thing.

Firstly, consider that all these tourists mean money that governments are eager to tap into. For many countries, tourism is a big part of GDP and without it their economies would suffer. Foreign tourists bring important dollars to the service industry and lots of small shops and vendors.

Secondly, by encouraging tourism governments are promoting their cities and countries. In my country, China, for example, increased tourism and hosting the Olympics has changed people’s perception of our country. At the same time, tourism allows local people to gain exposure to people from other countries, which is also a good thing.

Of course it’s not always a perfect picture. Not all tourists have a good attitude and manners. And in some cases they may even have a negative influence on the local population. But these situations are not so common, and embassies can create tough guidelines for getting a visa. This seems like a reasonable compromise.

To conclude, international travel is a great thing, but it is a privilege that should not be abused. Governments should encourage it, but also put in place measures to keep dangerous people away. This will result in a win-win situation for everyone.

要求:With the fast pace of globalization, the whole world has become a global village with combination of different cultures. What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and cultures? Think of some solution to alleviate the problem.

范文 :

The progression of globalization is inevitable and undeniable. It has been widely noted that many of the world's languages and cultures are dying out. To seek the solution, we should take a closer look at the causes first.

Most important of all is the objective reason. The essence of globalization is commercialization and centralization. It is convenient in communication that some prevalent languages and cultures have its predominance, which makes superior of the senior and inferiority of the junior. That leads to deterioration of some minors. These languages and cultures will be overlooked and devalued until they completely die out.

As concave and convex sides of a nutshell, it has subjective reason. With the burgeoning of some VIPs, many migrants have swarmed into the dreamlands due to economic drive and stimulation, meanwhile engaged in local culture perspective and discarding their native languages and cultures as a 'betrayal'.

Hence this is a problem which must be solved as soon as possible. We should remind the world of versatility of the minor cultures through popular media such as music, artifacts or historical heritage, thus renovating the music festivals artistic activities and museums. In addition, let more people, especially the young men, use their own language.

Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing. We make the purpose, to prevent losing world's cultural and linguistic diversity. _This way a long, tapering, strip of bark can be peeled up to the length of the tree, leaving the tree to heal and continue to grow,_ says the United Nations Environment Programme Report.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.

雅思官方范文 第24篇

When you are old and gray and full of sleep,


And nodding by the fire, take down this book,


And slowly read, and dream of the soft look


Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;


How many loved your moments of glad grace,


And loved your beauty with love false or true;


But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,


And loved the sorrows of your changing face;


And bending down beside the glowing bars,


Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled.


And paced upon the mountains overhead,


And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.


雅思官方范文 第25篇

【雅思官方指南】干了这碗雅思鸡汤 滚去狂背高分词汇

学英语的经历对我来说,在人生的头都不甚愉快,为了高考每天苦哈哈地早八点晚八点埋头在试卷堆里,研究完形填空、背作文模板,一提笔就是“Itis well-known to us that……”,担忧今天的英语听写是不是又错了漏了,临睡前才想起这个单元的3A还没背熟,错题本上有一个个被老师以“固定搭配”支支吾吾混过去的选择题。






英语思维和语言背后的文化渊源,都是值得玩味的地方。一门语言存在的目的为了交流,为了指导行动。而英语的学习是为了能顺畅的看原文书,与人沟通,在英语世界自由行走和生活,英语是件终该回归日常的事。自然而然的英语表达是最高境界。每天都做听力练习,不一定是要对着题目,听一段BBC播报或英文原著的广播书,让自己浸润在英语环境下,熟悉这个语言的节奏,培养语感。阅读也是,看剑桥的原文无疑是最便捷的,它涉及到的知识种类很多,自然、科技、人文、艺术、体育、生活......,爱尔兰的陶艺历史,日本的建筑美学,亚马逊珍稀的鸟品......,英语是获取信息的工具,对这门语言的熟悉可以在阅读中领略对词汇的个体化理解,诗人济慈的那句“tender is the night”,言语间细微的韵致一定要在原生的语言中体会,不论译本多么成功,语言美是件个人的事。

听力和阅读是输入信息的话,我们需要在整合、消化、吸收后形成自己的东西,写作和口语表达就是我们输出的内容,把自己所学所想呈现给这个世界。欧美人比起含蓄的东方人更善于表达自己的情感,尤其是赞美与鼓励,当别人说“you look beautiful today”的时候,微笑的回答“thanks!”





The view that TV can bring us more advantages has shown itself to be true throughout these years. This is not to say that televisions are not of disadvantages for human being, in fact, they have caused a lot of trouble. But it has been proven that TV is now playing a very important part in our li123 For instance, it can keep us in formed about current events, instructive and entertaining.

From the TV shows, we can follow the late developments in science and politics. A lot of television programs introduce people to things they have never thought of before and never heard of before. Also, it can provide life broadcast of the important sport matches, allow us to know the newest result of football leagues in every country. As a result, people all over the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other. The most distant countries and strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting room.

TV provides enormous possibilities fro education like school programs via closed-circuit television. TV provides special broadcasts for those in TV university, or open university. It also offers specialized subjects like language teaching, sewing, cooking, painting, cosmetics, etc.

TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. On watching the varied relaxed programs, people can release themselves, so that that can continue with the new work mettlesomely.

In summary, Although TV does many benefits for people nowadays, don’t waste so much time on it, and select the ones which can do you a favour.

It is generally agreed that TV can benefit its audience. This is not to say that watching TV programs is of no disadvantages for us; in fact, TV programs have caused a lot of troubles to us. But there is no doubt that TV is playing an increasingly important role in our li123 For instance, TV can keep us informed, can be instructive, and can be entertaining.

TV exists to inform its audience. A lot of TV programs expose us to the things that we have never thought of or heard of. For example, by watching TV, we can follow the latest developments in science, politics, and sports. The news broadcasted by BBC, the world largest broadcasting company, informs us of the latest technical breakthroughs and the current political affairs; TV provides live broadcasts of important matches, allowing us to know the newest results of football leagues in every country. By watching TV, people across the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other, and the most distant countries and strangest customs are brought right into one’s living room.

In addition to its informing effect, TV can also be instructive. This is especially true in view of the enormous educational opportunities TV provides. Via closed-circuit televisions, or through public televisions, TV provides special broadcasts of educational programs such as language teaching, sewing, cooking, painting, and cosmetics for those who are interested. The educational function of TV is one of the factors that make it increasingly popular.

TV is not only informing and instructive but also entertaining. Undoubtedly, TV is the most appropriate source by which we are looking for entertainments. If one is a music fun, he or she can stay at home and watch a lot of free musical performances on TV; if one is interested in celebrities, he or she can watch the late-night shows on TV and have a “visual dating” with his or her idols. The entertaining effect of TV is another factor that adds to its popularity.

The informing, instructive, and entertaining effects of TV make this broadcasting means increasingly popular. But, for your good, don’t fall in love with TV as watching it can often be a waste of time.


With our entrance to 21st century, there rises the controversy of whether our future would turn to the bright one. Many people claim that 21st century would be taken into a positive way through scientific and technological advance while a great number of pessimists argue that our future is threat123d by lots of ongoing disasters. As for me, I prefer a balanced view that there will be crisis and opportunities.

On one hand, we have reasons to be optimistic. For one thing, the development of information technology will make it possible to for all the people in the world to communicate with each other easily. Take the internet as an example. A simple click on the mouse could lead you to every place and person all over the world. For another, as the medical treatment develops, it could be expected that there will be cure for such deadly diseases as cancer and _ and that human beings would be able to enjoy a long life expectancy. Moreover, with the ongoing mechanization, an increasing amount of dangerous and heavy-labor work would tend to be taken by the robot. In this case, man can work in more safe and comfortable conditions, as well as enjoy more leisure time.

On the other hand, it can be foreseen that there may be crises in the future. First, people will run high risk of psychological problems for dealing with computers in long-term is likely to cause the loneliness and infantile autism. Consequently the rate of suicide would experience a sharp rise. Besides, there is possibility that the robot would take over the earth, enslaving our mankind who is originally its creator. Furthermore, it is not impossible that a global nuclear war would break out. As a result, none of all creatures on the earth can escape this disaster so that from then on the civil history comes to an end.

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that we would confront both opportunities and crises. The advanced science and technology could obtain merit and drawback. So what I hope to see in the future is that we can enjoy healthier and longer life and that more and more science and technology will be employed in the peaceful way.





Intelligent machines such as robots are increasingly being used. They can do many things that used to be done by human. Discuss the benefits and dangers.

For centuries, people have fantasized that someday machines could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to rapid development in artificial intelligence research. Wonderful as this seems, machines have problems.

To begin with, people lose jobs when machines take their places, especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business. In factories of the famous car company Ford, almost every step of car making is done by giant robots that work faster with higher reliability and precision than human labor. Because of the adoption of robots, thousands of workers are put out of their old jobs and forced to make changes in their work. Even such changes create job opportunities because robots need people to take care of and operate, the number of new jobs is much smaller than that of lost, thus causing huge pressure on the labor market and government.

People become less smart because of the wide use of machines in their life. Nowadays people need to use their brain less than they did in the past. Everything is programmed and the only thing we need to do is to push a button or throw on a switch. This has given us great convenience but made us lazier and less smart. Everyone has the awkward moment troubling with the spelling of a simple word when writing with a pen. But with a computer, it will automatically proofread the spelling and grammar of your writing. So people become less concerned with learning things right. This is not a progress but a regress of our intelligence and culture.

But machines have many benefits that nobody can deny such as great work efficiency and low cost of mass production. The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes. We have more purchasing power to enjoy a wider variety of goods and services because of the reduction of production costs with factories using machines. Other benefits include that machines could do dangerous jobs for people in high risk businesses like mining and construction.

To conclude, machines have many merits that make our life easier and more convenient, but they have caused many problems such as undercutting our job opportunities and overdependence on machines.

雅思官方范文 第26篇

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to inform you that I wish to movesintosa new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.

I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my room-mate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me. In these circumstances. I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments.

I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to molesintosa room of my own,swheresI will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.

Yours sincerely.

雅思官方范文 第27篇

1. ambitious 雄心壮志的、野心勃勃的

2. adaptability 适应性

3. adapt oneself to …使自己适应…

4. prosperity 繁荣

5. be disadvantageous to …对…不利

6. flow of personnel 人才流动

7. mechanism of personnel flow 人才流动机制

8. survival of the fittest 适者生存

9. a sense of accomplishment 成就感

10. potentiality 潜能

11. learn to cooperate and comprise 学习合作和妥协

12. be deeply impressed with …对…印象很深

13. company philosophy 企业文化

14. flexibility 灵活性

15. competitive 竞争激烈的

16. arena 舞台

17. team-work spirit 团队合作精神

18. treasure opportunity 珍惜机会

19. a fat salary 收入颇丰

20. a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系

21. a sense of responsibility 责任感

22. material gains 物质待遇

23. promising future 光明的前途

24. bright prospect 光明的前景

25. a challenging job 一份具有挑战性的工作

26. turning point 转折点

27. be closely related to …与…息息相关

28. get advanced in the society 出人头地

29. a decent job 一份体面的工作

30. chance of promotion 升迁机会

31. stability and satisfaction 稳定感和满足感

32. keep skills fresh and up-to-date 使技能可以不断更新

33. expand one's horizon 开阔视野


雅思官方范文 第28篇

Third, education makes an individual adapted to the society. Being innocent and naive,young people always find it hard to immerge into the complicated environment, and feelfrustrated. Through education like communication skills, students may know the essence ofgetting on with other people. This kind of education influences our personality and viewseveryone as a whole individual in the big family of society.

Above all, knowledge, emotion, and personality form the most important part of the contentof education. The aim of education is to teach a per son become a completely developedindividual.


Nowadays we are producing more andmore rubbish. Why do you think this ishappening? What can governments do to helpreduce the amount of rubbish produced?

I think it is true that in almost every countrytoday each household and family produces a largeamount of waste every week. Most of this rubbishcomes from the packaging from the things we buy,such as processed food. But even if we buy freshfood without packaging, we still produce rubbishfrom the plastic bags used everywhere to carryshopping home.

The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a dailybasis than families did in the past. Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buypackaged or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored until we needit, first in the supermarket, and then at home.

However, the amount of waste produced is also a result of our tendency to use somethingonce and throw it away. We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuableresources and energy to produce. We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficultto dispose of.

I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general can be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to take can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags,by providing recycling services and by fining households and shops that do not attempt torecycle their waste.

With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish weproduce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned bywaste.

雅思官方范文 第29篇

I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child,regardless of what they are using the computer for.

However,the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather player is usually the ‘hero’ of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others.

Even when children use a computer for other purposes,such as getting information or emailing friends,it is no substitute for human time with other children and sharing nonvirtual experiences is an important part of a childs development that cannot be provided by a computer.

In spite of this,the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.

I think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overuse must ensure that their children learn to enjoy other kinds of activity and not simply sit at home,learning to live in a virtual world.








