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2016雅思作文真题范文 第1篇

In history,the American philosopher and writer Thoreau proclaimed the importance of self-reliance,because being independent,in his perspective,is an essence of integrated centuries passing by,the social setting and background have changed but it seems that Thoreau would be disappointed if he found that we are more inextricable close each other.

Some people advocate that we less rely on each other than we did in the reason responsible for this is the disintegration of conventional families in most countries in the the past,family members lived under the same roof and they were bound up with some traditional family values such as filial piety and means they would care about each other and sometimes showing unnecessary courtesies is also highly shift in family structure has made the conventional big families into nuclear families,which are made up of two parents and children with much simpler relationship.

Another group of people argue that the social members are more closely associated with each are faced with more complicated and daunting work than before for the reason that our society has developed in a full ever-challenging task can hardly be soundly handled with the individual capability,which means that cooperation will play a pivotal role in whether the task can be this way,individuals are inevitably connected to each other.

Personally,I believe that the connection between individual is technology facilities the communication from the global level and we have more chance to build relations with people from all walks of soaring cost of living also makes it hard to live totally on one's own,and dependence on each other is a sensible way for this dilemma.

2016雅思作文真题范文 第2篇

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes.

What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more auspicious of their benefits?

2016雅思作文真题范文 第3篇

When it comes to the issue about how independent people are in the contemporary society, some people may argue that people begin to live on their own instead of relying on others, but others believe that individuals are still related to each other tightly.

On one hand, individuals are encouraged to express their ideas and feelings currently, which contributes to their independence to some degree. It is acknowledged that creativity is focused on in modern society and it actually means that one needs to challenge the authority with new ideas. Through such a process, people actually could establish confidence gradually, and critical thinking has become a necessity for the public, allowing the public to be more independent.

On the other hand, division of labor strengthens the relationship among people. It is common that, in current enterprises, employees do have their specific tasks and they need to cooperate with each other. Also, on the global scale, countries are related to each other due to globalization. The direct consequence is that employees cannot accomplish a task independently without peers’ assistance; similarly, a country may not develop its economy if it is isolated from other countries.

From my own perspective, these two phenomena do not necessarily contradict each other, and they could be observed simultaneously. Taking living individually as an example, people could live a comfortable life even if they are separate from society. For instance, one could order food, domestic service and other service through the Internet, and then they do not need to rely on their relatives any more. However, living alone does not mean that one is totally detached from society. It may not challenging for some introverted people, like Otaku in Japanese, to stay at home for even a month without going out, but it may be difficult for them to have no access to social websites for a single day. The popularity of social platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, actually enables users to communicate with each other online, which actually reflects that people may live an independent life on the surface, but their social ties are maintained and even stronger.

2016雅思作文真题范文 第4篇

Task:Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology is now replacing their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

The advent of computer technology has shaped the landscape of many traditional industries,among which the public library is the one that has been unprecedentedly the concern and worry for fading dominance of library is not unwarranted,I still believe the maintenance of public libraries is necessary.

Libraries, though not so easily accessible as the digital books backed by the computer technology,can create an atmosphere which can sooth readers and then make them more concentrate on reading and piles of books,ranging from literature ones such as novels,poems and proses to the non-literature counterparts such as encyclopedias, history books and so on will give readers a sense of solemn and they are likely to treat reading as a holy baptism stimulating their cognitive development. In comparison,when readers get some information by e-books,they may regard it as a spiritual fast food,thereby absorbing little but to idle away time.

Another point for continue to run public libraries is that the functions of libraries is not restricted to do some readings; instead,it is now a multi-functional complex in which the visitors can attend an academic lecture,exchange opinions on some issues with participants in some seminars or receive some professional training and experience can hardly be obtained through some e-books or online courses,which may mainly focus on the presentation of knowledge itself rather than the communication of those who are engaged in it.

Of course,cost of the maintenance of public libraries is one point that undermines the predominance of the virtual digital world , cost can be reduced because of less spending on personnel and premises,making the price of some e-books more access to abundant resources is also magnetic to some readers,especially who need to keep pace with the latest information.

In conclusion,public libraries still our attention and effort to maintain its operation,in spite of the rising importance of digital libraries.

(309 words)



